Master of Beasts

Chapter 1076 Xin Li

The warm sunlight poured down from the sky, adding a bit of rare warmth to the gloomy and cold Ghost Netherland.


Pushing open the door, Henry Zhang, who was a little tired, walked out of it, and put a few medicine bottles full of pills into Shen Xue's hands lightly: "One hundred and fifty-six Nirvana pills, seven Huangqiong pills .”

Holding the slightly warm medicine bottle, Shen Xue pursed her thin lips, without saying any words of thanks.

She knew that no amount of thanks was too thin in front of Henry Zhang's kindness.

"By the way, in the past few days, Shen Ju and Shen Li and his son did not do anything out of the ordinary." The stone path under the feet gave people a very comfortable feeling, Henry Zhang smiled.

"They dare not, my father has been watching." Shen Xue rubbed her forehead, feeling quite a headache.

This pair of father and son, staying in Shen's house, will be a disaster sooner or later.

However, as the Shen family, it is impossible for her to watch these two people being killed by Henry Zhang.

After all, she was still a little soft-hearted after all.

"Master Xiao, you look pretty good."

"We haven't bothered you these few days, have we?"

"The more I see you and our lady, the more suitable you are."

Henry Zhang and Shen Xue had just appeared in the square, and many members of the Shen family immediately swarmed over, everyone's eyes were full of anticipation.

"What are you talking about?"

With a blush on her pretty face, Shen Xue carefully poured out the elixir from the medicine bottle: "Perfect level Nirvana elixir, it's hard for me to get it in Xingyun Peak, you should cherish it."

The members of the Shen family who got the elixir hurriedly stepped aside excitedly, looking at the elixir in their palms, as if seeing a rare treasure.

If they want to rely on their own efforts to exchange for such a pill, they will need at least several years.

And with the gift of Henry Zhang, the remaining Lingyu can be used to buy other items to assist in cultivation.

Standing in the distance, Shen Ju and Shen Li's eyes were full of greed, but in the end they found sadly that they were not considered at all in the weight of the pill.

"You asked me to distribute it on purpose, right?" Shen Xue's eyes were complicated as she gently shook the medicine bottle with her slender hands.

Henry Zhang wanted to eliminate the misunderstanding that the clansmen had about her.

This seemingly cynical boy sometimes thinks very well.

"Governing a family is not an easy task, let alone such a big family." With his hands behind his head, Henry Zhang lazily glanced at Shen Xue: "Are you sure, you will inherit the position of Patriarch in the future and bear the responsibility Such a heavy responsibility?"

Hearing this, Shen Xue fell into silence.

If given the chance, she would still like to step out of the Northern Territory to see the scenery outside. However, the huge Shen family really needs a pillar, and that person cannot be Shen Li.

"Stop thinking about those unhappy things."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Henry Zhang just wanted to say something, but his eyes narrowed slightly: "It seems that there are a few uninvited guests who took the liberty to come to visit."


As soon as Henry Zhang's words fell, the closed door of the Shen family burst open, and countless wood residues splashed, and those Shen family members who were holding the elixir immediately stayed in place.

"Who dares to break into my Shen's house? Presumptuous!"

Flashing out from the hall, Shen Liaocheng stared at the shattered gate, and said coldly: "Do you know whose territory this is!"

"Since you dare to smash the door, then I know it." A young man with a smile on his face slowly stepped in from the door. The eyes of all the members of the Shen family were quite dignified.

This person has malicious intentions!

"You are……"

Looking at the lines on the young man's chest, Shen Liaocheng's pupils suddenly jumped a few times. This symbol is the wolf tooth of the three big and small forces in the ghost domain!

It is said to be a small power, but compared with super powers such as Ghost Valley and Wild Lion Palace, Langya Que is undoubtedly a colossus for the Shen family.

It is said that there is a spirit king sitting in Langya Que!

"Uncle, let me introduce myself, my name is Langyuan, and I am here this time to propose marriage.

"Lang Yuan smiled and clapped his hands, and a middle-aged man with an indifferent face walked out from behind him.

Seeing this person, the Shen family gasped.

Xin Li, the master of the Zhanfeng Palace.

The master of Xueyou City!

"Hall Master Xin..."

"I'm invited by Langyuan, you don't need to pay attention to me." Xin Li glanced at Shen Liaocheng indifferently, and blocked the latter's words.

"In advance? What kind of marriage?" Shen Xue's pretty face was extremely angry.

Langhuo, are you still planning to let her go?

"Langyuan's trip is naturally for you." Langyuan put his right hand on his chest, smiling gently: "Shen Xue, my elder brother Langyuan is now a ninth-level spirit emperor, and maybe he will be able to break through in less than ten years. To become a strong Spirit King, it would be appropriate to match him with your appearance."

Shen Xue's chest heaved with anger.

Even if she died, she didn't want to marry Lang Huo.

"Langyuan, the girl is still young and has no plans to get married yet, please go back." Shen Liaocheng's face was livid.

He has heard some rumors about Langhuo, that is a gentle scum, and I don't know how many women have been tricked into Langya Que in the name of marriage.

And their final fate was very miserable.

Langhuo is a humanoid beast!

"Patriarch Shen, I respectfully address you for Shen Xue's sake, but don't forget, this is not a request, but an order!" The voice suddenly turned sharp, and Lang Yuan stomped his feet on the ground with a ferocious The cracks spread out rapidly, and each member of the Shen family vomited blood and retreated wildly.

The crack slowly stopped in front of him.

On Shen Liaocheng's forehead, a drop of sweat slipped down.

The eighth-order spirit emperor!

"Langyuan, do you want me to let the people from Zhanfeng Palace slaughter the Shen family?" A sharp cold light flashed in Xin Li's eyes.

Tu Shen's family?

The hearts of the Shen family members instantly fell into an ice cellar.

With the strength of Zhanfeng Palace in Xueyou City, it can definitely do this!

"This is your fault. I, Langyuan, came here as an invitation. How can I fight and kill?" Langyuan grinned, and in his gentle laughter, there was an undisguised threat: "Shen Xue, you What are you thinking about, my brother is infatuated with you, and you have worked so hard for you, you can't break his heart."


Shen Xue clenched her hands tightly, and the nails on the edges carved bloodstains on the soft palm.

That's obviously insane!

"If she doesn't agree, I will slaughter the Shen family." Xin Li repeated again.

"Hallmaster Xin, don't go too far!"

A member of the Shen family finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily: "Our lady is not going anywhere, if you continue like this, we will fight you!"

"That's right, I worked hard!"

"If you dare to touch the Shen family, I will not please you!"

As soon as these words came out, the anger in the hearts of the Shen family was immediately aroused. Everyone's eyes were full of madness.

Their duty is to defend the Shen family.

How could they just watch their young lady fall into the devil's lair.


Suddenly, a crisp slap came out, and the first member of the Shen family who cursed angrily was knocked to the ground by a palm. He covered his face and looked up in disbelief.

That figure was Shen Ju with a cold face...

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