Master of Beasts

Chapter 1058 The Mysterious Woman in White

The scorpion pincers of the Aurora Scorpion shattered the space and swung straight towards it. The Sky Sword Master's eyes narrowed slightly, and the sharp sword lying in front of him spun at high speed, like a whirlpool of swords.


The scorpion pincers slammed on it, and the Sky Sword Master let out a muffled groan, and shot straight backwards thousands of feet away.

The rank of this Aurora Scorpion is much stronger than it.

Once the two fight, it will be very difficult for the Sky Sword Master, who has just consumed a lot, to win.

Grasping the hilt of the sharp sword, the Sky Sword Master dodged the scorpion pincers swung by the Aurora Skylight Scorpion, and immediately turned into a golden sword light, quickly darting towards the distance.

With murderous intent in his eyes, the Aurora Scorpio burst out with spiritual power, relentlessly catching up.

It vowed not to give up until it killed the Sky Sword Master.


With its huge body lying on the crushed ground, the Aurora Skymanscorpion, which was severely injured by the Sword Master of the Sky, let out a painful neigh, and desperately absorbed the falling sunlight.

For light attribute spirit beasts, this is one of the ways to heal the body.

"Is this the battle between the throne-level spirit beasts?"

Looking at the Sky Sword Master and the Aurora Skymanscorpion that disappeared into the sky, Henry Zhang let out a deep breath, and a few green leaves fluttered around him.

It's not that he hasn't seen the battle of throne-level spirit beasts before, but it's the first time he's seen something as intense as just now.


Lightly stepping on the branches under his feet, Henry Zhang's back stretched out his fire wings, and he was about to leave the place immediately. Suddenly, he paused, his eyes turned to the seriously injured Aurora Scorpion, and his heart was beating non-stop.

After the light attribute spirit beast falls, a special energy body will be produced for refining by the spirit beast or spiritual master.

The energy body produced by a throne-level spirit beast...

Staring closely at the Aurora Scorpion bleeding all over his body, Henry Zhang's hands were densely sweating, this is a rare opportunity for him!

However, how much spiritual power is contained in the energy body born after the fall of the Aurora Scorpio, only experienced spiritual masters who have hunted and killed throne-level spirit beasts know.

In case Henry Zhang, who has too much spiritual power to bear it, will be blown away!

His eyes flickered for a moment, and Henry Zhang's eyes flashed a touch of firmness.



The branch trembled slightly, Henry Zhang shot out, the dim starlight in his right hand gradually became brighter, and an extremely sharp breath spewed out from the center.

Although the lethality of Fanxingmang is far less than that of the Sword Master of the Sky, it is enough to deal with a dying Aurora Scorpion!

Sensing the sudden sense of crisis, the eyes of Aurora Scorpio trembled, and a slender ray of light flashed across its waist, splitting its already fragmented body.

The light in his eyes quickly faded away.

Unwilling to twitch a few times, it turned into two halves of the Aurora Scorpion, which exploded with a bang, and two bright light clusters floated quietly.

The spiritual power released from each light group is incomparably astonishing.


In the distance, a shrill and angry hiss resounded through the sky.

The Aurora Skylight Scorpion who left could never have imagined that in its territory, there were still existences that could threaten the existence of Throne-level spirit beasts. Therefore, it dared to boldly pursue and kill the Sky Sword Master.

"time to go!"

The bright light was like an off-string arrow, shooting towards here at high speed, Henry Zhang looked at the Aurora Scorpion flying back, his scalp couldn't help feeling a little numb, he quickly picked up a light ball, and fled to the distance.

The energy body produced after the fall of the light attribute spirit beast can only exist for a short period of time if it is not preserved in a special environment, so Henry Zhang only took one.

He didn't think that he had the qualifications to swallow the entire energy body of a throne-level spirit beast.

Henry Zhang just left.


The branches and leaves of the lush forest trembled for a while. Among them, a woman in white was lazily leaning on the tree trunk, and she raised her hands and feet, exuding an indifferent aura.

"It's not bad. When you know it's time to take risks, you have to work hard. If you just leave like this, then I will be too disappointed in you.


Looking at the direction in which Henry Zhang left, the red lips of the woman in white were slightly raised, the sleeves as thin as veil slipped slightly, and she stretched out her slender hand to hold the remaining light ball in it.


Gently grasping it with her slender hand, the ball of light shattered, and the woman in white easily sucked it into her body. This made the pupils of the Aurora Scorpion lying in the sky tremble uncontrollably.

Not to mention the Spirit Emperor, even a strong Spirit King would take a long time to absorb the energy body of a throne-level spirit beast, but this woman did it as easily as breathing.

The scorpion's legs swiped in the void, and just as the Aurora Scorpion was about to turn around and run away, its body froze suddenly, its eyes filled with fear.

The woman in white who was still on the branch just now was standing on the tail needle of its scorpion tail!

Stepping lightly on the tip of the aurora skylight scorpion's tail needle, the white-clothed woman's clothes fluttered, and a gentle smile appeared on her delicate and picturesque cheeks: "For the sake of you being a light-attribute spirit beast, I won't kill you, but , the little guy who took away the energy body, you can't move, okay?"

Aurora Scorpion nodded frantically.

It was afraid that if it reacted slowly, it would die miserably on the spot.

After a while, when the Aurora Skylight Scorpion raised its gaze tremblingly, the figure of the woman in white disappeared to nowhere.


Landing in the messy forest, the Aurora Scorpio desperately dug the soil, and in a blink of an eye it got into it. The tail needle of the scorpion's tail completely filled the hole it drilled into.

It is not difficult to see what kind of fear it has in its heart.

the other side.

"call out!"

Shooting quickly over the forest, Henry Zhang glanced back after thousands of miles away, and behind him, the Aurora Scorpion chasing as expected did not appear.


Looking a little surprised, Henry Zhang looked at the surging light ball in his hand, his heart froze slightly, the spiritual power in the light ball was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Henry Zhang held Guang Tuan's palm and exerted a little force.

If he had known this earlier, he would have refined a Condensing Light Pill in advance, and refined it in conjunction with the light group, then the risk he had to bear would be much reduced.

"do not care!"

With a ruthless look in his eyes, Henry Zhang closed his eyes, stuffed the ball of light into his mouth, rolled his throat, and the dazzling light exploded in his body like a burst in an instant.

"I knew it!"

Holding his chest that was about to explode, Henry Zhang plunged down, and after breaking several trees, his unbearable body directly pierced a mountain.

"Die! Hold on to me!"

With blue veins bursting out on his forehead, Henry Zhang gritted his teeth fiercely, resisting his body that was about to burn, and fell straight down facing a winding river.


The water column rushed violently, and Henry Zhang was finally knocked out by the unbearable pain. Following the flow of the river, he drifted all the way, as if he had lost all his intuition.

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