Master of Beasts

Chapter 1003 Metamorphosis

The sharp claws of the Cangyu Shengguang Crane, like casted gold and iron, with a sharp wind, grabbed the back of the black-winged thunder bat fiercely.

That part was exactly where Lei Dishi's avatar stepped on it a few days ago!

Wang Sheng, who has experienced many battles, will naturally not let go of any flaws, and the biggest flaw of the Black Wing Thunder Bat is here!

"Wang Sheng, do you know why I chose to use the Black-winged Thunderbat even though it was severely injured, and why did such deadly news reach your ears?"

Baiyou's faint smile sounded, and Wang Sheng's expression changed suddenly.

"Cangyu Holy Light Crane, come back!"

"It's late." Bai You said with a smile.

The pitch-black thunder pattern suddenly lit up from the wings of the black-winged thunder bat, and the next moment, a series of chaotic thunder burst out from it.

The blue-feathered Holy Light Crane that had just swept down happened to be in the center of the intersection of thunder and lightning. The pitch-black thunder rushed rapidly over its body, electrifying its holy feathers to stand on end.


The shrill cry of cranes spread from the Jinye platform.

"Not good!" Henry Zhang's heart sank slightly.

The situation between Baiyou and Wang Sheng was reversed in an instant.

Suffering this blow, the Cangyu Holy Light Crane's injury was no less than that of the Black Winged Thunderbat.

Wang Sheng is in danger!

"Black-winged Thunderbat, Black Thunderclaw!"

The body spun in the air, and the sharp claws of the black-winged thunder bat were surrounded by pitch-black thunder. With one claw, the body of the Cangyu Holy Light Crane was knocked out hundreds of meters away.

Bright red blood flowed from the abdomen of the Cangyu Shengguang Crane.


In a blink of an eye, the black-winged thunderbat quickly approached the Cangyu Holy Light Crane. Its sharp claws swelled to the size of Zhang Xu, and could crush even hard stones with one claw.

"Cangyu Holy Light Crane, Light Crack Slash!" Wang Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and he shouted sharply.

Forcibly hold your figure,

The blue-feathered Holy Light Crane swooped out, its wings swung horizontally, the sharp feathers were like swords, cutting the air in front of it into cracks.


When the sharp claws meet the wings, dazzling sparks burst out.

"Wang Sheng, this battle can be over. I'm sorry, you can't avenge Wei Yan's revenge." Wang Sheng suddenly smiled: "Black Winged Thunder Bat, Thunder Wing Saber!"

As Wang Sheng's words spread, the wings of the black-winged thunder bat suddenly turned into curved sharp blades, and pierced into the body of the Cangyu Holy Light Crane with a puff.

Blood, like rain.


The sharp blade-like wings were pulled out, and the black-winged thunder bat turned suddenly. The sharp thunder wings cut a deep bloodstain on the chest of the Cangyu Holy Light Crane.


With a shrill cry, the Cangyu Shengguang Crane flew upside down, and together with Wang Sheng, smashed out of the golden leaf battle platform.

Seeing this, there was an uproar below. Compared with the cheering Da Leitian disciples, the disciples in the Shengguang Pavilion gritted their teeth tightly and their eyes were dim.

Wang Sheng, lost.

This clearly shows that the younger generation of Shengguang Pavilion is not as good as Da Leitian.

And at the same time when Bai You and Wang Sheng were deciding the outcome.

On another golden leaf battle platform.

"Ghost water demon, six-pointed water light!"

"Phantom pupil spirit fox, fox bite!"

With a spin of the Nether Water Demon's right hand, six black water awns emerged one after another, and each of the water awns ejected a slender jet of water.

From a distance, it looks like a magic circle.


The paw stepped on the veins of the golden leaf, and the phantom spirit fox rushed out. Its size suddenly expanded several times, and it turned into a huge purple demon fox, with its mouth opened ferociously.

High-level emperor-level spiritual skill, fox bite!

After crushing several water jets, the sharp teeth of the Phantom Spirit Fox viciously pinched at the throat of the Nether Water Demon.


Black water drifts.

The body of the Nether Water Demon suddenly went limp.


Swallowing the Nether Water Demon into its stomach in one gulp, the Phantom-eyed Linghu suddenly flitted out, and slapped the horrified Mo Yao with its sharp fox claws.

There was a muffled bang.

Blood splatter.

Mo Yao, who had turned into a meat paste, was swept off the golden leaf battle platform by the phantom pupil Linghu with a rather disdainful attitude.

Below, it was extremely quiet.

Mo Yao, who was prominent for a while, was slapped to death with one claw?

However, not many people were surprised.

Tong Ling is notoriously cruel in Shenling Tian, ​​and none of his opponents has died well.

On the three-party golden leaf battle platform, two parties had already ended their battle, only Tang Honglian and Hongshuangyue were still fighting.

"Purple Flame Phoenix, Burning Fire Wings!"

Gorgeous flames burned on the right wing with a bang, and the purple flame fire phoenix rushed out, and the air where it passed was slightly illusory.

"Bang bang bang!"

Stepping in mid-air, the blazing red lotus opened its small hands, and the fiery red lotus petals flew out crazily. The energy generated by the explosion was like delicate fire lotus blossoms, beautiful and beautiful.

This battle is destined not to have too much smell of gunpowder.

Therefore, many people watch it with an appreciation mentality.

Standing on the edge of the golden leaf battle platform, Bai You looked down at Henry Zhang, and in his black eyes, a cold chill condensed.

Sensing Bai You's gaze, Henry Zhang slowly raised his head and looked at him without fear.

The atmosphere froze instantly.

"Master Mo, is this person sick?" Henry Zhang was calm on the surface, but he asked silently in his heart. After coming out from under the thunder cloud, the isolation between him and Master Mo had been restored.

"Not necessarily." Master Mo's eyes flickered slightly: "Baiyou has blood from your Xiao family in his body."

"How come!" Henry Zhang's pupils shrank slightly.

Baiyou, is it the Xiao family?

How could this be?

"Tong Ling, if you wait until the stage is assembled again and you meet that kid, can you be merciful?" Bai You pointed at Henry Zhang, with that casual demeanor, as if pointing at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Why?" Tong Ling smiled.

Among the holders of the Jinshi Shenling Ring, only Baiyou can make him afraid.

"I want to kill him with my own hands." Baiyou narrowed his eyes, and a chill flowed from them.

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of letting my prey down." Tong Ling licked the corner of her mouth, and said with a sinister smile, "Especially, the prey I got."

Hearing this, Baiyou's eyes flickered with coldness, and he didn't continue to speak.

Tong Ling is also not easy to provoke.

But if it's a last resort, he doesn't mind taking the trouble to kill it.

"It's the last blow." Hong Shuangyue smiled brightly: "If I can take this move, I will admit defeat."

"Purple Flame Fire Phoenix, Double Phoenix Cangyan Pendant!"

Two dazzling purple fire phoenixes, like meteors, fell straight from the sky.

The next moment, a huge and exquisite fire lotus rushed forward.


The blazing fire wave swept across, and the figure of the blazing red lotus retreated slightly, while the purple flame fire phoenix in the sky, after a slight tremor, folded its wings and rose quietly.

A flawless purple moon hovered above it.


Everyone understood why Hongshuangyue said that Chihonglian would admit defeat if she took this blow.

Purple Flame Fire Phoenix, it's time to transform!

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