Master of Beasts

Chapter 1064 Is there just such a small number of people?

Henry Zhang's faint laughter spread in the forest, Fang Zhan and Fang Tong's eyes suddenly darkened, this boy, has he lived enough?

"Do you know what kind of existence you are talking to." The one who spoke coldly was Fang Zhan of the Fang family. He had stayed in the eighth-level spirit emperor for many years, and his highest record was fighting against a ninth-level spirit emperor. without defeat.

"It's just the two eighth-order spirit emperors." Henry Zhang smiled.

In the past, the eighth-level spirit emperor might have felt a bit of a headache, but now it seems that it only takes a short moment to kill them all.

Hearing Henry Zhang's laughter, anger rose on the faces of Fang Zhan and Fang Tong.

Henry Zhang made it clear that he didn't take them seriously.

"Two seniors, we don't know him well." Feeling the powerful aura emanating from Fang Zhan and Fang Tong's bodies, Ying Ji's complexion turned pale, and he quickly drew a line with Henry Zhang, for fear of being killed by mistake.

"Silver Wing Peng King!"

Ignoring Response Time, Fang Zhan and Fang Tong let out a low growl, and two silver-winged Peng kings emerged, and as the silver wings flapped, the strong wind swept around, and the branches and leaves trembled.

"I'll give you one last chance to tell Fang Ying's whereabouts, otherwise, I'll cut you into a pig and put them in a special jar made by the Fang family, so that you can't survive or die for the rest of your life!" Fang Zhan said. Loud, angry and vicious.

"I really don't know where Fang Ying is." Henry Zhang was a little helpless: "And, if you two really want to do something, you must be mentally prepared. I will never show mercy to anyone who wants to kill me."

"Go to hell!"

With killing intent in their eyes, Fang Zhan and Fang Tong waved their palms, and the two domineering silver-winged kings, with sharp claws and fierce wind, tore towards Henry Zhang violently.

"Idiot." Ying's body trembled and he cursed in his heart.

Henry Zhang wanted to die by himself, and he would also implicate them.

After killing Henry Zhang, those two powerful middle-aged people will definitely not reply and let them go.

"In these days, there are really too few people who can speak well."

Sighing and shaking his head, Henry Zhang tapped his index finger, aiming at the two silver-winged kings who rushed forward: "Mie!"


A black sharp edge quickly passed through the space, and the two imposing silver-winged Peng Kings immediately split apart and were thrown backward from Henry Zhang's upper and lower ends.

Lightly stepping on a leaf, the black sickle in Wan Ye Wang's hand pointed obliquely at the ground, and the expressions on Fang Zhan and Fang Tong's faces froze there, eyes full of disbelief.

one strike?

With just one blow, two silver-winged Peng kings of the eighth-level high-level Emperor Qiong were beheaded?

"How is it possible!" Ying Xi and Ying Ji looked horrified, especially the latter, whose body was icy cold, and a deep regret filled his heart.

They thought that Henry Zhang could kill the skinny old man, at best he would be a fifth-order spirit emperor.

But how could I have imagined that Henry Zhang's strength was so terrifying.

"If I knew it earlier, I would stand up and live and die with him." Ying Yan was about to go crazy with regret, knowing that she would die today, why did she still have to sever ties with Henry Zhang.

She missed two chances!

"Notify the Patriarch!" Fang Zhan and Fang Tong looked at each other, and tremblingly took out the Nanyin bell, but before the sound could be transmitted, a black light suddenly cut across their bodies.

The two eighth-order spirit emperors have just fallen!

Looking at the corpse that fell to the ground, Ying Huan and Ying Xi's breathing was slightly stagnant.

Clenching her palms tightly, the blood in Ying Xi's eyes spread crazily. She told Henry Zhang to leave for a beast like Yu Qiong, but the facts proved that Henry Zhang was hundreds of times stronger than Yu Qiong!

Such a young eighth-level spirit emperor must have a chance in this life to touch the threshold of a strong spirit king!


Just grasping Fang Zhan and Fang Tong's empty boundary stones in his heart, Henry Zhang broke the soul imprint on them, but before he had time to proceed, a terrifying storm enveloped him in an instant.

"In order to kill me, the Fang family has some strength, have they all come?" Looking at the distance calmly, Henry Zhang put his hands behind his back and said nothing.

"Little bastard!"

Coming like lightning,

The middle-aged man in a silver shirt looked at the corpses of Shang Zhan and Fang Tong on the ground, his eyes were tearing apart: "What hatred do they have with you, you are so vicious!"


Henry Zhang sneered in his heart.

They are going to cut him into a pig and torture him for a hundred years, and he is not allowed to kill him?

Compared with Fang Zhan and Fang Tong, he is much more kind.

"Are you the head of the Fang family?" Henry Zhang said indifferently.

"Patriarch of the Fang family, Fang Ziling!"

As soon as the middle-aged man's angry words fell, Ying Ji and Ying Xi's expressions changed wildly, and the fear in their hearts grew wildly like weeds.

Fang Ziling, even in Ghost Nether Realm, his name is like a thunderbolt.

This kind of strong man, the head of their Ying family will bow their knees when they see it.

"I have already killed people, but they wanted to kill me first, are you sure you want to take revenge?" Henry Zhang's voice was indifferent, and the black sickle in King Wanye's hand twirled slightly, and the icy cold light made people unable to open their eyes. open your eyes.

"They wanted to kill you first? So you killed them?" Fang Ziling laughed back angrily: "Mysterious Beast Wanye King, very good, it seems that you do have certain abilities, but don't forget, this This area is the territory of our Fang family, and here, the Fang family is the leader!"

"Wow, boom!"

Amidst Fang Ziling's anger, figures landed around Henry Zhang one after another, with their hands behind their backs and their eyes as sharp as knives.

These people are all ninth-level spirit emperors!

"Now, what else do you have to say!" Fang Ziling's eyes were cold. In order to catch Henry Zhang and avenge Chu Qiong, he recruited all his friends.

As for Fang Ying, he didn't care.

"Seven ninth-level spirit emperors are not easy to deal with." Henry Zhang murmured in a low voice, while Ying Min and Ying Xi on the ground had long been scared out of their wits, their bodies shaking like chaff.

They have never seen so many ninth-level spirit emperors appearing at the same time in their life.

"Senior Feng?"

Scanning those strong men, Ying Mo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted excitedly: "Senior Feng, I am Ying Mo from the Ying family, my father brought me to visit you before!"

Hearing the call, the middle-aged man known as Senior Feng had doubts in his eyes. He looked at Ying Mo, but he couldn't remember when he saw him, but he still nodded: "Are you from the Ying family? The head of the Ying family is also my old friend, you guys know this kid?"

"I don't know!" Ying Mo hurriedly shouted.

She was too lazy to care about Henry Zhang's life and death.

"Well, you stand behind me, and then return to the family on your own after the matter is over." The middle-aged man surnamed Feng turned his head flatly.

If it was the child of another friend, he wouldn't mind escorting it himself.

But the status of the Ying family's children in his heart is too low.

Standing behind the middle-aged man surnamed Feng, Ying Xi's eyes were gloomy, while Ying Min gave Henry Zhang a showy look, obviously proud of knowing the ninth-level Linghuang.


With the wind blade whirling in his hand, Fang Ziling looked at Henry Zhang coldly: "Are you ready to face death?"

Glancing at the ninth-order spirit emperors who were about to move, Henry Zhang nodded slowly, and after a long while, smiled lightly and stroked his face.

"You, are there just so few people?"

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