Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 761 world! Unbearable attack! The proliferating navy!

It didn't take long for the aircraft carrier battle group to leave the advance city.

A golden bright spot appeared in the sky.

Then this bright spot shines, forming a light that can be seen for dozens of kilometers around.

When the light fades away.

General Polsalino picked up a black phone bug: "Moxi Moxi, this is the advance city, Moxi Moxi... Moxi Moxi... Is the signal here still blocked?"

If it was Zhan Taowan, he would definitely say: "Master, what you are taking is not a phone bug, but a phone bug!"

But there is no war peach pill here.

Polsalino turned into light again, and after shining, stepped into the advance city.

He soon entered infinite hell.

A quarter of an hour later.

Polsalino, who was at least a hundred kilometers away from the advance city and stood on an island reef, took out the phone bug again, this time he took out the golden phone bug that launched the Demon Slaughter Order.

Stare at the golden phone bug for a few seconds.

Polsalino (Kizuna) silently put the golden phone bug back, and found the contact phone bug: "Moxi, this is Polsalino, Marshal... It's terrible to push into the city. …”

"Promoting the periphery of the city, the specially reinforced city wall has been punched with many holes, and the enemy fleet is suspected to have cannons with penetrating ability and strong explosive ability.

The layer on the sea was fired at a very fast rate, which could easily destroy the elite soldiers of the fourth-order naval headquarters, and the bullets of the fifth-order lieutenants of the naval headquarters, which were smashed into ruins.

The ground was punched through by a man with terrifying power, forming a hole leading to the first underground layer of red lotus hell.

The fourth layer is frozen, and the enemies are suspected to have the same ability as Kuzan's frozen fruit, which should be of the general level.

The outer wall of the fourth floor was cut with a large crack leading to the sea. Five jailer beasts with awakened Devil Fruit abilities were beheaded with one sword. The chief guard, Shiliu, was killed without any resistance. There is a great swordsman with strange abilities, who will not be weaker than me.

The Evil King, Moonlight Hunter, San Juan Evil Wolf and others in the Infinite Hell on the sixth floor were all killed, but the Red Count, World Destroyer, and the monster Barrett disappeared. I didn't find Magellan's body. Also taken away...¨々..."

in Justice Island.

Warring States, who was dispatching the warships in the capital of the Seven Waters, heard the words of Kizaru, and his emotions were not under control:

"Polusalino! Find the fleet that attacked the advancing city as soon as possible, destroy their ships at all costs, and kill Bundy Valdo!

They must not be allowed to use Bundy Waldo to magnify the shells that were already several times faster than the speed of sound by a hundred times, and increase their speed by a hundred times!


Can not afford! "

Yes! Can not afford!

Whether it's Mary Joa, the Holy Land where the world government is located!

Or the navy headquarters that has gathered 100,000 elite navies and Wangxia Qiwuhai!

It is impossible to intercept the shell attack that is magnified a hundred times, a few hundred times the speed of sound, and almost one-tenth the speed of light!

The Holy Land Mary Joa and the Navy Headquarters will be erased in an instant!

If there are too many such shells!

Red Earth Continent, New World, Great Route!

May all be destroyed!


will be perished!

Sengoku ended the call with Kizaru and contacted Lieutenant General Crane at the Navy Headquarters:

"Bundy Waldo... was taken from the Propulsion City."

Just this word!

Let Lieutenant General Crane at the Navy Headquarters chill!

In seconds!

Lieutenant General He decisively gave the order:

"Go ahead and let the elites of the navy gathered at the naval headquarters, under the leadership of the lieutenant the leadership of the brigadier admiral, leave as quickly as possible! The farther away, the better!

Let all the lieutenant generals, as well as the king, go to my ship, and I will wait for them there! "

Lieutenant General Crane got up, strode out of the office, and walked towards the port of the Navy Headquarters!

As she walked, she picked up the phone bug and contacted the general marshal of the sea, land and air, Gang Gukong:

"Marshal, Bundy Valdo has fallen into the hands of that faction, I think in this world, even Polusalino is unable to intercept the bombardment that is amplified by the Momo Fruit, hundreds of times the speed of sound!

He couldn't react.

Therefore, please notify the world government as soon as possible and evacuate all life in the Holy Land Mariejoa in the shortest time possible.

Tell the Five Old Stars, if you don't hurry up, the world government and the Tianlong people will become history.

In addition, I also asked the marshal to let the five old stars contact the redhead, whitebeard, Kaido and Lingling in the new world, and tell them that this time, no matter what ambitions they have, let me take them all. We must put the best, at least It is the combat power above the lieutenant general level that is mobilized to destroy that force as soon as possible.


After the world government is destroyed, their so-called pirates will also be destroyed! "

End the call with Cyborg Kong.

Vice Admiral Tsuru walked and looked at Hina, who is now a Captain of the Navy:

"' ˇ I remember that in our naval headquarters, there are more than a dozen lieutenants who said that the fleet was an aircraft carrier fleet, and that those who attacked all over the world were nuclear bombs. Lieutenants who are now being thoroughly reviewed, right?

There's no time for a thorough review of them right now, to bring them all on board, I need their opinion! "

"Hina bring them on board immediately!"

at the same time!

Navy under orders!

Like a tidal wave on the boat!

There are also an unknown number of lieutenants and school officers, who are pulling their necks and roaring: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"


"Hurry up, in five minutes, I want to see all my subordinates on my boat!"

The giant lieutenant generals who were several meters tall, and even dozens of meters tall, strode out of the navy's main (how good Zhao) department with a terrifying momentum and went straight to Lieutenant General Crane's warship!

Moonlight Moria in the Qiwuhai under the king slipped from the shoulders of the demon Oz controlled by the shadow of the reincarnator, and stood next to the other Qiwuhai: "Hehehe... What happened, made the entire navy change? Are you so nervous?"

Doflamingo smiled even more brilliantly:

"咈咈嗈嗈... No need to guess, it must be including our Shichibukai. If they gather in the Navy headquarters, they will be wiped out and have to be dispersed. That force is really interesting."

Moonlight Moria smiled brighter:

"Hee hee hee hee... Are you kidding me? Catch all at once? Even if Whitebeard, the man who claims to be able to destroy the world, does it himself, it is impossible to defeat my invincible demon Oz!"

As soon as the words came out.

It wasn't just Doflamingo's face that turned black.

The faces of the other kings under Qiwuhai also turned black! .

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