Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 746 If I suffer, let others suffer even more! This is the principle!

Zhou Yuan's car.

The most special aircraft carrier among the five aircraft carrier battle groups.

Its internal monitoring room, on the surrounding walls of the huge space with a radius of nearly fifty meters.

It's all big screen in ultra high definition.

In the center of this 50-meter-radius space, 3D projections with complex content will appear from time to time, showing images captured by satellites.

The red queen with infinite potential, her 3D projection is suspended in the middle, and with the movement of her hand, a huge 3D projection of a sphere appears in the center:

"Father, the ultra-high-definition and ultra-high-resolution satellites launched by spaceships and aerospace planes total 364 satellites, although all of them have entered the predetermined orbit.

But look...

Our satellites can monitor only the four seas of the world of One Piece.

The great route and new world of the One Piece world is the magnetic field of the red earth continent, all of which are abnormally chaotic. Under the monitoring of satellites, it is pitch black! "

The red queen snapped her fingers, and the huge ball in the middle changed its color and became blurred:

"So I changed my thinking, I activated the relevant magic components, activated the magic eye technique, and even activated the related Xianxia and Xuanhuan side monitoring formations and techniques purchased in the Great Void Arena.

But without exception, after the magic power and vitality contained in the satellite-related techniques are completely consumed, these methods are almost completely ineffective. "

The red queen's words made Zhou Yuan and Esdes frown.

Zhou Yuan entered this world as an intruder. He had no mission and could not kill the enemy and drop the treasure chest. What he wanted most was the origin of this world, the various science and technology researched by Vega Punk in this world, and the best Possibly kill the Devil Fruits and imitate Blackbeard's methods to get their Devil Fruits.

And if the inference is not wrong.

The origin of this world has nothing to do with what Roger, the Pirate King, said Ralph Drew.

Zhou Yuan wants to touch the origin of this world.

The most likely place is that in the new world, as long as it is destroyed, it will lead to the complete destruction of the new world. It is related to the islands (theatrical version Z).

This place is in the new world.

The research institute where Vega Punk is located is on the red soil continent!

In the world of One Piece, the places with 90% of Devil Fruits are the New World, the Great Route, and the Red Earth Continent.

All of this is now impossible to monitor.

This caused Zhou Yuan to get all the satellites, aerospace planes, spaceships, and even nuclear bombs and missiles in this world to be unable to carry out ultra-long-distance strikes on those targets that need to be attacked.

Can only be used for melee combat within line of sight.

The usefulness has dropped by ninety-nine percent.

In this case, before he entered the time of One Piece, he already had a plan to deal with it.

But this kind of situation that didn't conform to his own wishes still made Zhou Yuan very unhappy.

Zhou Yuan raised his head and said to the red queen: "You continue to say ¨々."

"Okay, my father!"

The red queen continued:

"This situation is not the worst.

The worst case is that although this world can obtain various magical abilities by taking Devil Fruits, through physical exercise, we can cultivate armed domineering, knowledgeable domineering and domineering domineering, and even allow us to use divine power plus protect.

But in fact, according to the detection equipment developed by the Black Lilith.

I can be 100% sure that this world does not have any mysterious power elements such as magic, vitality, spiritual power, etc.

Some are only activated by the Devil Fruit like super power seeds, and use physical strength to exert its power.

This is the most fundamental reason why the engraved magic side and Xianxia side spells will fail. "

The red queen's eyes swept across Esdes, Loli Mercury and others:

"Yesterday, I scanned Dotya's data and thought something was wrong with her.

I did a detailed inspection for her and recorded accurate data.

The divine protection on her body and her emperor's armor attenuated by about three thousandths in twenty-four hours.

I think, whether it's the fourth-order Poison Island Lord, or the overlord-level unit General Esdes, or the father.

Whether it is your original mysterious side power or the special protection formed after divine power protection, it has already weakened a little at this moment. "

The red queen's words made Zhou Yuan's brows furrow even deeper.

This is not to say that divine protection and his own mysterious side power have attenuated by three thousandths in one day in the One Piece world, causing Zhou Yuan's emotions to explode.

This situation is also in his plan.

Make him frown!

He is very sensitive to power, and he actually didn't feel that the power of divine power, the ability of mind, magic energy, etc., which can be classified as mysterious side, is fading!

It was definitely not that he was careless!


The dungeon world of One Piece is distorting the cognition of their group of invaders!

When they thought that their cognitions were all distorted, and when their mysterious power and divine protection were almost attenuated to a low point, they still thought that they had not weakened, and broke into the encirclement of the world's masters without hesitation. , and then killed.

Two drops of cold sweat dripped from Zhou Yuan's forehead!

Zhou Yuan looked at the red queen:

"' ˇ Immediately detect spacecraft, starships in the atmosphere, aerospace planes, aircraft carrier battle groups, mechs, nuclear bombs, and other devices and weapons!"

"Father, I have already made a test before. Except for some parts that conform to the physical rules of the One Piece world, there is no attenuation, and all other parts, including various power, launch, artificial intelligence, etc., are all attenuated.

It is expected that after thirty-six days, it will decay into a pile of scrap iron. "

Zhou Yuan had a toothache.

He knows that among the many copies of the reincarnation space or the Great Void Engine, many copies are not from the same universe, and the physical rules cannot be communicated with each other at all.

Just like the real world and the open Marvel world, there are very few places where the physical rules can even be said to be the same.

But he didn't expect it.

After he was identified as an intruder.

Before the rebirth, there was no difference at all. In the One Piece world where high-tech weapons were used casually, the physical rules were so different from the real world and the world of safe bases.

This is so uncomfortable.

I wasted such a huge price and certified all these things.

It took so much effort to shrink them all and bring them in, and you told me that in thirty-six days, they would become scrap metal!

This is unbearable!

Based on the principle that I am uncomfortable, and I will make others feel more uncomfortable, Zhou Yuan brazenly issued an order:

"Pour all the firepower into this world in the shortest possible time, until these high technologies can no longer exert their power!

Fire! ".

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