Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 753 A world war is about to break out! The gathering of the seven seas under the king!


Wearing sunglasses, wearing a bird feather cloak, and wearing leggings with half of his calf exposed, King Qiwu Haidoflamingo, who is not a good person at first glance, put his hands on his chin, his mouth was split open, and he let out a chirping sound. of laughter:

"The five old people of the Five Old Stars who have always pursued balance, the reaction this time has exceeded my imagination. The death of the Tianlong people completely broke their bottom line.

However, the main reason why the Five Old Stars made such a big noise this time is probably unknown.

They are afraid!


They can't imagine what kind of power can be hidden under the rule of the world government and developed to the point where they can attack the whole world in one day.

Really unimaginable!

Even I can't imagine it.

It is because of fear and fear that they want to kill this unknown factor in the shortest possible time! "


Doflamingo stood up from his seat and looked at Torre Bol, who looked sloppy:

"The guy who deceived BABY-5 and said that he needed her, and told us through her that the faction that it was attacking the whole world was actually a trap, and said that he had all the weapons and technical information of that faction, - where is he now?"

Torrepol: "Abducted BABY-5..."

Brother Doflamingo's smile instantly stiffened, the overlord's arrogance erupted without warning, and the terrifying murderous aura surged out: "Don't let me..."

Torrepol added:

"However, he kept all the information on the weapons.

Our people have verified that those so-called locked-type high-precision weapons cannot be manufactured.

But the Vulcan cannon that can shoot countless metal storms, as well as Gauss weapons, as long as we give us a certain amount of time, we can still build them.

It can't improve the top-level combat power, but it can increase the middle-level combat power several times, or even dozens of times.

The value of data..."

Brother Doflamingo, who was originally full of killing intent, gradually subsided, and the overlord's domineering arrogance is also gathering: "Let the people under him track them, find them, control them, and bring them back to me!"

Doflamingo let out a deep breath:

"嗗嗈嗗嗈... I actually don't want to encircle and suppress that faction at all, but if I don't go, the five old people of the Five Old Stars will definitely cancel my status as the King of the Seven Wuhai.

Plus Kaido's request.

This time, it is impossible not to go.

It's really... interesting!



The terrifying three-masted capsize.

From the West Sea, directly ignoring the sea kings, to the great route, the area is equivalent to an island, known as the world's largest pirate ship.

Ever since he challenged Kaido in the new world and was defeated by Kaido, he has been huddled on a big ship, intending to control Oz the Demon, eating the Shadow Shadow Fruit, and the King Qibu Hai Moria, who has the ability to control shadows, look. Appearing in front of him, holding a book in one hand, the height of nearly seven meters, the King Qiwuhai Basolomi Bear, who looks like a bear.

He let out an unpleasant laugh: "Hee hee hee... Big Bear, can I not go this time?"

His subordinate, Absalom, who ate the transparent devil fruit, told him that the siege against that faction this time was actually a huge trap. Not only the king would die if he went to the Qiwuhai, but even the Four Pirate Emperors might die. One or two.

This is so terrifying.

Even if Absalom suddenly showed him his extreme fighting ability, and was willing to let himself pick up the shadow and use it to control Oz the Demon, so that he would have a trump card that could fight against the Four Emperors, he would not go. !

Whoever loves to go!

Bartholomew Bear, expressionless, said mechanically:

"This is the order of the Five Old Stars. If you refuse, you will be regarded as voluntarily giving up your identity as a pirate and returning to your identity as a pirate, and I will annihilate you and your pirate group."

He looks like a demon, with two horns on his forehead, pointed ears and teeth, criss-cross stitches from head to neck, wearing a shirt with a bat-shaped collar and Gothic art clothing, and is nearly seven in height. Mi's Moriah, staring at the tyrant bear.

After a long time: "Hee hee hee hee... Since it is a call from the World Government, it must go."

Bartholomew Bear instantly appeared on the nearby high wall and opened the book: "Then please hurry up."


No wind belt.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Outside of Daughter Island.

The huge naval fleet stopped, and Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel slaughtered a sea king that was several hundred meters long with one sword, while returning the sword to its sheath.

On Daughter Island, the current emperor of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, with a peerless face and the world's most beautiful king, Shichibu Hai Boya Hancock, rushed to her pirate ship and stepped on the snake's head. Overlooking the Navy's fleet:

"Who allowed you to approach Aijia's kingdom?"

That arrogant gesture of wanting to break his head, turn his face to the sky, and point with his fingers, made countless navy, red hearts appear in their eyes.

Afterwards, Boya Hancock made a heart shape and activated the sweetness of the sweet fruit, turning all the navies who were interested in her into petrification!


The flying squirrel took out a knife, stabbed it in his thigh without hesitation, resisted the temptation with pain, and said as quickly as possible: "It's not that I want to come here, but you have been refusing to answer the phone. insect."

Boya Hancock tilted her head back, causing people to worry that her neck would be broken. She scorned Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel with her chin: "Even if Aijia refuses to answer the phone bug, he will definitely be forgiven!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel is a pain in the ass.

if it is possible!

He really doesn't want to come!

He took a deep breath and spoke as quickly as possible:

"Now the Five Old Stars have launched a call for Wang Xia Qiwu Hai Boya Hancock. If you do not recruit, your status as Wang Xia Qi Wuhai will be deprived, and there is no need for Amazon Lily to exist!

This is the original words of the Five Old Stars!

Please also untie the petrochemical of my subordinates! "

Boya Hancock really lowered his head and looked down at Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel this time: "Aijia will go, get out of Aijia!"

After the naval fleet leaves.

A terrifying tyrannical arrogance erupted from Boya Hancock, and a strong murderous aura rose into the sky!

if it is possible!

She wants to refuse the call of the World Government!




Whether it is the Four Sovereigns or the Seven Wuhais under the King.

Whether it's the world government or the navy.

Whether it is the revolutionary army or the dark world.

All because of Zhou Yuan's attack on the whole world, a world-class super war is about to break out! again.

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