Master of Beasts

Chapter 1047 Great Melee

The figures of dozens of spirit beasts and profound beasts flickered rapidly in the dilapidated Jinhu City. Every time they collided, there was a thunderous collision sound, which resounded endlessly.


The pitch-black sickle blade scraped across the body, Xue Yan Mo let out a shrill laugh, his body turned suddenly, and his wide and sharp blood claws tore through the air, and swung ferociously at the rock horned dragon rhinoceros.

Suspended behind Xue Yanmo, the rock horned dragon rhinoceros just about to throw a punch, his eyes narrowed slightly, his arms crossed in front of him, and silvery white rock fragments popped out of it.


Blood Yanmo's blood claws slapped firmly on the crossed arms of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros. The latter let out a muffled grunt, and its body slammed down.

A towering building was pierced by the falling figure of the Rockhorn Rhinoceros.

Stepping on the broken building fragments, the Rockhorn Rhinoceros complexion turned red, its arms trembled uncontrollably, three clear bloodstains appeared on it, and then, its throat sweetened, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Vulnerable." Yan Chang smiled disdainfully, so what if he controlled the dragon and rhinoceros dual seals at the same time, the huge gap in strength made the rock horned dragon and rhinoceros useless.

If it was an ordinary rock horned dragon rhinoceros, if it received that claw with the strength of a fifth-level high-level imperial dome, its body would probably be cut into several pieces.


Taking advantage of the gap between the blood Yan Mo's attack on the rock-horned dragon rhinoceros, Lei Dishi's right foot condensed with Lei Guang staggered it, and saw its eyes narrowed slightly, and wanted to make up for another blow.

At the same time, King Wanye's sharp black sickle and several long green vines greeted the unstable blood Yan Mo unceremoniously.


Surging waves of blood swept all around from within the body, forcing the attacking figures back, and the blood Yan Mo rushed forward, swept tens of thousands of feet, and rushed out of the battle circle far away.

Even though it is a ninth-level high-level emperor-level spirit beast, it doesn't dare to push it too much, otherwise what awaits it will not be a simple kick.

"Blood Yan Mo, blood shattering!" Looking at Lei Dishi and Hurricane Bee Spirit who were chasing after him, a faint contempt flashed in Yan Chang's eyes, and a voice without the slightest emotion came from his mouth.

The right paw protruded forward slightly, and in front of Xueyan Mo, a huge prismatic spar emerged rapidly, shining with a strange blood light under the sunlight.


With the clenching of the blood Yan Mo's right claw, the blood spar exploded and turned into thousands of broken crystals, which shot out like a howling blood rain in the air.

The first to meet him was Lei Dishi, who was at the forefront.

Lightning flashed on the right foot, and Lei Dishi kicked it out suddenly. After smashing dozens of shards, its complexion suddenly changed, and its figure was blasted into a building by the rain of shards following it. .

The walls crumble and smoke rises.

It is enough to see how powerful those broken crystals are.

"You can't take it hard." Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "Hurricane Bee Spirit, Hurricane Roll!"

Quickly flashing to the front, Hurricane Bee Spirit's thin wind wings fluttered violently, and its figure spun on the spot. Suddenly, a huge blue hurricane whizzed around it at high speed.

"Clang clang!"

The shattered crystal hit it, and before it penetrated half a foot, it was twisted into countless pieces by the hurricane.

The blood crystal powder was mixed in the wind body, and the blue hurricane immediately turned into blood.

"Relieve your strength?" Yan Chang frowned slightly.

The swirling hurricane is composed of countless wind lights. Every time the broken crystal penetrates, it will lose a part of its strength. This kind of spiritual skill is extremely effective against large-scale offensives, especially the spiritual skill of blood smashing.


The two figures suddenly flashed to the sides of Xueyan Mo.

On the left is the Night King with cold eyes.

As for the other one, it was Lei Dishi looted from the building.

Staring at the blood Yan Mo in front of him, the black scythe blade held high by the King of Thousand Nights, the black light soared like a black waning moon, and a sharp breath emanated from it.

Spiritual skill, Dark Moon Slash!


The thunder light condensed on the right foot, Lei Dishi smashed the air, and fiercely attacked the blood Yanmo's right side.

Spiritual skills, thunder step!

"A useless attack." Yan Chang grinned: "Blood Demon, the body of a blood demon!"


With a long howl, Xueyan Mo's body suddenly swelled and doubled in size. Its outstretched claws grabbed Heiyue with one claw, and clasped the soles of Lei Dishi's feet with the other.

"Not good!" Henry Zhang's heart tightened: "Back!"

"Hehe, where to retreat!"

Amidst Yan Chang's weird laughter, Blood Yan Mo waved his claws repeatedly, Wanye King and Lei Dishi were immediately thrown by him, and shot thousands of feet violently.

Along the way, in the middle of the building, holes were blasted out by the bodies of the two.

Just at that moment.

A huge spar fist descended from the sky, and the huge force of the Yaosheng mushroom shattered the air, and the surging air waves swept around.


The body of Yaoshenggu bent down, and the huge spar fist, the blood Yan Mo, who had no time to dodge in the future, smashed heavily into the ground, and the cracks that spread and opened collapsed into a big pit.

Looking at this scene, Yan Chang didn't change his face, and there was even a scornful smile on the corner of his mouth.


The right arm of Yaoshenggu moved up uncontrollably.

Below that, Xueyan Mo standing in the pit actually lifted the huge body of Yaoshenggu with one claw, and then smashed it heavily towards the space far away.


Yaoshenggu's body fell to the ground and roughly collapsed, and the entire Golden Tiger City trembled at this moment.

It's just that the adult-sized blood Yanmo actually threw the giant monster mushroom like a toy.

The blood demon in the state of the blood demon's body is so terrifying!


A column of snowflakes and hurricanes lingered on the snow gun, and a crystal ice tablet emerged above its body. The other spirit beasts did not stop at all, and continued to interfere with the blood Yan Mo.

"Jie Jie!"

Senran laughter came out, and a blood-colored wind swirled around the blood-colored demon, and then it directly turned into a blood-colored storm, soaring into the sky, blasting towards several spirit beasts crazily.

The dull loud noise resounded endlessly.

Every time the bloody storm hit the ground, the huge Golden Tiger City trembled violently, Xue Youmei and other spirit beasts were all sluggish and suffered severe injuries.

"It's time to end!"

The bloody storm dissipated, and the bloody devil was suspended in the sky, with its broad bloody claws raised high, and the majestic bloody spiritual power rolled and surged on it.

"Advanced emperor-level spiritual skill, blood waterfall!"

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