Master of Beasts

Chapter 1068 Kill

"Thirteen thousand!"

"Fourteen thousand!"

"Fifteen thousand!"

Excited shouts of price came from the crowd one after another, Henry Zhang turned a deaf ear to these voices, his eyes fixed on Shen Xue on the stage, his face was full of killing intent.

Shen Xue, Cheng Kun and the others left Xingyun Peak one day ago and stepped into the mainland. What they didn't expect was that this white-clothed woman would be auctioned on the stage.

This is the woman who once lived and died with him in Shenlingtian!

The spiritual consciousness swept slowly, and the chill on Henry Zhang's face became stronger again.

Shen Xue's throat was sealed by a mysterious force, probably because she was forced to swallow some kind of elixir, it was this thing that couldn't make her speak, even pleading.

"How is it, this woman is not bad." The man with the silver mask just laughed out loud, and the sharp gaze cast by Henry Zhang made him shudder.

so cold!

This feeling is like being stared at by a beast, and if you move a little, you may be torn to pieces.

"Your reward."

With a heavy slap in the man's hand, Henry Zhang turned his head, pushed aside the crowd, and walked towards the high platform expressionlessly, a cold killing intent rippling around his body.

The crowd who were pushed away just wanted to yell out, but when they saw Henry Zhang's back, the words they came to their mouths were swallowed by ghosts.

They have a feeling of great certainty.

Once he swears, he will die tragically on the spot.

The most shocking thing was the man with the silver mask. He looked at the sky boundary stone in his hand with extremely dull eyes. There were actually 50,000 pieces of spiritual jade in the sky boundary stone.

He has worked in the ghost market for several years, but he has never made so much money!

"Who the hell is he?" Looking at Henry Zhang's back, the man swallowed hard, moistening his slightly dry throat, as if he had received a big shot.

"who are you."

Henry Zhang approached gradually, the charming cheongsam woman frowned slightly, her voice was cold: "If you want her, just call according to the rules, if you dare to take a step forward, you will bear the consequences yourself."


Henry Zhang smiled, with a killing intent in his smile.

Asking prices like buying and selling livestock on the street?

What does this cheongsam woman think of Shen Xue?

With a gloomy face, water can be wrung out. Under the cover of the mask, no one can see that Henry Zhang stepped on the glazed steps and walked up step by step.

Looking at the slightly thin figure with misty eyes, a thick incredulous look appeared on Shen Xue's face.

This figure kept overlapping with the young man who always had a gentle smile on his face, and Shen Xue opened her mouth with all her strength.


After uttering this word, Shen Xue's throat suddenly seemed to be hoarse, and a cold spiritual force filled her throat, making her unable to speak.

"What on earth do you want to do?" The charming woman stared at Henry Zhang coldly: "I warn you, don't disturb our business, if you can't sell at a good price, I only ask you!"

As soon as the words came to his ears, Henry Zhang's eyes sharpened, and a burst of rage surged wildly in his heart.


A thunderous roar, carried by spiritual power, erupted ferociously, the charming woman staggered, her body almost fell to the ground, her face was extremely ugly.

Henry Zhang, let her go?

"kill him!"

Standing firm, the charming woman pointed at Henry Zhang and yelled like a shrew: "Cut off his tongue, I will trample it into meat!"

She has presided over the auction for so many days, and she has never been scolded like this.

The anger in her heart has already soared to the sky.

"Langyuan, things have changed." In the crowd, a young man squinted his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry about it, it's just an ant who doesn't know how to live or die. With the background of Black Cave Cliff, it should be easy to deal with this kind of thing." Lang Yuan said casually.

"Bang bang bang!"

The scream of the charming woman echoed,

A figure in a black robe fell around Henry Zhang, each of whom had the strength of a seventh-order spirit emperor.

This kind of camp is already extremely strong in the ghost market, even if the eighth-order spirit emperor encounters it, it will be impossible to escape death.

As for the Ninth Rank Spirit Emperor, it is extremely rare. Even with decades of experience in the Black Grotto Cliff, there are only four of them, and there is only one guarding the ghost city.

"kill him."

Looking at each other, these members of the Black Grotto Cliff did not talk nonsense, their eyes were indifferent, and skeleton-like spirit beasts wrapped in black mist appeared in the air.


Accompanied by the sound of shouting, dozens of bone claws of spirit beasts stretched out, and the black air in the claws condensed, slapping Henry Zhang's body mercilessly, forming a blockade.

Under this level of offensive, most of the eighth-order spirit emperors could not escape death!

"Dare to yell at me, idiot!" The charming woman gritted her teeth, she wanted to see with her own eyes the scene where Henry Zhang was photographed into a meat paste.


A faint blue thunder flashed.

Under the disbelieving eyes of everyone, the ten skeleton-shaped spirit beasts were all split into two, and immediately the black mist dispersed and fell to the ground, revealing their bodies.

"Stubborn, retreat!"

The complexion changed drastically, and those people from the Black Grotto Cliff just wanted to retreat from the stone platform and let stronger people clean up Henry Zhang, when the faint blue thunder light directly tore their throats open.

The audience was silent.

They didn't even see the process of Henry Zhang's spirit beast's attack, those people in the black cave cliff died cleanly, leaving only the charming woman with a terrified expression.

"Do you know that you touched my bottom line?"

Looking at the charming woman expressionlessly, Henry Zhang spread out his palms, and a cold air brewed in it, which made everyone in the audience look shocked.

Ray, ice.

Is this person a dual-source spiritual master?

"You can't kill me, I'm from Heikuya!" the charming woman yelled in fear as she retreated wildly.

"Could it be that they are a few, isn't it? Do you think I dare to kill them, but I dare not kill you?" The figure rushed out suddenly, and Henry Zhang slapped the charming woman's body in mid-air.

"Xuanbingjin, explode!"

In Henry Zhang's indifferent voice, the charming woman's body burst open like a bombarded ice sculpture, and the falling ice crystals surrounded the entire high platform.

"It's okay."

Injecting a trace of spiritual power into Shen Xue's body, Henry Zhang spoke softly. These simple words made the former almost cry, and crystal tears swirled in his eyes.

God knows what despair she has experienced.

Henry Zhang saved her again like in Shenling Tian, ​​and this time, he was even more domineering.

"I'm taking her away."

Holding Shen Xue's little hand without the slightest warmth, Henry Zhang's gaze slowly swept: "Who dares to stop, I will never die with him."

Leading Shen Xue down the high platform, the crowd scattered with a crash, especially those who had bid before, buried their heads extremely low, for fear that Henry Zhang would kill them with him.

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