Master of Beasts

Chapter 1030 Mu Qingcang

The deafening thunder suddenly erupted from the sky, and the thunder surged, dazzling. Under the dissipated energy, a tall mountain in the distance instantly turned into powder, and a mighty coercion spread towards everyone. Come on, Sky Wing King's claws are in front of him, looking alert.

Under this coercion, the complexions of many strong men in the field turned pale, and even Mo Gong's eyes were full of dignity.

Spirit deficiency!

This is the coercion that only those with a strong spirit deficiency can possess!

"A man with a weak spirit..."

All the disciples who are only Linghuang, like birds being hit, landed on the ground with a crash, trembling in their hearts. Facing the strong man of the spirit deficiency, even if it was just a small coercion, they did not step on the ground. established qualifications.

The strong man with spiritual deficiency is supreme!


The spiritual power in his body exploded, Henry Zhang resisted the urge to land, and still stood behind Mo Gong, a trace of stubbornness flashed in his dark eyes.

He didn't believe it, but just a little coercion inadvertently exuded by a strong man with a spiritual deficiency could make him succumb.


The figure in the Thunderbolt seems to have sensed Henry Zhang as a different kind, and the coercion he released suddenly became stronger. Many spirit kings and strong men couldn't help but surge of energy and blood, and their complexions were ruddy.

"Master Mu, you're just a junior, so it's not worth your attention." Mo Gong waved his sleeve robe, and the gentle fluctuations enveloped Henry Zhang, resisting that coercion.

Da Leitian is a million miles away from here, if he can't even withstand the coercion released by a projection, then he, the ninth-level spirit king, has spent so many years in vain.

Slowly withdrawing the coercion, the figure in the thunder did not continue to attack Henry Zhang, but turned his gaze to Jiang Tan who was on one side.

"Elder Jiang, Poxu Pill, is there any whereabouts?"


The eyes of the strong men flickered.

Da Leitian has been plotting against Poxu Dan for a long time.


Facing the direction of the thunder,

After saluting respectfully, a cold light flashed in Jiang Tan's eyes, pointing at Henry Zhang and saying: "I suspect that the Poxu Dan is in that kid's space boundary stone!"


Countless gazes were projected on Henry Zhang's body in unison.

Even the strong spirits have intervened, Henry Zhang, I am afraid it will not be easy today.

"Really." The figure in the thunder pondered for a while, and then said indifferently: "Mo Gong, I don't care about that kid killing Bai You, but the Poxu Pill is left by the Shenling Sect. Da Lei Tian is a part of the Shenling Gate, and the Poxu Pill should belong to me, Da Lei Tian, ​​and I hope to return it."

Part of the Shenling Gate?

Henry Zhang sneered in his heart.

It's just a dog from the Shenling Gate, and it will really put gold on his face.

"Master Mu, that's not what you said." Mo Gong said in a condensed voice: "Don't say that Henry Zhang didn't get the Shattering Void Pill, even if he got it, it's still his personal belongings, and he can do whatever he wants with it, and Big Thunder Sky doesn't have much to do with it."

"Nonsense!" Jiang Qin flicked his sleeves and said in a cold voice, "I, Da Lei Tian, ​​have been working for the Shenling Sect since the beginning of my existence. Now that the Shenling Sect is gone, of course everything they have will be inherited by us. Whether it is the Shattering Void Pill or something else!"

Looking at the superpowers of the two parties who smelled of gunpowder faintly, except for a few strong ones, the other spirit kings all moved back without a trace.

Without the backing of someone with a strong spirit deficiency, they couldn't afford this kind of excitement.

"So, I will give you all the things I have worked so hard to get?" Henry Zhang's eyes gradually turned cold, and the weak preyed on the strong, and he really had the demeanor of the strong.

"What are you, do you have the right to speak here!" Jiang Tan's face turned cold, and the sharp light flashed in his eyes, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, so that people dare not look directly at it.

