Master of Beasts

Chapter 993 Nirvana

Amidst the sharp cries of the phoenix, the Yanyue Phoenix hovered in the sky. On its forehead, there was a mark like a bright moon. Wisps of flames, like spikes of flames, floated behind it, and were immediately annihilated in the air.


Looking down at the few people below, Yanyue Phoenix's eyes sharpened, and purple flames gushed out from the open beak. Henry Zhang and others hurriedly avoided, and a dark ravine was burned out of the hard mountain.

"Do it!"

Henry Zhang and the others looked at each other and immediately launched an offensive.

"Rockhorn Dragon Rhinoceros, Dragon Rhinoceros Wave!"

"Blazing red lotus, red lotus ray!"

"Purple Flame Fire Phoenix, Heavenly Fire Flowing Flowers!"

Faced with the several attacks that came, Yanyue Phoenix did not give way, and his body spun wildly, turning into a storm of purple flames, three different attacks landed on it, and there was a bang bang.

Smashing all the attacks, Yanyue Phoenix flapped its wings, and the bright moon light on its forehead bloomed, and suddenly, a crescent moon burning with flames slashed down.

Spiritual skills, Yan Yueya!

"Rock Horn Rhinoceros, Broken Fist!" Henry Zhang shouted in a low voice.

A punch shattered the flame crescent, and the figure of the rock horned dragon was also retreated hundreds of feet under the impact, and a deep mark was plowed on the ground under its feet.

"Purple flame fire phoenix, the fire feathers shoot out!" Looking at the Yanyue phoenix swooping towards the rock-horned dragon rhinoceros, Hongshuangyue's sweet voice resounded through the Divine Phoenix Mountain.

The rock-horned dragon and rhinoceros are strong, but the real blood of the real phoenix flows in Yanyue Phoenix's body. If the two really fight hard, it doesn't necessarily mean who will die and who will live.

After a fierce collision with Yanyue Phoenix, Purple Flame Fire Phoenix retreated to the rear, and fire feathers formed around it, and immediately pierced through the air, shooting towards Yanyue Phoenix.


Passing through the fire feathers, the Yanyue Phoenix swept to the front of the blazing red lotus. The wide fire wings brought a strong wind pressure and slapped down fiercely.

The small hand of the blazing red lotus shook the fiery wings of the Yanyue Phoenix, and the spreading ripples of spiritual power made the air turbulent, and the trees on the mountain peak burst into pieces one after another.

A muffled hum came out of his mouth, and Blazing Red Lotus flew back.

Its strength is indeed stronger than that of Yanyue Phoenix, but after all, Shenhuang Mountain is Yanyue Phoenix's territory, and it has been suppressed a lot here, and can only display 80% of its combat power at most.

At the moment when Yanyue Phoenix repelled the blazing red lotus.


Stepping on the mountain rock with one foot, the rock-horned rhinoceros shot up into the sky, and the condensed secluded stone hit Yanyue Phoenix's back heavily, and the suction suddenly exploded in the outstretched right hand.


Youshi exploded on its back, and a look of pain flashed across Yanyue Phoenix's eyes. Its wings trembled wildly, trying to distance itself from the Rockhorn Rhinoceros, but at this moment, it felt horrified that a strong suction force was tearing it apart. body of.

Looking at the Rockhorn Rhinoceros that was getting closer, Yanyue Phoenix frantically flapped its fire wings. If it was hit by that powerful fist, it would definitely not be able to please it.

Seeing that Yanyue Phoenix was controlled, Hongshuangyue and Tang Honglian immediately took advantage of the situation to attack.

"Advanced Imperial Vault-level Spiritual Skill, Heavenly Fire Flowing Flowers!"

"Advanced emperor-level spiritual skills, blazing fire lotus!"

The body was hit by the falling sparks, and the beautiful feathers of the Yanyue Phoenix curled up uncontrollably, and then, the blazing red fire lotus blasted firmly on its back.


The surging fire wave swept across, the space was turbulent, Yanyue Phoenix was slightly stagnant, and then it was horrified to see that a fist carrying a gold seal directly smashed down.


