Master of Beasts

Chapter 1072 The Shen Family

Snow You City is located in the south-central part of Ghost Nether Realm.

The power in charge here is the Zhanfeng Palace, and their pavilion master, Xin Li, is an eighth-level wind attribute spirit emperor. This level of strength is enough to shock Xueyou City.

After all, there are less than a hundred Ninth-Rank Spirit Emperors in the entire Ghost Nether Realm, and most of them are concentrated in the areas where Henry Zhang stayed before, and in cities like Xueyou City, it is difficult for Spirit Emperors to see them.

"The Shen family?"

Looking at the gate made of fine iron, Henry Zhang gently pushed it open, and a young man guarding the back greeted him with a cold and stern face. He looked at the delicate Shen Xue, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, but when he saw Henry Zhang, that touch of excitement suddenly turned into alertness and unhappiness.

As the young generation of the Shen family, most of them have a good impression of Shen Xue, and he is no exception.

"Who are you!" the young man scolded.

"It's a lot of anger."

Shaking his head and smiling, Henry Zhang grabbed Shen Xue and walked into Shen's house, the tightly clenched palms made the young man's complexion suddenly turn livid.

Shen Xue's appearance is one in a million, and there are too many people who admire her.

This young man is obviously one of them.

"Did I let you in, stop for me!" The young man shouted, the snow-colored energy condensed in his hands, and he slapped Henry Zhang heavily on the back, apparently to teach the latter a lesson.

However, his palm was not close to Henry Zhang's back.


The spiritual power erupting from Henry Zhang's body shocked him dozens of steps, his whole arm trembled uncontrollably, he looked ugly and pale as he looked at the bloodshot oozing from his palm.

The ugly thing is that he lost his face in front of Shen Xue.

What is pale is that, as a first-order spirit emperor, he was instantly shocked back. From this point of view, Henry Zhang seldom said that he has the strength of a fourth-order spirit emperor!

"What happened?"

The rippling spiritual power here made several members of the Shen family look slightly condensed, and they rushed out of their respective rooms like lightning, and surrounded Henry Zhang.

The leader is a rough middle-aged man.

Shen Liaocheng, the head of the Shen family, the seventh-rank Linghuang, and Shen Xue's father.

As for the other two, one of them was about the same age as Shen Liaocheng, his name was Shen Ju, he was Shen Xue's second uncle, and Shen Li standing next to him was his son.

Looking at the distance between Henry Zhang and Shen Xue, which was so close, a killing intent rose in Shen Li's eyes.

Since he was a child, he has had a good impression of Shen Xue, how could he allow others to tarnish her.

"Xue'er, where have you been these days, who is this?" Although Shen Liaocheng was surprised, he was not overly worried. It was common for a spiritual master to walk on the mainland and leave for months or even years.

Opening her mouth, Shen Xue smiled wryly and shook her head.

The medicinal properties of Jiuyin Grass were so strong that she couldn't even transmit sound.

"Who are you!" Shen Li stepped forward and shouted angrily, "Hurry up and let go of Shen Xue's hand. Also, why can't she speak? Did you do it! Why did you come to our Shen's house? What plot!"

As soon as he came up, Shen Li was bombarded like a cannonball, causing Shen Liaocheng's eyes to freeze slightly.

Only then did he notice that since Shen Xue came in, he hadn't said a word.

"Who are you?" Henry Zhang glanced at Shen Li lightly.

A mere third-order spirit emperor.

I don't have much ability, but I scream quite powerfully.

"I'm Shen Li, a third-level spirit emperor, and my father is a sixth-level spirit emperor." Shen Li puffed out his chest, with a rather superior posture.

The sixth-order Linghuang, in Youxueyou City, can be regarded as one of the few strong men.

"I'm asking you, not your father. Do you feel that your strength is too low, so you choose to lift others up?" Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled, Shen Li's face suddenly turned cold.

Third-rank Linghuang, low?

Looking at Henry Zhang's appearance, I'm afraid he isn't even the Linghuang.

"Do you want to die?" Shen Li's voice was cold, and an ice dragon made of condensed ice appeared beside him, and the cold air from his mouth made Henry Zhang's hair condense a layer of frost.

"Give you three breaths, put it into the spiritual gate,

Otherwise, I'll break its throat. "Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly, if it wasn't for Shen Li and the Shen family, how could he have such a good temper.

"Arrogance! Try pinching, if you keep pinching, I'll pinch you to death!" Shen Lilei was furious, how could a real dragon allow a reptile to shout?

In his eyes, he is a real dragon, and Henry Zhang is a reptile who is overwhelmed.

"Okay." Frowning slightly, Shen Liaocheng waved his hands: "Little brother, what happened to Xue'er, can you tell me, as her father, I am very worried."

"Nine shade grass."

"Nine Yin Grass?" Shen Liaocheng's complexion changed drastically.

Once swallowed, that kind of vicious elixir will block the throat and soul, not to mention speech, and even the sound transmission of the soul. After a long time, no matter how good alchemist or pharmacist is, it cannot be cured.

This is permanent damage!

"Time is precious. It has been half a day since Shen Xue swallowed the Nine Yin Grass. If I don't resolve it, I can't even do anything about the injuries left behind." Henry Zhang said solemnly.

"Okay, immediately invite Alchemist He to prepare the wooden barrel!" Shen Liaocheng waved his hand, showing the demeanor of the patriarch.

The Nine Yin Grass is a special product of the Ghost Nether Realm. He knows a little bit about it and knows how to get rid of it. As long as there is a fourth-rank alchemist, it is not difficult to cure it.

"No need, I'm the alchemist, let's talk about the room, I'll take Shen Xue there." Henry Zhang said.

"What do you want to do to Shen Xue?" There was a look of wariness in his eyes, Shen Li snorted coldly: "You said it was Jiuyin grass, is it Jiuyin grass? Show me the evidence."

He didn't want to leave Henry Zhang and Shen Xue alone in the room.

"What evidence do you want." Henry Zhang said lightly: "This is Shen Xue's matter, what does it have to do with you, and time is precious, can you waste it like this?"

In order to be jealous, Shen Li did not take Shen Xue's safety into consideration at all.

"Even if it's Nine Yin Grass, it can't be done by you. What kind of green onion are you?" Shen Li sneered and said, "What kind of comprehension can a kid with no hair grow on alchemy, the work of a fourth-rank alchemist?" , you can also do it? Ridiculous."

"It's too late, there is still half a quarter of an hour, and the Nine Yin Grass will completely melt." Ignoring Shen Li, Henry Zhang looked at Shen Liaocheng: "You have no choice."

"Okay, I'll take you there." Shen Liaocheng took a deep breath and turned around.

"and many more!"

Shen Li stood in front of Henry Zhang and Shen Xue, and stopped with a sneer: "Didn't you say you are a fourth-rank alchemist, then show your hands and let me see."


Forced back by Shen Xue's punch, Shen Li looked at Henry Zhang's back, his complexion turned green and pale.

"I thought you were so capable, but it turns out that you only rely on women, waste! If you can't cure it, I will play you to death!"

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