Master of Beasts

Chapter 1060 Yu Qiong

"Spiritual skill, Vine Blade Slash!"

A deep and coquettish sound spread from the mountain peaks. Before a swooping poisonous winged bee could pierce its venom-filled tail needle, a wisteria twisted into the shape of a blade suddenly stabbed it. split into two.


Dark green blood spilled, and the poisonous queen bee split in two, fell on the ground, and the limbs that had not completely lost feeling twitched slightly.

"The wisteria demon, take its spirit core."

Ying Xi's spirit beast is a purple vine-shaped spirit beast. It floated close to the poisonous queen bee, and dug out a spirit core with the slightly curved wisteria dagger in its hand.

"The spiritual core of a fifth-order Nirvana-level spirit beast." Ying Xi was a little delighted.

A fifth-order Nirvana-level poisonous spiritual core is worth dozens of ice grasses, but when she saw Henry Zhang following behind, looking around with great interest, she showed a look of displeasure, Flashed from the eyes.

Are all the children who are used to being protected by the family like this?

There is no sense of crisis.

If someone like Henry Zhang survived alone in this mountain range, he would definitely not survive half an hour.

"Let's go."

Putting the spirit core into the empty boundary stone, Ying Xi greeted Ying Min, and walked forward with a blank expression. If it wasn't for Henry Zhang's promise of reward, she really wanted to shoot this pampered waste to death .

"By the way, you haven't told me your name yet." Ying Yin approached Henry Zhang and said with a smirk.

"Henry Henry." Henry Zhang nodded with a smile.

Ying Min and Ying Xi don't know his identity, but along the way, he already has a general understanding of these two sisters, and it's much better to have them lead the way than him entering the Ghost Realm like a headless fly.

Besides, together with these two sisters, he also found out a lot of information about the Ghost Realm.

"Is your family particularly powerful?" Ying Tan's eyes were a little sly.

She likes powerful alchemists.

In big families, there are usually such alchemists sitting in charge.

"It's okay." Henry Zhang smiled, but his eyes were a little dazed.


His memory of the family still stays in Guyang Town, but he has been very clear since he was a child that the only person in the whole family who is truly related to him by blood is his father Xiao Lie.

As for the others, they were all of slave origin and took his father's surname.

And the real Xiao family...

Henry Zhang's lips pursed slightly.

In the Imperial State a few years ago, it should have been a giant.

"Oh." Nodding thoughtfully, Ying Mo was a little disappointed.

It's okay, then it's not very strong.

Those family children are eager to boast their family to the sky, and few of them are humble.

"It's getting dark, let's find a place to settle down first, and leave tomorrow to rush back to Ghost Nether Realm." Ying Xi glanced back, her expression cold.

"Okay." Ying Xiao smiled.

The atmosphere in Ghost Nether Realm is very depressing.

She likes life outside very much.


A sound of leaves rubbing against each other faintly sounded, Henry Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly, and white fire spewed out in his palm.

It seems that there is a second-order emperor-level spirit beast that is eyeing them.

"What's wrong with you." Ying Mo looked at Henry Zhang curiously.

The moment her voice just fell.


A giant tree tens of meters in length burst into pieces with a bang, and a pitch-black centipede perched on the broken wood, and the body of the giant tree was cut off by it.

The height of that centipede is similar to that of a giant tree. It has hundreds of limbs and densely packed limbs, distributed on both sides of its body. At the end of each limb, there is a devil's head.

"Jie Jie!"

When the pitch-black centipede moved a little, those devil's heads let out horrifying laughter, and in the mountains that began to be shrouded in night, the creeps shuddered.

"Hundred...hundred ghosts and centipedes?" Ying Xi and Ying Min's complexions turned pale in an instant, and a deep look of fear appeared in their eyes.

the mountains,

Spirit power is relatively thin, and it is difficult to give birth to powerful spirit beasts.

This Hundred Ghost Centipede actually has a second-tier Huangqiong rank, which is not something they can deal with at all!


The tall broken wood exploded, and the centipede rushed up, and rushed down to Ying Xi and Ying Shi, who were frightened and scattered. The heads at the ends of each limb were covered with bloodthirsty smiles.


Standing in the same place blankly, Ying Xi and Ying Min at this moment, the only thought in their hearts roared wildly.

In front of the emperor-level spirit beast, the little Lingpan had no way of escaping.

Looking at the hundred ghost centipede indifferently, the fire in Henry Zhang's right hand surged, and his figure was about to rise.

"Ichthyosaur Monarch, Baishui strike!"

The sound of surging waves came suddenly, and the next moment, a violent wave knocked the centipede to the ground, and a majestic arowana monarch floated on top of the waves.

Looking up, Ying Xi and Ying Min couldn't help being startled.


"Such a beautiful woman, how could she be killed by an ugly beast, Lord Ichthyosaur, Qian Shuixiao!"

Amidst a clear laugh, the Ichthyosaur Sovereign's broad Ichthyosaur wings stretched out, and dense water lines shot out from the two water wings crazily, piercing through the centipede struggling to get up.

That scene was extremely gorgeous.

In Ying Xi's eyes, there was a gleam of brilliance.


Hundred Ghost Centipede fell to the ground, a handsome young man stepped on the top of a giant tree, smiling, Ying Xi's heart was beating fast.

She worships the strong.

Especially the young strong ones.

Coupled with the fact that the young hero saved the beauty, before she knew it, she had already fallen a little bit, and even Ying Ji who was on the side was a little moved.

However, Henry Zhang, who was standing behind, squinted his eyes.

There is a blurred watermark on the body of the Hundred Ghost Centipede. It is obvious that someone has tampered with it in advance. This young man who came suddenly has ulterior motives.


Stepping down from the giant tree, the young man waved his sleeves and brought the majestic ichthyosaur into the spiritual gate. She looked at Ying Xi and Ying Ji, and said with a smile, "Are you all right?"

Ying Min shook his head, while Ying Xi's face was flushed with blush.

Every move of the young man, in her opinion, is so gentle.

"My name is Yu Qiong. I happened to pass by here, and I happened to see two girls suffering. This is..." Yu Qiong looked at Henry Zhang, with a smile hiding a little coldness.

This hidden coldness can hardly escape Henry Zhang's eyes.

"We rescued him, and we just met him today. He's just a cripple without spiritual power, and has nothing to do with me." Ying Xi quickly explained.

"It doesn't matter." Yu Qiong smiled.

So much the better.

"The two girls are both from the Ghost Realm, and so am I. With the strength of my third-order Linghuang, I must be able to protect you." Yu Qiong said sincerely, but in the depths of his eyes, there was There was a flash of obscenity.

The corner of Henry Zhang's mouth twitched slightly.

Yu Qiong's purpose is really impure.

"This is too troublesome." Ying Xi's voice was as thin as a mosquito.

The third-order spirit emperor.

It was the first time she had seen such a young and powerful Spirit Emperor.

"It's my honor to protect the two girls." Putting her right hand on her chest, Yu Qiong was so graceful that Ying Xi fell into it completely.

"I said, your defensiveness is not so low, is it?"

A helpless voice suddenly sounded from behind.

However, this voice fell on Ying Xi's ears, and it was quite ear-piercing, so much so that a flash of anger flashed in her eyes.

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