There was another loud bang.

The mountain body of Shenhuang Mountain was smashed into a huge pit, and the feathers of the Yanyue Phoenix lying in it were messy, and its pupils were dim. Its wings kept patting the soil, trying to struggle to get up.

"Rockhorn Dragon Rhinoceros, Dragon Rhinoceros Wave!"

The dragon rhinoceros light wave containing surging energy spurted out from the rock horned dragon rhinoceros body, lasing on Yanyue Phoenix's body, the silver-white energy accumulated slightly, and immediately exploded like a ball of light.

Under that kind of impact, the majestic mountain trembled at this time, countless huge stones,

Rolling down from everywhere, crushing the Balrogs one by one.

"Is it solved?" Hong Frost Moon's breathing was a little short.

As long as she can get the Yanhuang Pearl and transform Ziyan Huohuang, she will not be in vain for such a long time in Shenlingtian.

As for Hurricane Bee Spirit, she never thought about it.

She is used to commanding fire-attribute spirit beasts, but she doesn't like the wind-attribute Hurricane Bee Spirit very much.

The thick dust dispersed, and Hong Shuangyue and Tang Honglian changed their colors one after another.

The Ziyue Phoenix in the pit actually disappeared, replaced by purple feathers.

The purple feathers floated in the sky, and immediately burst into flames, like clusters of purple fireworks, extraordinarily gorgeous.

"It's Nirvana!" Hongshuangyue's eyes trembled slightly.

Almost all fire phoenixes have a chance of nirvana.

After being reborn from the ashes, they will be stronger!


Countless purple fireworks condensed, and the figure of Yanyue Phoenix slowly emerged from it. With a wave of its wide wings, heat waves swept across, and the nearby space was violently distorted.

Seventh order!

At this moment, Ziyue Phoenix has already reached the seventh rank!

"Miscalculated." Hongshuangyue gritted her silver teeth lightly.

I thought that Ziyue Phoenix should have passed Nirvana once, but who would have thought that it has lived on Shenhuang Mountain for such a long time, and it has never been in a deep danger.

Its chance of Nirvana has been preserved to this day!

"Let's retreat first." Hong Shuangyue let out a long breath, her tone full of helplessness.

If she hadn't been in Divine Phoenix Mountain, where she was greatly suppressed, she might have been able to fight against the post-nirvana Yanyue Phoenix, but now, the gap between the two sides is too large, and it is very difficult to have a chance of winning.

"Not at all." Henry Zhang's eyes flashed: "The seventh-order Yanyue Phoenix is ​​indeed very strong, but after all, it has only just broken through, and it is only limited compared to the sixth-order, so it may not be impossible to fight."

Said, Henry Zhang quickly formed seals with his hands, and the emerald green spiritual gate and the dark black spiritual gate, one left and one right, emerged on both sides of him at the same time.

"That's..." Hong Shuangyue and Tang Honglian's beautiful eyes shrank slightly.

They felt the breath of the mysterious beast.

And there are still two!

They only knew before that Henry Zhang possessed Kong Lingluo, but they knew nothing about Henry Zhang possessing the King of Nights.

Although most of the disciples of Thirteen Peaks knew that Henry Zhang subdued King Wan Ye, but the strict rules of the peak did not allow them to disclose any news about Thirteen Peaks to the outside world.

Otherwise, they will be greeted with extremely severe punishment.

Therefore, even the Divine Phoenix Sect didn't know that a mysterious beast had been blocked in Xingyun Peak before, but now, that mysterious beast has been obtained by Henry Zhang.

"King of Ten Thousand Nights..." Hong Shuangyue was in a trance.

One person with two spirit beasts is an exception on the mainland.

I really don't know how bad Henry Zhang's luck is, that after making a spiritual contract with Kong Lingluo, he was lucky enough to meet the King of Thousand Nights.

next moment.

With hostile energy in their eyes, Yanyue Phoenix rushed out, Kong Lingluo and Wanye King narrowed their eyes slightly, and greeted them without the slightest timidity.

Fight, explode again!

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