Master of Beasts

Chapter 1068 Ghost City

The yelling of the skinny man attracted the attention of many people. They looked at Henry Zhang, and a fleeting sympathy flashed in their eyes.

Another person is about to be tricked.

However, being cheated out of the sky boundary stone is better than losing one's life.

"You said, I stole your sky boundary stone?"

Throwing the Sky Boundary Stone lightly in his hand, Henry Zhang said calmly: "I'm not in the mood to waste time with you, so take my hands away, or I'll take your life."

"It's really useless, not only grabbing things, but also killing people!" Grasping Henry Zhang's robe tightly, the skinny man screamed as if his parents were dead, but the corner of his mouth showed a touch of disdain.

Who are you scaring?

If you have the ability, try killing me, behind me, but there is...


With a flash of icy snow, the snow knife in Henry Zhang's right hand pointed obliquely at the ground, and the faces of passers-by around him were all shocked.

Henry Zhang's movements were too fast, and the gesture of the snow knife was like a flash of lightning.

To be able to achieve such a speed, the minimum is the seventh-rank Linghuang!

The blood line oozed from the throat, and the skinny man felt the tingling pain transmitted to his brain, his complexion was extremely ugly, his mouth opened, and only a hoarse voice came out.

"you you……"

The palm of Henry Zhang's sleeve robe was released, and the skinny man collapsed on the ground until he died. He didn't want to believe that Henry Zhang really killed him.


There was an angry roar, and the two men stared at Henry Zhang ferociously, with fierce eyes: "He has no grievances with you, why do you want to kill him next time!"

"No injustice, no enmity? Why didn't you show up when he wanted to snatch my empty boundary stone, don't you think it's a bit ridiculous to say this now." Henry Zhang said indifferently, turned and walked towards the distance.

He doesn't want to waste time with these people.

What's more, the survival of the weak is the law of the ghost domain. If he is the weak one, let alone the space boundary stone, it is unknown whether people can survive.


Seeing that Henry Zhang remained unmoved, the eyes of the two men were instantly filled with anger: "Shuangdao Yanmantis, hack him to death!"


The sharp claws stretched out, and the blazing flames glowed on it, and the two double-knife flame mantises flapped their wings, carrying turbulent heat waves, and slashed towards Henry Zhang's neck respectively.

Spiritual skill, Double Flame Slash!

"Rockhorn Rhinoceros, kill them." Henry Zhang walked forward slowly, the Rock Horn Rhinoceros clenched with both fists roared out from the spiritual gate, and two powerful silver fists hit the Rock Horn Rhinoceros respectively. Rhino belly.


There was a muffled sound like thunder, and the bodies of the two double-edged flaming mantis shot out backwards, smashing the two terrified men behind them, and immediately exploded.

Flames and blood splatter.

The double-edged Yanmantis and their spiritual master died at the same time!

"Eighth...eighth-rank Linghuang." Someone quietly swallowed.

It's not that they haven't seen the eighth-level spirit emperor before, but this is the first time they have encountered such a young man.

Moreover, there are records of some powerful spirit emperors, and in order to avoid causing trouble, some people even sell portraits of these people in some places.

Henry Zhang is definitely not among them.

"Another strong man."

"Hurry up and notify the door master."

Many people took out the empty boundary stones to inform their respective forces, and the man in Tsing Yi at the top of a high tower portrayed Henry Zhang's appearance with a special crystal ball.


The crystal ball flashed, and amidst the black air, Henry Zhang's figure slowly emerged.

"The inner area of ​​the ghost domain is really different from the outside world." Caressing the silk on his face, Henry Zhang said with a smile: "Fortunately, there is this thing, otherwise my information will be exposed, sitting here Little Leitian and other forces will definitely take action soon, and now, I am not ready to meet it."

Walking in the dark alley, Henry Zhang's footsteps were dull, and his face was extraordinarily calm.

He can feel that there are no less than several spiritual senses,

Scanning him covertly.

These people are all ninth-rank spirit emperors.

Fortunately, these people were not hostile to him. After investigating for a while, they quietly withdrew, as if they had never appeared before.


Grabbing from the flame spirit gate, Chi Yan breathed the long-lost air, her little paws lay on Henry Zhang's shoulders, extremely excited, and her little tail flicked back and forth.

Staying in the spiritual gate and not coming out is like being imprisoned for it.

"Night, it's time to come." Henry Zhang raised his head, the sky was gradually dimming, and a thick shadow was being pulled from the edge of the sky to this side, like a black curtain.

The ghost domain at night is the real ghost domain.

At this time, it will be the peak of killing and brutality!

Many weaker people would close the doors and windows of restaurants and never go out again. In the early morning of the second day, there would be countless corpses on the streets.

In addition to killing, the late night of Huangquan has another special feature.

That is the ghost market.

Everyone who enters must wear a special mask to prevent being recognized by others. In the ghost market, there are all kinds of things, especially items of unknown origin, which can be sold indiscriminately. There are even killers with clearly marked prices, as well as various mercenaries.

As long as there are enough spiritual jades, even super powerful people, they dare to assassinate, even if it is a rare woman, they can deliver it to the bidder's bed before the next morning.

Therefore, the ghost market is also known as a paradise for the rich.

There, only you can't think of it, and there is nothing you can't do.

"This is your mask, no matter what happens, you can't take it off, or take off someone else's mask, don't blame me for not reminding you, a second-order spirit king who violated the regulations last time died so badly that he couldn't even put his body together " A man with a fire wolf mask said coldly.

"Thank you."

Wearing the mask on the face, Henry Zhang strolled in the ghost city, countless noisy voices rang in his ears, especially noisy.

"Sell a sixth-order spirit emperor, who has been planted with a heart-eating Gu. If you dare to attack your master, you can kill him at any time. You only need two thousand spirit jade, and you can have another powerful slave!"

"Don't miss it when you pass by, the freshly refined ghost species, as long as it puts it on the enemy, it can be turned into a puppet for you to manipulate!"

"In the bloody battle arena, you bet your life with your life. The winner will take away a thousand spiritual jades, and the loser will keep his life and space stones. The challenger can only be the strong at the same level. care!"

Hearing these voices, Henry Zhang couldn't help feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Is this a ghost city?

Most of the items sold by these merchants are placed in the outside world, and they must be obliterated by some forces. These people are really mice living in the dark.

Shaking his head slightly, Henry Zhang continued to walk forward.

Speaking of which, what he was looking for this time seemed a bit shady.

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