Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 748 Furious golden lions, flying islands that cover the sky!

The master who was arrested as a slave of the Tianlong people suddenly became active in his dead heart, and his face, which he thought would never show any expression again, suddenly had emotions and laughter!

And the members of CP0, just the opposite!

In the future he predicted, he, together with the fleet of the Dragons, would be completely destroyed by a terrifying explosion, leaving no bones.

He doesn't want such a future!

No such future is allowed!

If the Tianlong people die, not only CP0 himself, but also CP0's relatives and friends will be punished!


CP0 stepped on the air and quickly rushed to the sky. Facing the direction of the nuclear bomb, he frantically fired a flying finger gun. Lian-Hua!

Countless bursts of air, but a finger-sized vacuum, at a terrifying speed, like a blooming lotus flower, hitting a distance of hundreds of meters!


A nuclear bomb flying in the distance!

It was under the control of the super artificial intelligence Red Queen. After the discovery of CP0, the flight path was re-corrected, passing by CP0 in a strange arc, smashing the fat and bloated body of Tianlong people, and then It caused a terrifying explosion!

Seawater evaporates, and a mushroom cloud of kilometers rises.

The sonic boom ring keeps appearing.

The terrifying shock wave set off tens of hundreds of meters of waves, triggering a tsunami that was not a small one.

CP0 in the sky was not killed in the first place, but was lifted to a height of several kilometers by the shock wave!

CP0 with tattered clothes, a cracked mask, and a face full of despair.



East China Sea!

Although Roger, the Pirate King, and the legendary Lieutenant General, Garp, were born from here, in the eyes of countless people, the East China Sea is the weakest sea in the entire world.

Pirates who are rewarded with millions of dollars are big pirates in the East China Sea.

Pirates with a reward of over 10 million can basically walk sideways in the East China Sea.

And the East China Sea Admiral Klick, who has been rewarded with 178 million yuan, and Klick, who leads the huge pirate fleet, is a well-deserved overlord in the East China Sea!

Just when he was ambitious and wanted to lead the fleet to conquer the great route, a nuclear bomb fell from the sky, not only destroying his fleet, but also completely destroying him!

The East China Sea Admiral's fleet was completely destroyed!


Golden Lion Squirrel.

It is the era of One Piece that can compete with the One Piece Pirates, and even the terrifying big pirates who once pressed One Piece to fight, because they did not believe that Roger Roger would die, he even attacked the Navy Headquarters alone!

The top powerhouse among the top powerhouses!

When the world rank was raised to the seventh rank, he was the existence of the seventh rank peak!

Even if he cut off his legs abruptly in order to escape the Impelton Deep Sea Prison, replaced his legs with Sakura Ten and Muku, and had the rudder stuck to his head.

He is still the pinnacle of power!

Shiki, the golden lion who was drinking with a group of pirates who had been coaxed and recovered, suddenly looked up at the sky: "Jieha..."

"It's really interesting that I feel like I'm going to be hit by a devastating attack! You guys continue to drink..."

Put down the wine glass!

The body of the golden lion Shiji slowly floated into the air, flew out of the hall, flew over the island group, and flew past the nuclear bomb.

After his strength was raised to the seventh order, his maximum speed exceeded the speed of sound.

And it is far more than that!

In the sonic boom cloud ring, the golden lion Shiji, when the nuclear bomb adjusted its trajectory, gently swept the surface of the nuclear bomb with his palm, and directly gained control of the nuclear bomb through the ability of the fluttering fruit!

He tilted his head and looked at the nuclear bomb: "Cannonball? And cannonballs of this shape?"

next second.

The golden lion's hair stood on end, his face changed greatly, and he threw the nuclear bomb into the sky without hesitation!


Use all the power to display the domineering armed color!

A nuclear bomb explodes!

A sun appeared in the sky!

The terrifying high temperature seems to distort the space!

The terrifying explosion flame devoured the golden lion Shiki in an instant, swept across the island group, and ignited everything on it. The arrogant impact force forced the island group to sink at least one kilometer!

Just when the pirates who survived the explosion on the island and resisted the shock wave thought they were safe.

The island group lost control and smashed into the sea under the acceleration of gravity!

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

When the island smashed into the ocean!

at this moment!

It seems that the whole world is shaking!

When the shock wave of the airflow hit the ocean, the clothes were burnt out, the hair was burnt out, and the eyebrows were burnt out. Although they were not at the center of the nuclear bomb explosion, they were also knocked out in the explosion of the nuclear bomb at a relatively close distance. Shiki, the golden lion, woke up.

He was quite scared!

If it weren't for him to use his all-out armed arrogance, he would definitely not just be in a coma, but would be directly killed!

"What kind of attack is this? Is it a naval attack?"

My pirate group is gone.

The emotions of the golden lion exploded: "Immortal!"

He can't kill the Navy!

.... .. 0

He will die!

The golden lion Shiki, flying fast, kept touching the fragments of the island with his palm, and used the power of the Devil Fruit to let these island fragments lift off again!


Without any scruples, he uprooted all the islands he could see!


The group of islands he controls are too numerous to count, obscuring the sky!

Under the control of the golden lion Shiki!

This island group, covering hundreds of kilometers of ocean, flew to the windless belt, and flew to the naval headquarters!

He used to be a fool to break into the Navy Headquarters alone!

And now!

He is not stupid!

He will use these islands to sink the naval headquarters!


The navy headquarters fleet, which is equipped with sea floor stone technology and safely crossed the windless belt, is fighting with a certain pirate group in the West Sea that is being chased!

Old-fashioned, but at least Tier 4, or even Tier 5 artillery, madly firing round cannonballs!



Most of them are fighting without distractions!

When the nuclear bomb hit the navy headquarters fleet, a major in the navy headquarters fleet pushed aside the navy: "Let me come!"

He suddenly cut out a knife!

Cut out the vacuum slash!

Just when he thought that her slash could easily slash the nuclear bomb like a normal cannonball, the sun... appeared!


All destroyed! again.

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