Master of Beasts

Chapter 991 Level 4 Spirit Emperor

Hearing his mocking words before, spit out from Henry Zhang's mouth, Mu Ling's eyes were instantly blood red, and unconcealable rage surged on his face.

"Qingming Guiyao, corroding the spiritual power wall!" Mu Ling shouted angrily, intending to attack Henry Zhang.

He was snatched away by a wearer of the Redstone God Tomb Ring, and he provoked himself first, asking for trouble. If the news spread, he would lose all face.

"I said, three months later, I will fight with you, but before that, if you don't obey the rules, I don't mind, I will kill you in advance." Henry Zhang stretched out his right hand, the exquisite starry center , a white energy jet.

Seeing this, Mu Ling's face twitched fiercely.

From then on, he felt a deadly threat. No wonder Henry Zhang was able to complete the feat of beheading dozens of Linghuang powerhouses among the disciples of Waifeng. It is really not difficult to complete it relying on this thing.

"You can't live without committing crimes." Wang Sheng smiled faintly, and Mu Ling's face was full of anger, but his expression of helplessness was undoubtedly quite funny.

If he hadn't used Qingming Guiyao first to corrode the spiritual power wall between the two, how could he have fallen into the current embarrassing situation?

But that's all.

This incident will soon spread throughout Shenlingtian, and Mu Ling, who is the instigator, will undoubtedly become the laughing stock of everyone.

"I...I apologize for my previous behavior!" Mu Lingyi gritted his teeth.

There are indeed many opportunities in Shenlingtian, but they are not everywhere. There are only a handful of opportunities as big as Tianlingtai. If you miss it this time, there will be a next time.

Therefore, even Mu Ling is unwilling to give up.

"Mu Ling bowed his head?" Some people looked at each other in blank dismay, but they soon understood.

If Mu Ling, who climbed together on the Divine Mausoleum Platform, has not improved, then his strength will undoubtedly fall behind the others, and it will be as difficult as going to the sky to make up for it.

"Hehe." Henry Zhang looked playful.

There is no reason to refuse the big meal delivered to him, if he obediently returns it, then he is a fool.

"I can give you an Emperor Qiong Pill!" Mu Ling said eagerly.

Henry Zhang closed his eyes,

turn a deaf ear.

"I still have 500,000 fragments of the sacred mausoleum in my hand!" Mu Ling obviously wanted to hand over his family property in exchange for his part of the opportunity.

Henry Zhang simply used spiritual power to seal his ears.

"Chop Suey!"

With a punch on the spiritual power wall, Mu Ling gritted his teeth and stared at Henry Zhang. After a long while, he finally let the Qingming ghost corrode the spiritual power wall, and left Jufeng full of anger.

"In three months, I will kill you!"

Mu Ling's murderous roar lingered in the sky.

As long as Henry Zhang doesn't use Fan Xingmang, he has full confidence to kill him.

"Two copies of spiritual empowerment." Some people turned their eyes to Henry Zhang with envy.

Now, Henry Zhang probably can directly break through from the second-order spirit emperor to the fifth-order spirit emperor.

However, they didn't know that Henry Zhang divided his spiritual power into the seven spiritual gates. Although the improvement would not be so huge, the sudden spiritual power could easily make him take a further leap.

"This guy is weird." Hong Shuangyue narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly.

With the strength of the second-level Linghuang, he took back the spiritual power from Mu Ling, and also snatched the latter's spiritual power by the way. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for anyone to believe it.

"It's really extraordinary to be able to reach the number one position in the star list in just one year." Wang Sheng finally understood why You Haoxuan and Ji Jianli, who have always been proud, would willingly put down their personalities and make friends with Henry Zhang.

Henry Zhang does have that value.

With the torrent of spiritual power pouring down, time passed quickly.

The night passed, and the day came again,

During this period of time, people continued to make breakthroughs, and the saying that the Tianlingtai was able to compete with the strong in the old days of Shenling, obviously has its reasons.

This spiritual empowerment can at least save half a year of training time for many people.


Amidst the majestic dragon chant, the giant dragon with spiritual power hovering at the top of the giant peak was shattered piece by piece, and the warm sunlight, through the clouds, sprinkled on the top of the peak.


Before the spiritual light wall was completely eliminated, there was a rush of breaking wind, and the figures on the other four Heavenly Spirit Platforms left quickly. Only Cheng Kun looked back at Henry Zhang when he was flying up to the sky.

Although they have improved a lot, they are still vulnerable in front of Hong Shuangyue and others.

They were very worried and were killed by these people.

Such things as killing people casually are perfectly normal in Shenling Tian.

"Fourth-order Spirit Emperor."

Gently holding the palm, feeling the strong power, Henry Zhang had a happy smile on his face.

Two spiritual power empowerments, a huge improvement.

"Several, I still have something to do, so I will take a step first." Wang Sheng bowed his hands to several people, Wang Sheng nodded and smiled at Henry Zhang, and immediately turned and left without any pause.

Both Hong Shuangyue and Tang Honglian were, to a certain extent, his opponents.

If it weren't for Henry Zhang, there would be no way to be polite among the three of them.

"This guy is pretty fast." Hong Shuangyue curled her lips.

"After two months of preparation, I finally broke through to the seventh-order Spirit Emperor." Tang Honglian pursed her lips and smiled. In front of Henry Zhang, she directly announced her current strength without any reservations.

"You really don't worry about him." Hong Shuangyue glanced at Tang Honglian angrily, "But it's true, I've been nagging about it for several years, let alone the trump card, I can even give it away to myself."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tang Honglian's pretty face glowed brightly.

"Well, everything I said before was right, but now it's all nonsense."

Speechlessly rolled her eyes, Hong Shuangyue turned to Henry Zhang, pretending to be fierce and said: "It's okay to look average, but the strength is still so weak. It is your great blessing that Honglian has taken a fancy to you. If you dare to bully her in the future , I’ll take your skin off and throw it into the red pulp river to feed the crocodiles!”

The Hongjiang River is a magma river near the Divine Phoenix Sect. There are flame-devouring crocodiles living in it. They are extremely ferocious. Many outer disciples of the Divine Phoenix Sect are often devoured by them.

Hearing this, Henry Zhang smiled and nodded.

He could tell that Hong Shuangyue was a typical knife-mouthed bean curd heart, so he didn't take those slightly harsh words to heart.

"By the way, let's get down to business."

The ferocity on her face dissipated, and Hong Shuangyue said: "Before you were too weak, I didn't intend to consider you, but now you are a fourth-order spirit emperor, and you have a mysterious beast in your hand, and you are still one of the few people who can be trusted, so, there are Are you not interested in coming with us?"

"Where are you going?" Henry Zhang asked in surprise.

Gently licking her red lips, Hong Shuangyue's coquettish demeanor was quite alluring.

"Shenhuang Mountain, kill the offspring of the real phoenix."

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