Master of Beasts

Chapter 1096 Abolish

"You let me stand and give a reason."

Henry Zhang's indifferent voice fell, and after the cabinet was silent for a moment, the sound of thunderous laughter burst out suddenly, and some beautiful women laughed so loudly that they trembled.

They heard right.

This boy, let Feng Bo give him a reason?

"Where did this idiot come from? He has never seen the world, and he doesn't even know the second son of the Feng family."

"I am almost laughable."

"Feng Bo, break his leg directly, let him have a long memory."

Some people who were acquainted with Feng Bo shouted loudly, and their ideas were very vicious.

"You want me to give you a reason?"

Picking up the teacup on the table, Feng Bo took a sip and smiled faintly: "My father is Feng Changzai, my elder brother is Fengxing, my Feng family is one of the three major families in Ziyang City, is that enough?"

"Feng Bo, he is not sensible, let him go." Ye Xi begged, the huge panic made her temporarily forget the identity of Henry Zhang's fifth-rank alchemist.

Based on this, Feng Bo did not dare to touch Henry Zhang.

But how could she remember this when she was anxious in her heart?

"It turned out to be Ye Xi." His gaze wandered greedily on Ye Xi, Feng Bo raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and taught a lesson: "Ye Xi, I didn't mean you, why is your vision so bad? You are Ziyang anyway One of the four beauties, no matter how bad it is, you have to find someone like me."

"That's right!"

"Ye Xi, if I were you, I would choose Feng Bo!"

Some laughed and booed.

"If you want me to let him go, it's okay, how about going to watch the river lantern with me tonight?" Feng Bo looked at Ye Xi and smirked maliciously.

This season, how can there be river lights.

What he was thinking, as long as he was not an idiot, he could guess.

"I..." Ye Xi bit her lips tightly.

If he does not agree, Henry Zhang will be abolished.

But if she agrees, her life will be ruined.

"Hehe, it seems that Ms. Ye is not interested." Feng Bo's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he secretly cursed in his heart: "If it wasn't for the Feng family, and I hadn't established myself in Ziyang City, I would have raped you a long time ago. Father said, Master Xiao may come to Ziyang City, as long as you can hug Master Xiao's thigh, you will be my plaything!"

Unfortunately, Feng Bo didn't know that the young man in front of him drinking tea calmly was Master Xiao whom Feng Chang was talking about.

"Are you finished?" Henry Zhang spoke slowly.

"So what if you finish talking, so what if you don't finish talking." In Feng Bo's eyes, chills surged.

"When you're done talking, get out."

Henry Zhang's indifferent voice was exceptionally clear in the silent cabinet, and the gazes looking at him all froze at this moment.

Henry Zhang, let the wind roll?

Did they hear correctly!

"Haha!" Laughing so much that the teacup in his hand spilled out, Feng Bo said dumbfoundedly: "Very good, very good, you are the first person who dares to tell me to go away after all these years, then let me ask you, I If you don't get out, what can you do?"

The corner of Fengrong's mouth curled up in a sarcasm.

Henry Zhang didn't even dare to move him, how dare he move Feng Bo?

Look at Henry Zhang now,

How to step down!

"If you don't get out, I will cripple you." Henry Zhang said lightly, with a relaxed expression, as casual as if he was talking about what to eat tonight.



Many people uttered angrily.

Henry Zhang, do you know what you are talking about!

"it is good!"

Crushing the wine glass, Feng Bo raised his right foot provocatively, and slammed it heavily on the table in front of Henry Zhang. Some mud crumbs were sprinkled into Henry Zhang's teacup, and he immediately put his head close to Henry Henry, smiling: " You want to cripple me? Well, I will let you cripple me."

After wiping the stained tea on his hands, Henry Zhang stood up slowly with a calm expression.

"You useless, why don't you do it, I can't wait."

Feng Bo smiled strangely, but the next moment, a crisp sound of bone cracking sounded, Henry Zhang raised his right foot, and stepped on it mercilessly, Feng Bo's right leg resting on the table, with an extremely stimulating The way of the eyeball, like a wooden stick, broke on the spot.

The space is completely silent.

Everyone is dumbfounded.


Collapsing to the ground in pain, just as Feng Bo let out a scream, Henry Zhang raised the sole of his foot and landed on his left leg again, with such force that the floor below cracked.

"My leg is broken!" Feng Bo rolled in pain.

It is different from Henry Zhang teaching Shen Li.

His broken leg fell directly to the ground!

" dare to do something to Feng Bo?" Pointing at Henry Zhang tremblingly, Feng Rong couldn't even speak.

"I hate it, people point at me like that." Stretching out his hand to hold Feng Rong's fingers, Henry Zhang pinched casually, and with a burst of wailing, Feng Rong's fingers were twisted into twists.

Looking at the wanton Henry Zhang, no one in the field dared to speak again.


Henry Zhang must be crazy!

"It was you just now, and you want Feng Bo to break my legs and give me a long memory?" Henry Zhang's figure flashed, and his right foot kicked out like lightning, and the young man named the most lovable, bang Kneeling on the ground, he passed out on the spot from the pain.

Glanced by Henry Zhang's eyes, everyone lowered their heads involuntarily, for fear of meeting Henry Zhang's eyes.

Henry Zhang, it’s too scary.

They don't have the guts yet to confront the lunatic.

"A group of idiots." Looking at Feng Bo and Feng Rong who were screaming again and again, the smile on Shen Man's face was quite carefree, so she would not remind everyone of Henry Zhang's true identity.

The more unlucky people the better.

"The table is dirty."

Looking away from the footprints on the table, Henry Zhang smiled and turned to the dazed Ye Xi: "Let's change the seats, the place where they sit seems to be very good."

"Okay." Suddenly stood up, Ye Xi's head was muddled, like a child with no opinion, obediently followed behind Henry Zhang.

At this moment, she didn't know what she was doing.

Seeing Henry Zhang and Ye Xi sitting down, many people looked at each other in blank dismay.

There were a total of twelve seats at that table, all of which were vacant since Feng Bo left.

That is the place where Fengxing and other people can sit!

"My leg!" Rolling on the ground in pain, Feng Bo's forehead was covered with cold sweat, the severe pain made him want to die.

From now on, he is really useless!

"Asshole, when my brother comes, it will be your death!" Raising his head viciously, Feng Bo raised his finger, pointed at Henry Zhang and cursed loudly.

"I seem to have said just now that I hate being treated like this, right?"

Tapping the table with his fingers, Henry Zhang flew out like an arrow, raised his right foot, and stepped on Feng Bo's fingers suddenly, the latter's face could not stop twisting because of fear and horror.


Just when Henry Zhang was about to step on the sole of his foot, a sole of his foot stretched out abruptly to block Henry Zhang. The young man's face was handsome and his eyes were full of coldness: "Your Excellency is so presumptuous, could it be that Dongling Pavilion, Think of it as your own home?"

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