Master of Beasts

Chapter 1004 The first person in Xingyun Peak, so be it!

With a sudden step on the sole of his foot, the fierce-eyed Qingming ghost just soared into the sky when a round of scorching sun entangled with the fire and phoenix came viciously.


The clear phoenix cry pierced the sky, and everyone's eyes were stunned.

what is that?

Before they had time to think about it, a muffled thunderous explosion suddenly spread, and fiery waves of fire swept in all directions, and the body of Qingming Guiyao was instantly engulfed in it.

"Good... What a terrifying spiritual skill..."

Looking at the blazing sea of ​​fire in the sky, many people felt a little thirsty, and they couldn't help taking a few steps back, for fear of being splashed by the bursting sparks.


As soon as the sparks hit the ground, small pits would be burned out.

Seeing this, everyone's colors changed one after another.

What kind of flame is this?

I'm afraid that if a fifth-order emperor-level spirit beast is splashed a little, a small hole will be pierced through its body!


Amidst the surging sea of ​​flames, an intangible figure that had been burned flew upside down from it. Its skin was scorched black all over, and its two sharp ghost claws were shattered inch by inch.

It was the Qingming ghost!

"Then... what kind of magic skill is that..."

Feng Ming's voice still echoed in his ears, Mu Ling's lips kept trembling.

one strike!

With just one blow, the Qingming ghost he was so proud of lost the ability to fight!

Stepping lightly on a towering stone pillar, Chiyan's nine fluffy white tails danced flamboyantly. I saw its figure flash, like an afterimage, and a palm was printed on Qingming ghost's abdomen.


Suffering such a heavy blow, Qingming Guiyao's fangs and big mouth opened, with blood mixed with damaged internal organs, pulling out a black line of blood in the sky.

"This palm, I remember it."

Thinking of the young man's indifferent voice on the stage of the divine mausoleum that day, Mu Ling was terrified, and his body felt as if he had fallen into a cold cellar.

"As for returning a few palms, that's not certain."

Mu Ling just recalled the second half of Henry Zhang's sentence, Qing Ming Gui Yao, who vomited blood and frantically retreated, was pressed tightly against the crumbling high wall by Chi Yan with cold eyes.

In an instant.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chiyan's palms and claws waved repeatedly, and Qingming Guiyao's body shot out backwards again. Along the way, high walls burst into pieces one after another, and bricks and stones shot in all directions.


The last sound fell, and the Qingming ghost was like a puddle of mud, powerlessly smashing against the wall of Wushuang City. The sticky blood on the surface of its body actually stuck its body firmly to it, and it did not fall off.

This scene was undoubtedly extremely shocking.

"This is impossible!"

"Henry Zhang must have given him the spirit beast, and ate the elixir to enhance his strength!"

"I want to dissect that Firefox's body to check whether there are any residues of medicine!"

A group of Ghost Valley disciples shouted with distorted faces, unwilling to accept the reality, because they had sworn promises when they provoked Henry Zhang to fight against Mu Ling.

If Mu Ling fails, they will die!

They don't want to die!

So they have to distort the reality, and then seek a chance for themselves.


His indifferent eyes moved to the square, and Henry Zhang snarled.


"What does he think he is, who can decide our life and death with one word?"

"When I become a sixth-order spirit emperor, I will need his life!"

Cursing unwillingly, a group of Youhun Valley disciples with angry faces jumped into the air, wanting to leave the square to avoid being slaughtered.

However, at the moment when the fastest person was about to leave the square.


The pitch-black chains twitched rapidly in the air. In just a short moment, the criss-cross and densely packed chains sealed off the square like a square cage.

Holding the chain in one hand, the King of Night remained expressionless, while beside it, a pure white figure soared into the sky, pointed at the spears of the crowd obliquely, and formed a column of violent snowflakes and hurricanes.

"This is really a feud with Ghost Valley.


"Rough enough."

"I thought that without Ji Jianli and You Haoxuan, Xingyun Peak would be just a bunch of mobs, but I didn't expect that something serious would happen again."

People from other forces around the square all showed fear.

Looking down faintly, Xue Youmei's white hair fluttered, she looked like the Xuexian walking out of the painting, she shook her spear lightly, and the whirling snowflake hurricane column suddenly sprayed downwards.


It fell solidly on the square, and the pure white hurricane column of snowflakes rolled over with a bang, and all the disciples of Youhun Valley who were pale in shock were buried and killed in it.

Some voices of begging for mercy and cursing came from it, which was extremely sad.

But they didn't think that when the Xingyun Peak disciples were slaughtered, they were as desperate as they were, but at that time, they were all cheering and cheering, with smiles on their faces.

And in a blink of an eye, the people who were killed became them.

Feng Shui turns.

Retribution does not stop!

"it is good!"

"Although I am a free man, if there is a need in the future, as long as Brother Xiao says a word, I will work hard for you!"

"Me too!"

The Xingyun Peak disciples standing on the bloody ground clenched their fists, watching the scene of washing away the shame, and some even roared and swore in front of the disciples of the same peak.

Scanning those disciples who were members of the law enforcement team, they were also infected by the emotions of the crowd, and shouted loudly, Cheng Kun secretly smiled wryly, and then looked at Henry Zhang who was standing in the sky with fluttering black robes, and sighed with emotion.

The number one person in Xingyun Peak should be like this!


The thin snowflake hurricane exploded towards the surroundings, and the huge square was empty, not even a drop of blood was left.

Many people around the square were gasping for air, their eyes shocked.

The disciples of Ghost Valley have died without even a scum left!

" did this happen..." Lying on the floor, Song Luo was ravaged and inhuman, with a miserable smile on his face.

Just because he killed more than a dozen Xingyun Peak disciples, the Ghost Valley camp with thousands of people was wiped out!

Except for him, no one stays!

This price is so high that even super powers like Ghost Valley can hardly afford it!

What Song Luo didn't know was that, let alone killing a dozen or so, even if there was only one Xingyun Peak disciple who was tortured and killed by the Ghost Valley side in that humiliating way today, Henry Zhang would still be ruthless.

When punished, punish!

"Xingyun Peak, don't provoke me." The disciples of countless forces trembled in their hearts. Xingyun Peak, one of the four superpowers in the Northern Territory, is still domineering!

Some people suddenly understood at this time why there are more than a dozen superpowers in the Northern Territory, but why only four superpowers are recognized.

in the void.

"Henry Zhang, after returning to Ghost Valley, I will definitely tell the elders this news, and let them take your soul out and torture you for a hundred years!"

Staring at Henry Zhang angrily, Mu Ling, who used the unique secret technique of Ghost Valley to hide, cursed in his heart.

And just when he was about to escape.

"I knew that you didn't die so easily, but you are still a little too young to play such a trick in front of a sixth-rank alchemist."

A sneer came out of his mouth, Henry Zhang's figure flashed, and with Bai Yan's burning right palm, he patted the void: "Get out!"


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