In his heart, Henry Zhang is an ant.

How can ants be qualified to participate in deciding the ownership of items in the hands of ants?

Just stay there obediently and let others slaughter you.

"What am I?" Laughing coldly, Henry Zhang's fearless voice rang loudly in the field, echoing endlessly.

"Three years ago, I killed the ten spirit emperors of Xiao Leitian, and cut off an arm of Master Tan's ninth-level spirit emperor."

"Three years later, I slaughtered Da Leitian's most outstanding disciple, and kicked all Da Leitian's people out of Shenlingtian."

"Now, an old man actually asks me what I am. Your memory is ridiculously bad."

"Bold!" Jiang Tan's eyes burst into anger.

Each of these incidents is a shame that Da Leitian can't erase. If it weren't for Mo Gong's presence, he would definitely pull out Henry Zhang's bones one by one.

"Jiang Tan, I need to remind you again." Mo Gong said lightly: "There has long been an agreement among the superpowers that powerhouses above the fifth-level spirit king are not allowed to interfere with the younger generation, or even the younger generation Things, the price paid by the violators, can you afford it?"

Jiang Qin's furious face froze slightly.

It was difficult for him to bear the consequences.

"Elder Mo, since Henry Zhang said he didn't get the Poxu Pill, let's check it out, it's not too much." A Spirit King powerhouse said suddenly.

He also came from a superpower. If the Poxu Pill really existed, then this matter would not only concern Xingyun Peak and Da Leitian.

"That's right, check his void boundary stone, and everything will become clear."

"Because of a elixir that may not exist, why hurt the peace."

Several spirit kings spoke one after another, sounding like they were trying to persuade them, but their purpose was only one.

That is to open Henry Zhang's empty boundary stone and see the truth!

"Henry Yang, is there really no Poxu Pill in your void boundary stone?" Mo Gong asked again, this time, it was still by sound transmission.

"No." Henry Zhang replied firmly.


Suddenly, amidst the thunderous thunder, a vast spiritual force attacked the space boundary stone between Henry Zhang's waist, and the strong man with a weak spirit finally lost his remaining patience.

If Henry Zhang was just an ordinary Linghuang, if there was no stronger person behind Mo Gong, Da Leitian's spirit-deficit powerhouse would have wiped out the two of them long ago, how could he waste so much talk.



The bright stars, like a complicated star map, unfolded in another sky, and an indifferent and indifferent voice spread.

"Mu Qingcang, recently, you really don't think much of me, Beichen."

The spiritual power attacking Henry Zhang shattered.


There was an uproar in the field.

Another Lingxu!

These spirit-deficit powerhouses, who have always been mysterious in the Northern Territory, unexpectedly showed two today!

Although the two of them were just projections and not real bodies, it still didn't prevent everyone from being shocked.

Many people, including the Lingwang, spend their entire lives in poverty, and may not have the opportunity to see a strong spirit deficient with their own eyes.

"Beichen, you are finally willing to show up." Mu Qingcang was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "Let's discuss how to solve this matter. Besides us, the other six immortals have been staring at us all the time. .”

Hearing this, everyone's heart trembled.

There are six other spirit-deficit powerhouses, also staring at this place?

What happened here, I am afraid that it will spread throughout the entire Northern Territory within a few days.

"Mu Qingcang, you and I also climbed up from the bottom. When you were in the Linghuang, if a spirit void forced you to explore the space boundary stone, how would you feel?" Beichen's voice was cold among the stars.

In case there is really Poxu Pill in Henry Zhang's Space Boundary Stone, then the Northern Territory will not be safe, and even Henry Zhang himself may be obliterated in the chaos.

Compared with Poxu Dan, no matter how much halo Henry Zhang has around him, it is still not worth mentioning.

However, to everyone's surprise.

Taking a light step, Henry Zhang saluted respectfully in the direction of the star map.

"Peak Master, I am willing to hand over the space boundary stone to you for inspection."

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