Master of Beasts

Chapter 1023 Hurricane Bee Spirit

Under everyone's gaze, the body of Lord Tianlei slowly floated into the air from the hole, and then slowly collapsed, turning into countless faint blue spots of light.

The crystal light spots floated in the air, quickly condensing towards the center, and after a while, a faint blue light wheel gradually took shape.

"Clang clang!"

Amid the crisp sound of gold and iron, six sharp lightning blades ejected from the edge of the light wheel one by one. The inner arc of the lightning blades curved slightly towards the middle, releasing an extremely fierce aura.


Everyone was horrified.

They witnessed the birth of a spirit treasure with their own eyes!

And this spiritual treasure was transformed by a mysterious beast!


The thunder wheel trembled slightly, as if he wanted to escape from here. In the eyes of the thunder-attribute healers present, there was unconcealable greed, but when they thought of Henry Zhang's strength, the cold water pouring down from their heads instantly made them want to move. Desire is quenched.


Lei Dishi, who was quickly recovered by the spiritual power of the stars, stepped in the air, and it snorted coldly, and the thunderstorm that swept out from the palm froze the thunder wheel that wanted to escape to the distance, and was unable to move at all. .

As the thunder storm swept across, the Thunder Wheel was getting closer and closer to Lei Dishi's right hand.

Finally, with a crackling sound, Master Lei Di held it directly in his hand.

"The consciousness of Lord Tianlei hasn't dissipated yet." Henry Zhang's eyes were slightly condensed.

Once a profound beast dies, there are only two endings.

One is to randomly teleport to a corner of the continent at the cost of a sharp drop in strength, waiting for recovery, and the other is to turn into a spiritual treasure.

This kind of situation is extremely rare, and it has never happened before on the mainland!


Accompanied by Lei Dishi's cold snort, the dazzling thunder light flowed across the entire body of the Thunder Wheel, and the remnant soul of the Sky Thunder Master let out an unwilling wailing, and then fell silent.

From then on, the Lord of Thunder will cease to exist and will become a legend forever.

"Now, Da Leitian's people are probably going crazy with anger." Hong Shuangyue gave a wry smile, but thinking of Henry Zhang, who had already had an irresolvable conflict with Da Leitian, she felt a little relieved in her heart.

Too much debt doesn't weigh you down.

It is estimated that Henry Zhang also has this kind of thought.

Although the bottom of the thick golden vine was completely shattered, its upper half was still suspended in the sky without any support.

That scene seemed quite strange.


The golden brilliance poured down from the clouds, except for the Daleitian disciple who showed anger at Henry Zhang, the expressions of the others were extremely excited.

The long-awaited baptism in the tomb of the gods has finally arrived!

Surrounded by soft brilliance, Henry Zhang's heart moved, and he could feel a mysterious force that wanted to carry his body and move upward.

Taking Lei Dishi into the spirit gate, Henry Zhang's figure suddenly turned into a bright light, flashing upwards from the spot.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that the only person left on the Divine Mausoleum can enjoy special treatment?"

Many people were dumbfounded as they watched the disappearance that turned into a rainbow and quickly rose towards the clouds.

"No!" Hong Shuangyue's beautiful eyes twinkled slightly: "Besides the baptism of the divine tomb, there are other secrets here, that bastard Baiyou must be hiding something!"

Da Leitian used to be the biggest subordinate force under the sect of Shenling, and he also knew the most secrets.

The reason why Baiyou worked so hard to get to the top of the Golden Vine must have other plans.

It's a pity that today's Baiyou can no longer get his hands on that.

The person who is about to explore all that is Henry Zhang.

"It turns out that this is the so-called baptism in the tomb of the gods!"

"Haha, such a long time of hard work was not in vain!"

The noise around them quickly pulled Hong Shuangyue and the others back to reality. As the fragments of the mausoleum decreased, they were pleasantly surprised to find that a small spot of light was forming in the middle of the spiritual gate.

This spot of light contains extremely majestic energy.

One day, when they are attacking the strong spirit king, this light spot will play a role, weakening the barrier that hinders the breakthrough, and increasing the possibility of becoming a strong spirit king!

From Linghuang to Lingwang is a huge watershed.

On average, only one out of a hundred ninth-level spirit emperors can be promoted to become a strong spirit king. The probability is so low that it makes people feel a little hopeless.

And with the help of the baptism in the divine mausoleum, the probability of their breakthrough will be improved to varying degrees.

The more fragments of the mausoleum you have, the greater the possibility of success!

"There are ten million fragments of my divine mausoleum, which can increase the chance by 10 percent." Hong Shuangyue muttered to herself.

10% doesn't seem like much, but it has magnified the original possibility by ten times.

Linghuang, it is too difficult to become a Lingwang.

I don't know how many people have been stuck in this stage all their lives, never able to take that step. Such people can be found everywhere in some big sects.

This small 10% probability, if placed in the outside world, is enough to set off a bloodbath!

All the people under the golden vines sat cross-legged together with their eyes closed.

At the moment when the radiance spread, all the spiritual power in their bodies was imprisoned and could not be used. In this way, their desire to snatch the fragments of other people's tombs was completely eliminated.

Once the baptism in the tomb of the gods is over, they will be sent out of the outside world.

This process will take dozens of days at least, and a month at most!


Being in the brilliance, Henry Zhang didn't know how long it took before he was finally teleported to the top of the golden vine.

Here, thick fog is lingering, and cotton-like white clouds are surging around.

These are all transformed by spiritual power.

The former Shenling Gate already had the ability to control its own space, and even the ink master in the empty boundary stone was a little amazed.


The soft brilliance dissipated, Henry Zhang's feet landed on a stable stone platform.

In the very middle of the stone platform, an angry spirit beast flapped six thin transparent wings, constantly colliding, and the storm swept through, causing invisible ripples to vibrate on the stone platform.

"Hurricane Bee Spirit!"

In Henry Zhang's eyes, there was a faint excitement.

Wind attribute mysterious beast, Hurricane Bee Spirit.

He finally saw it!

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