Master of Beasts

Chapter 1017 Thunder Lord

The moment the gorgeous flame spiral bomb touched the golden leaf battle platform, it exploded with a bang, and the majestic energy storm swept in waves, and the pale pupil was immediately blown away on the mask, coughing up blood .

If it wasn't for the thin garment made from the scales of a ninth-rank imperial dome-level spirit beast under his clothes, the impact would have turned him into a pulp on the spot.

After the energy storm spread for a long time, it slowly stopped.

On the golden leaf battle stage, the figure of the spirit fox with phantom pupils disappeared.

He was killed by the offensive just now!

"I...I must be dreaming..."

Everyone in the Unreal Spiritual Academy stared up blankly, their stretched necks seemed to be frozen, motionless, unwilling to accept such a result.

With the help of the phantom pupil spirit fox, Tong Ling once escaped from the hands of a sixth-order spirit emperor.

And at that time, he was only the fourth rank!

Right now, it was actually defeated by Henry Zhang?

With the snow knife in his hand, Henry Zhang slowly walked towards the falling Tong Ling, the dull sound of the soles of his feet landing, like the footsteps of the god of death, Tong Ling's face became paler and paler.

"Henry Zhang, we don't have a deep hatred, why bother to force each other?" Tong Ling used both hands and feet, swipe backwards on the gold leaf, forced a dry smile on his face.

No hatred?

Henry Zhang's eyes slowly turned cold.

Before the start of the battle, how arrogant Tong Ling was, he opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut, just to kill him on the battlefield, and after the defeat, he even said that he was struggling?

Do you still want face?

"Henry Zhang, even if you can kill me, you have to pay a heavy price!" Tong Ling looked at Henry Zhang threateningly, and in his raised right hand, there was a red fruit emitting a fiery light.

Hot fruit.

A sixth-order explosive fruit can severely injure a seventh-order emperor-level spirit beast!


In Henry Zhang's voice without the slightest emotion, a black light rushed out from beside him,

Tong Ling's pupils were tightly shrunk together.

A slender bloodstain flashed from his throat.


A chaotic sound of shock erupted under the golden vine.

Other than Bai You, the most promising person to reach the top will die!

And the one who killed him was the mysterious beast Wanye King!



The students of the Illusory Spiritual Institute all seemed to have lost their souls, the corners of their mouths trembled, and they were in a daze. No one dared to mock the Xingyun Peak side like they did before the war.

The Illusory Spiritual Academy is over!

No matter in the outside world, or in Shenling Tian, ​​the Huanxu Lingyuan can't stand shoulder to shoulder with Xingyun Peak!


"As expected of Brother Xiao!"

The disciples of Xingyun Peak cheered, Cheng Kun and Wu Ning's tense bodies quietly relaxed a little, and a wry smile appeared on their faces.

Every time Henry Zhang fights, he always makes it thrilling.

It's really not worrying.

"Barely strong, half of my level." Hong Shuangyue raised the corner of her mouth slightly. If she is strong, she will not praise Henry Zhang verbally.

"Black-winged Thunderbat, Thunderbolt from all directions!"

At this time, an indifferent voice woke everyone up suddenly.

I just watched the battle between Henry Zhang and Tong Ling, and there was also a battle going on on the other battle platform!


The petite body swayed again and again, the blazing red lotus shuttled through the pitch-black thunder, and under the crimson lotus petals, a little delicate pink was faintly revealed.

"Advanced emperor-level spiritual skills, Honglianxuan!"

A huge crimson fire lotus formed rapidly in the sky, and slammed on the back of the black-winged thunder bat. The wound that had been trampled by Lei Dishi's avatar burst open instantly, bleeding profusely.

"Have the opportunity!"

The pretty face was slightly happy, and Tang Honglian's clear and sweet voice resounded in everyone's ears: "Blazing red lotus, double lotus red flame light!"

The fiery red light erupted, and two huge fire lotuses appeared beside the blazing red lotus in a half-vertical posture. The crimson lotus heart was filled with flames.

After blinking.


The flames as thick as the tree trunk shot out from the heart of the lotus, and the heat wave swept all directions. The black-winged thunderbat that was hit fell to the ground with a howl, with only one breath left.

This was the result of Tang Honglian's mercy.

Otherwise, that blow would easily kill the seriously injured Black-winged Thunderbat.


The black-winged thunderbat on the golden leaf battle platform suddenly disappeared.

"Honglian, back quickly!" Henry Zhang's complexion changed suddenly, and he shouted sharply, his voice urgent.

A powerful breath erupted on the golden leaf battle platform!

"He actually showed mercy."

In Baiyou's indifferent voice, a sharp ray of light sliced ​​through Blazing Red Lotus's chest with a swish: "Ridiculous pity."

Powerlessly falling to the ground, the petals of the blazing red lotus fell off with the wind.

That is a sign of impending fall!

While the faint blue light was flashing, an adult-sized spirit beast stood beside Baiyou, with wide thunder wings stretched out on its back, dazzling thunder light flickered on its body surface, and its dark eyes were extremely indifferent.

The most striking thing is its right arm.

Along the outside of its right arm, there is a thunder blade with a cold light, which is extremely sharp. With the vibration of the spirit beast's arm, it ejects and expands.

Obviously, that thunder blade is part of its body.

"Mysterious beast!"

"Thunder Lord!"

Looking at the blue figure beside Baiyou, many people's eyes were filled with shock.

Another profound beast following Queen Wanye!

After the lotus petals scattered, the figure of the blazing red lotus turned into flames and collapsed. There was only one crimson seed lying quietly on the golden leaf battle platform.

With her beautiful eyes trembling, Tang Honglian slowly stretched out her palm, trying to pick up the seed.

This is the blazing red lotus, the only thing left.

at this time.

One foot stepped on it without warning.


Stepping on the seeds, a thunder spear quickly appeared in Baiyou's right hand: "I heard from Bai Qi that you and Henry Zhang are very close. I don't know what expression he will have after killing you."

"Get your feet away!" Tang Honglian raised her head, her eyes bursting with anger, and at the same time, the barrier covering the golden leaf battle platform slowly dissipated.

"I don't like your tone very much." Baiyou's eyes were cold, and the sharp lightning spear pierced straight down.

"You dare!" Anger rose in Hong Shuangyue's eyes, and the fire wings stretched out behind her back, and she flew into the air at high speed.

She suddenly felt a little regretful, and asked Ziyan Huohuang to refine the Yanhuang Pearl in advance.

If not, she should be the one fighting Baiyou now.

"Bai You, you are going to die!"

When Thunder Spear was less than half a finger away from Tang Honglian's cheek, there was a rush of wind breaking, and that Thunder Spear instantly seemed to be held in iron tongs, motionless.

Holding Thunder Spear's body, Henry Zhang stared coldly at Bai You's eyes, and flung it out with one kick.


After retreating to ten feet, Bai You stabilized his figure, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"I'm sorry, the person who moved you, but seeing you like this, I really feel a little excited in my heart."

"As compensation, after killing you, I will bury her body with you..."

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