Master of Beasts

Chapter 1055

The thick shuttlecocks were gradually peeled off and turned into dense feathers, circling around King Silver Wing Peng, the number of which was like a sea of ​​silver feathers.


Cracks were all over the body of the gun, and the slender snow gun was shattered, and a sweetness welled up in Xue Youmei's throat, her body trembled, and she staggered back dozens of steps.

Seeing this, Fang Ying's face became more mocking.

Henry Zhang thought that Chu Qiong's Silver Wing Peng King was still a piece of garbage like Ice Storm Xuanshuang Ape?

The huge difference in strength is enough to crush Xue Youmei.

"If it's an ordinary Silver Winged Roc King, the spiritual skill just now has the possibility of smashing the wind and feather shield, but my Silver Winged Roc King has refined a drop of real Peng's blood essence, and the feathers are extremely hard. "Chu Qiong smiled and said: "Since you want the Ice Soul Stone so much, you should have an ice-attribute spirit beast, call it out."

Only ice attribute spiritualists would be interested in ice soul stones.

How could an ordinary spiritual master spend such a high price to find the Ice Storm Black Frost Ape.

"There are many more of my spirit beasts, but you can't see them." Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Xue Youmei who wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "No problem."

Staring closely at the Silver Winged Peng King surrounded by silver feathers, Xue Youmei nodded heavily, and with her right hand clenched tightly, a slender snow spear appeared again.

"There are a lot more."

Frowning slightly, Chu Qiong chewed this sentence several times, and said coldly, "What do you mean?"

"My other spirit beasts all broke through at the same time. They can step into the sixth level. I think Xue Youmei can naturally do it too, just lacking some pressure." Henry Zhang said calmly.

"You mean, you are using my Silver Winged Peng King as a whetstone for your spirit beast?" Chu Qiong's eyes darkened slightly.

Hearing this, Henry Zhang nodded slowly.

Yes, he did have this idea.

Pressure is always the driving force for spiritual beasts to discover their potential. The reason why so many spiritual masters have experienced outside, and even wandered in the deep mountains and old forests, is what they hold.

In a desperate situation, the possibility of breakthrough is the highest.

Of course, there is also a high probability of falling.

"Whetstone? A joke!" Fang Ying sneered.

Henry Zhang must be talking hard.

It is Henry Zhang's limit to have a fifth-order emperor-level spirit beast. Henry Zhang said this, but he was just trying to support it. She didn't believe that Henry Zhang had other stronger spirit beasts.

"I don't care what your purpose is, but that spirit beast of yours deserves to die." Chu Qiong's eyes flashed coldly, "King Silver Winged Peng, Chaofeng Zhan, cut that spirit beast to pieces!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

In an instant, the Silver Winged Peng King approached Xue Youmei quickly, and the waving right wing brought up afterimages and slashed towards the latter, even the air was cut and full of cracks.

The white teeth clenched together tightly, and Xue Youmei swung the long spear in her hand repeatedly. Its body was bombarded on the ice wall again and again, and bright red bloodstains appeared on the palm of its hand holding the snow spear.

It was produced by King Silver Wing Peng's chopping and shattering snow spear.


There was a muffled sound again.

The bright red blood drops formed bloodlines and slid down along the snow gun. Xue Youmei's forehead was sweating, and her chest heaved violently. Immediately, she moved to the side of her body and dodged the wings of the Silver Winged Peng King, and the roaring However, the strong wind forced it back a few steps.

Killing intent climbed in his eyes, King Silver Wing Peng's body spun sharply, his right wing carried a fierce force, and slashed firmly on the barrel of the gun.


The snow gun trembled, and Xue Youmei flew upside down, almost falling to the ground.

"Dead." The guards' faces were ashen.

With Fang Ying's personality, she would definitely not let them go.

In the same way, with their style, if they survived, they might let Fang Ying go.

However, judging from the scene in front of them, the possibility of them dying is much higher than the probability of taking revenge on Fang Ying.

"The final blow."

Under Chu Qiong's teasing eyes, the Silver Winged Peng King rushed out,

The wide wings suddenly swept towards Xue Youmei, and the edges of the wings glowed with an extremely sharp luster.

The blade-like wings of King Silver Wing Peng arrived in a flash.

Clutching the snow gun in her hand, Xue Youmei suddenly closed her eyes lightly, her slender eyelashes were extraordinarily beautiful.

"Have you accepted your fate?" Fang Ying's eyes showed sarcasm.

That's right.


The sweeping wings of King Silver Wing Peng ruthlessly knocked Xue Youmei hundreds of feet away, just at the moment when the slender snow spear was cracked just because of the sharpness it endured.

Xue Youmei's eyes suddenly opened.


Surging snow waves, with Xue Youmei as the center, erupted towards the surroundings, and the cracks spreading on the spear quickly retracted until they disappeared completely, while the sharp eyes of the Silver Winged Peng King couldn't help but froze.

Xue Youmei, broke through!

"Sixth level?" Frowning slightly, Chu Qiong's face quickly returned to indifference: "It's only sixth level, and it's even better than my Silver Winged Peng King, my spirit beast, but it has been refined... "


The hurricane column of snowflakes swirled on the spear, and Xueyoumei shot up into the sky, and beautiful figures spread out in all directions. On each of Xueyoumei's spears, there was a hurricane column of snowflakes lingering around.

That scene was undoubtedly extremely astonishing.

After breaking through the sixth level, Xue Youmei's spiritual power has taken a qualitative leap. The avatars summoned by the ice lotus funeral in the past can only perform simple attacks, but now, they can already use some spiritual skills that consume less energy !


Dozens of hurricane columns of snowflakes blasted out suddenly. The Silver Winged Roc King hardly resisted, but was pressed to the ground, and a deep pit was blasted out immediately below it.

But the second half of Chu Qiong's unfinished words got stuck in his throat.

"The attack of this spirit beast..." Chu Qiong's expression turned slightly ugly.

He had never seen Xue Youmei before, so he naturally didn't know that this kind of spiritual beast's spiritual skills could be used like this.

"Xue Youmei, kill!"

Looking at the Silver Winged Peng King who was struggling to get up against the impact of the Snowflake Hurricane Column, Henry Zhang sneered coldly.

Gently nodded, Xue Youmei's jade hand shook, two snow elves emerged from the void, and immediately dispersed into the distance, a miniature spirit array bloomed in front of each snow elf.

The spirit array looks like a miniature.

But the energy contained in it is terrifying and astonishing.

Spiritual skills, Xueling Barrier!

Xue Youmei's Xueling enchantment cast with sixth-level strength, both in momentum and lethality, is several tenths stronger than before!

"Silver Wing Peng King, Wind Feather Shield!" Chu Qiong shouted hastily.

Three snow-colored beams of light suddenly exploded on the shuttlecock covering King Silver Wing Peng. , like a hurricane composed of snowflakes, sweeping in all directions.


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