Master of Beasts

Chapter 1092

"I'm here to find Su Ze." Henry Zhang said in a calm voice, trying not to let himself get angry.

It's time for him to remind Su Ze of some things.

Although Dan Pavilion is developing rapidly, its disadvantages are not small.

For example, the old man in front of him is obviously not even a alchemist, but he is too arrogant and rude, with too many moths, and sooner or later he will bring disaster to the alchemy pavilion.

"Su Ze, which Su Ze?" The old man was stunned for a moment, and shouted angrily: "You are so brave, you dare to call our Pavilion Master's name directly, are you looking for death!"

His eyes sank slightly, Henry Zhang moved his feet, and wanted to walk into the Dan Pavilion.


Stepping down suddenly, the cold spiritual power blocked Henry Zhang's approach, and the old man sneered: "If I'm not wrong, you should come to ask for pills, and your strength should not be very strong , if not, why don't you go directly to the Pill Pagoda to ask for Pills?"

After saying this, the old man looked at Henry Zhang arrogantly, as if he was proud of being able to guess Henry Zhang's thoughts.

"Is this how you treat people who visit Dan Pavilion?" A cold light flashed in Henry Zhang's eyes.

"Does this have something to do with you? If you don't know how to praise, I will prevent you from entering the Pill Pavilion forever." The old man smiled, and immediately stretched out his hand.

"What do you mean." Henry Zhang said coldly.

"You offended me, and you just want to go in like this without a favor? Should I say you are naive, or stupid." The old man curled his lips in disdain.

Henry Zhang really doesn't understand any rules.

"Do all the people who visit Dan Pavilion have to go through this step?" The coldness in Henry Zhang's eyes became stronger.

If he hadn't come to the Pill Pavilion in person, maybe he wouldn't have discovered that there are so many reckless bastards.

"Of course not. If you have a big background, you can get in as you want, but if you don't, you should obediently take out five hundred pieces of spiritual jade." The old man smiled.

"Do you know who I am."

"I don't care who you are." The old man dismissed it. He didn't know any of the big shots in Ziyang City. The young man in front of him was obviously not one of those people.

"I am Henry Zhang." Henry Zhang said slowly.

"Henry Zhang?" The old man was stunned for a while, and then he laughed out of breath: "Who do you say you are? You are Henry Zhang? Haha, if you are Henry Zhang, then I am Henry Zhang's father! Are you looking for Don't you see a reason to go in, why don't you be so funny!"

Looking at the old man who was full of belly laughs, Henry Zhang breathed out lightly, slapped the empty boundary stone with his palm, and a piece of white paper floated up, and in an instant, countless numbers appeared on it.

"Give this to Su Ze, and he will know what to do."

With a smile on his face, the old man took the paper casually, and after browsing the writing on it, he couldn't help but frowned a few times, Henry Zhang, how did he know so many secrets about Dan Pavilion.

"Now, do you believe it?" Henry Zhang's cold voice spit out from his mouth.


Smiling, he tore the paper into several pieces, and the old man tossed it casually, and the shredded paper fell like snowflakes: "I don't believe it, and I don't want to believe it, but you, who have deliberately inquired about so many secrets of Pill Pavilion, what is your plan, immediately!" Give me a full explanation, otherwise, I want you to go around without eating!"

Shredded paper fell at his feet, and the anger in Henry Zhang's heart was like a volcano about to erupt.

"Don't regret it." Henry Zhang's cold voice popped out word by word.

"Say it or not! Since you don't confess, then I will arrest you and put you in the torture hall. There are plenty of ways for you to confess!" The old man stretched out his palm with a sinister smile, and suddenly clasped Henry Zhang's shoulder.


Hitting the old man with a palm, Henry Zhang rushed into the sky expressionlessly, turned around and shot into the distance, he wanted to see how many moths there were in the Dan Pavilion, and he hadn't found it.

This time, just pull it out once and for all.

"Kick, kick, kick!"

Barely steadying his figure, the old man showed anger.

Henry Zhang, dare to attack him?

"What happened." The door of the Pill Pavilion opened with a bang, and two powerful Ninth-Rank Spirit Emperors suddenly appeared, with solemn expressions.

One of them is the head of the Feng family, and Feng is always there.

The other person is the head of the Fang family, Fang Ziling.

As the residence of the Dan Pavilion, how could it be guarded only by the old man in front of the door? After the ninth-rank spirit emperors informed Su Ze of their intentions and showed the fire lotus that Henry Zhang buried in their bodies, Su Ze boldly let They are stationed inside Dange Gate.

It is impossible for the person Henry Zhang recommended to be wrong.

"Just now a bastard came and threatened to break into the Pill Pavilion by force, and even insulted Su Ze Pavilion Master." The old man rolled his eyes and babbled a few words casually.

How could he tell the truth about what he did.

"What else?" Fang Ziling's face suddenly darkened.

If they had come out earlier, they could have killed that man.

"Forget it, everyone is gone, there's no point in chasing him any longer, Mr. Gu, if he dares to come again, use the Nanyin bell to send us a sound transmission, and we will immediately attack and kill him here," Fang Ziling said.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." The old man smiled apologetically.

How dare he disrespect the two ninth-rank Spirit Emperor powerhouses.

"By the way, the Dongling Banquet is about to begin." Feng Chang was looking at Fang Ziling.

"It seems to be, it's just a party held by a group of juniors, so let's not participate in it." Fang Ziling said.

"You don't understand." Feng Chang sighed softly and shook his head: "No one of the younger generation who can participate in the Tangling Banquet is easy, even Miss Xueyuan can participate."

"That Xue Yuan who just became a fifth-rank alchemist?" Fang Ziling's face was finally a little moved.

Xue Yuan's popularity in Ziyang City, dare to say the second, no one dares to say the first.

Moreover, it is said that Xue Yuan is also related to Henry Zhang...

"So, let's go and have a look, visit Miss Xueyuan, in case we make her happy, maybe Henry Zhang can get rid of the fire lotus in our body." Feng Chang said with a wry smile.

Although he is now completely intimidated by Henry Zhang, it is not safe to leave a bomb in his body.

"Alright." Fang Ziling nodded solemnly: "However, Dan Pavilion has a batch of important goods that need to be transported. Let's keep an eye on it. Miss Xueyuan should show up at the end, and she should be able to catch up."

After speaking, the two walked into Dan Pavilion, and the door was closed.


Spitting fiercely, the old man crushed the shredded paper on the ground with his foot: "What is it, you are wasting my time, and you dare to fight back, and if you dare to get close, I will definitely kill you!"

the other side.

With a piece of sugarcane grass in his mouth, Henry Zhang walked on the street without a wave in his eyes, and the bustling hawkers around him did not attract his attention.

It seems that Dange's problem is more serious than he imagined.

He has no idea how many people like the old gatekeeper are left.

But now that he's here, he can't sit idly by.

Spitting out the sugarcane grass in his mouth, a sharp light flashed in Henry Zhang's eyes.

"It's time to clean up Dange Laibo."

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