Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 744 Holy Sword, God of War, Haste, Berserker, Beyond Horizon, Beastmaster, Son of Earth&#039

In the end, the result of divine protection made Zhou Yuan quite satisfied!

What Chi Tong obtained was the protection of the holy sword!

Holy Sword Protection and Sword Saint Protection, judging from the names, they are just different positions before and after the two words.

But in reality, the difference is huge!

The protection of the Sword Saint, which is given to the protected person, is about the terrifying talent of the sword.

It is very easy for the protected person to master any method of using swords and sword skills, and in a short period of time, new sword skills can be derived from the old and new sword skills can be deduced, and the sword skills can be cultivated to an extremely advanced level.

And the protection of the holy sword, what is given to the protected person is a kind of secondary protection!

Any sword used by the protected person, whether it is a thin sword, a broad sword, or a big sword, or even a sword called a sword, in fact, is similar to a weapon in the shape of a sword, will be protected as having various terrifying characteristics. , sword skills, and even the holy sword of the "Four Twenty" divine power!

But whether it is the protection of the sword saint or the protection of the holy sword, the combat power of the protected person will be terribly improved in a short period of time!

One month!

It only takes one month!

In the world of One Piece, Chi Tong, who has been liberated to Tier 6, will completely surpass the peak of Tier 6 and become a master of Tier 7, with combat power that can compete with Esdes!

Strong burst!

Like Chi Tong, he chose Hill, who had no attribute divine protection, and obtained haste protection.

In the world of One Piece, whether it is Anilu with the Thunder Fruit or the Kiabou with the Sparkling Fruit, their theoretical maximum speed is the speed of light, which is far from what Hill, who has received rapid protection, can compare.

But their maximum speed is an uncontrollable speed.

When they were doing this kind of ultra-high-speed movement, one moment in their minds, they thought of reaching that place, and the next moment they arrived.

During the march, their nerve reflexes couldn't keep up with their speed, and they couldn't make an effective response at all!

But the rapid acceleration is different.

It allows Hill to improve her reflexes while running at super high speed, so that she can fight in the process of super speed!

Isn't there a saying that all martial arts in the world are invincible, but only fast is invincible?

As long as the speed is fast enough, it can also fight at a faster speed, it is invincible!

Not even Zhou Yuan thought of it.

After Chi Tong obtained the protection of the holy sword, Hill can also obtain rapid protection!

Even if the other divine powers were protected by garbage, Zhou Yuan spent a few divine power crystals, and it was worth it!

But in fact!

Other blessings are also very good blessings!

Leonai, who is good at melee combat, gets the protection of the Beastmaster, which allows her to obtain the protection of the seventh-order Beastmaster's strength, speed, resilience, defense, combat power, etc., and can completely compete with the seventh-order masters. .

Dotya, who transformed himself through alchemy, received the blessing of the guide.

This guide's blessing is a very interesting blessing. It provides shelter to the brave before the hero grows up. After the hero grows up, he formulates various strategies and provides various auxiliary blessings for the hero.

Although it is very mediocre compared to the super strong protection of the brave, the sword saint, the great sage, the holy sword, etc.

But if compared with other protections, it is quite powerful.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be the leader of the brave team!


The blessing of this kind of blessing, the line of sight is quite comprehensive.

Enough to raise Dotya's combat power to the seventh rank.

The rest of Hei Tong, Zhu Zi, and Main were chosen by the divine power of the white goddess Verus.

What Hei Tong obtained through divine protection is an S-rank talent Berserker.

This talent bunker.

But the problem is that even if Hei Tong's disease is cured, his body has been strengthened by gene-enhancing medicines, and he has also chosen a small number of them, the same as Esdes, who claims to be able to freeze everything in Tier 4. Seed, her main fighting power, is still on her Tegu Dead March. Eight rooms.

A weak chicken with comparable melee combat power.

Esdes, who has not been protected by divine power, can beat her and call her mother with one hand.

Furthermore, Hei Tong herself is easy to blacken, and after using it, there are no other talents to check and balance, and a 100% mineralized Berserker talent, in the world of One Piece, if she dares to run the great route, I am afraid it depends on her. Less than the sun the next day.

Likely to be killed by someone.

It would be a bit of a waste to let Hei Tong obtain the S-rank Berserker talent.

The talent that Zhuzi obtained is an S-level talent, called the Son of the Earth!

This talent, similar to the talent of the child of magic, not only allows Zhu Zi to easily feel the various rules contained in the earth, but also allows Zhu Zi to store the elements related to the earth on a large scale.  …

It also allows Tsukushi to easily control the earth!

There is an exaggeration to describe the son of the earth - as long as my feet are still on the earth, I am invincible!

And the protection that Maine obtained through the white goddess Verus is not an S-level talent, but an A-level talent, called Transcendent Vision.

If this talent is placed on other melee combatants, it will have little effect.

But on Maine, who has a romantic turret and can carry out ultra-long-distance strikes, it is a very powerful auxiliary talent.

First, it was locked by the transcendent line of sight, and then it was under the threat of the props that Zhou Yuan specially prepared for Maine to simulate the threat of facing the old ruler, and the violent transcendent blow of Maine, who felt the crisis of death, broke out.

Even if Maine is only Tier 6, it can definitely kill the existence of Tier 6 peaks with one blow, and even hit Tier 7 masters.


Run when you're done.

Thief exciting.

Seeing the protection of these divine powers, Zhou Yuan has a sense that he is not only an intruder, but the son of the world of the copy world of One Piece, otherwise how could his luck be so good?

Zhou Yuan looked at Loli Mercury and raised his hand to protect her with divine power!

The result of this protection made Zhou Yuan2.3 take a deep breath!

Loli. Mercury's blessing!

It is the protection of the god of war!

This protection!

It's level seven!

It is the only kind of terrifying protection that surpasses the great sages and swordsmen, and is second only to the brave. The chance of appearing is one in a few hundred thousand!

Whether Loli is commanding war or fighting, her combat power will be doubled!

And as time goes by, he will gain more and more combat power bonuses!

Strong enough to burst.

This luck!

Unreasonably strong!

It was so strong that Zhou Yuan wondered if he had used Benzetan's lucky skin care!

Take a deep breath!

Zhou Yuan took out another crystal of divine power, looked at Ping Na and her knights who were eager to receive divine protection, and gritted his teeth!

The divine protection begins again! .

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