Master of Beasts

Chapter 1006

Under the awe of Henry Zhang, the huge square was finally occupied by people from Xingyun Peak. As for people from other forces, they could only stand around and watch eagerly, not daring to step.

"Cheng Kun, we, Fenyantang, have always had a good relationship with Xingyun Peak, can you clear up a piece of land for us?"

"It's still half empty. It's a waste."

"Not long ago, we met once, do you remember?"

Those people who had hurriedly backed away and separated from Xingyun Peak when they slaughtered Xingyun Peak's disciples in the Ghost Valley before, now they are brazenly opening their mouths, wanting to get a share of the pie.


Not even interested in taking a look at these ugly faces, Cheng Kun sat cross-legged in the middle of the square and gave a cold drink, the noisy voices around him instantly dissipated.

With unconcealable embarrassment on their faces, those people quickly shut their mouths, not daring to make any more noise, for fear of causing displeasure to the Xingyun Peak disciples.

Although Henry Zhang has left, the sense of oppression he left behind has been shrouded in the square.


In the distance, thunder and lightning flashed.

A series of thick thunderbolts, carrying dazzling light, like separate branches, split from the dark clouds, shining brightly, making it difficult to look directly at.

"There is still half a quarter of an hour, which is the time when the thunder and the storm collide." Master Mo reminded Henry Zhang that if he misses this gap, even if he is a ninth-level spirit emperor, he should not even try to get close. The violent impact is very terrifying.

"Half a quarter of an hour." Henry Zhang flapped his wings, and his speed suddenly increased.

At this time, the space below the thundercloud.

"Why is the weather so weird?"

"Look, what is that, it seems that there are countless hurricanes, hitting here and here!"

Pointing to the cyan storm that destroyed mountains and cracked rocks and tore the ground in the distance, many people's faces were full of panic.

The target of those rampant storms is here!


In an instant, countless people scattered like birds and beasts.

Few people know that the collision of strong wind and thunder has a chance to give birth to spirit beasts, and the conditions are extremely harsh. If Baiyou and others had not received some information in advance, they would not have thought of this.

In just a short moment, under the black thundercloud, only a few people remained standing, ignoring the thunder that was slashing beside them.

"It's coming, it's coming!" Bai You's eyes also became a little hot.

Emperor Cang Lei!

He must get this powerful thunder-type spiritual beast!

Since the original figures under the thunderclouds all receded, many figures gathered densely in the surrounding circular area. They looked nervously at the center, waiting for the collision between the thunder and the storm.

That scene must be very exciting.

"Hurry up!" Master Mo urged Henry Zhang.

From his position, the storm was already clearly visible.

Once missed, even he can't help Henry Zhang enter.


The thunder light flickered in front of him, and Henry Zhang flapped his wings, and he wanted to pass through the shadows all over the sky and enter under the thunder clouds.

"It's finally you."

But at this moment, a faintly laughing voice suddenly sounded: "Leave it to me!"


Accompanied by the deafening roar of the lion, three lion-shaped spirit beasts of different colors blocked Henry Zhang's front with a swish, and the burst of spiritual power formed a powerful impact, shocking Henry Zhang back.

The three lion-shaped spirit beasts have roughly the same appearance, but the vertical eye in the middle of their foreheads is very clear, which distinguishes their races.

"Golden pupil lion!"

"Silver Eyed Lion!"

"Black-eyed lion!"

Everyone exclaimed.

The signature spirit beast of the Wild Lion Palace!

"Who? Come out!" Stabilizing his figure, Henry Zhang's face showed a little anger.

The storm is getting closer and closer, and there are still about thirty breaths at most before it can fly under the thundercloud, but the three lion-shaped spirit beasts are extremely weird. They stand together, as if forming an invisible barrier, blocking him in the sky. Behind, it is impossible to enter the thunder cloud space.

"Introduce yourself a little bit, my name is Han Mu, I'm the one who doesn't live up to Mu Ling,

Even though he is a friend of wine and meat, although I really don't want to avenge him, but if you kill him, my face will be very ugly. "A young man in a golden robe walked out of the crowd with a smile, and two young men who looked like him followed closely behind him.

Han Tong, Han Li.

These two are both his twin brothers, and their strong blood connection allows them to retreat unscathed even if they encounter the holder of the Jinshi Shenling Ring.


Staring at Han Mu coldly, Henry Zhang swiped his right hand, and seven spirit gates with distinct colors bloomed.

The storm and thunder were about to collide, and he had no time to waste.

Therefore, he intends to solve it quickly!


A shocking uproar erupted from the surroundings. Many people were shocked by Henry Zhang's identity as a seven-source spiritual master. This was the first time they had seen the scene of the seven spiritual gates opening together.

Perhaps, also the last time.

"Oh?" The pupils of Han Mu and the others shrank slightly, greatly surprised, but when they recovered from the shock, a sarcastic arc was quietly raised at the corner of their mouths.

"Henry Zhang, don't be impulsive!"

Master Mo directly called Henry Zhang's name, which shows the solemnity in his heart: "The three spirit beasts, the golden-eyed lion, the silver-eyed lion, and the black-eyed lion, are connected by blood. The stronger you are, the more you use all the spiritual gates at the same time, their strength will increase to the eighth level!"

The eighth level, for the current Henry Zhang, cannot be defeated unless he uses the spirit fusion technique.

But after using the spirit fusion technique, he will be exhausted and may fall into a coma again, so how can he continue to break into the thunder cloud space and make a spiritual contract with the Cang Lei Emperor.


Cursing angrily, a piece of spiritual gate around Henry Zhang disappeared under the puzzled eyes of many people. He stared at Han Mu and the others, and said coldly: "I don't have time now, if I want to fight, I will do it on the Shenling Terrace in the future. I will accompany myself."

The storm was getting closer and closer, and the robes of everyone in the field were rattling.

At this moment, only twenty-five breaths are left!

"Xiao Yang, have you also heard the news that a spirit beast will be born in the thunder cloud, so you want to go in and try your luck?"

Han Mu rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "But I'm sorry, I want to try it now, your ability as a fourth-order spirit emperor, so..."

"You make a condition." Henry Zhang's eyes darkened slightly.

Twenty breaths.

In less than twenty breaths, the storm will come!

"Ten million fragments of the mausoleum." Han Mu had known for a long time that Henry Zhang didn't want to waste time here, so he just opened his mouth and asked for money.

Ten million!

Everyone is dizzy.

For them, this is an unimaginable number.


The passing gusty wind made his cheeks sting, Henry Zhang grasped the palm of his hand, and threw an empty boundary stone containing all the fragments of the divine mausoleum towards Han Mu.

"Get out of the way, I promise, today's matter will be revealed, and I will not snatch the fragments of the sacred tomb back."

Henry Zhang paid his blood and swore in public.

Only fifteen breaths left.

He has no time to waste!


After taking the empty boundary stone, Han Mu inspected it a little bit, with surprise on his face, then he put away the empty boundary stone, looked up at Henry Zhang, with a smile on his face.

"So happy? I think it must be because you have enough fragments of the mausoleum."

"Well, then take out another 10 million, and I promise I won't stop you again, how about it?"

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