Master of Beasts

Chapter 1098 Which one do you choose


The fierce wind spread, countless seats smashed into pieces, and the shadowy and transparent wings flapped, and the figure turned into a pillar of wind, rushing straight towards Henry Zhang.

"Wind attribute spirit beast?" Henry Zhang muttered to himself: "Yin Youying's strength is indeed much stronger than Yun Feiyang's spirit beast, but that's all."


The thunderous sound came out, where Henry Zhang was standing, the surging wind and waves rotated at high speed like a cyclone, and with the doping of sawdust, a powder vortex was formed.


In Henry Zhang's indifferent voice, Yin Youying shot out backwards, smashing several tables and chairs along the way, the pupils of Feng Xing and Teng Lan couldn't help shrinking slightly.

Yin Youying, was forced to retreat?

The thin bee wings vibrated slightly, Hurricane Bee Spirit's two spiral wind thorns crossed in front of him, in a defensive state, showing no sign of attack at all.

This undoubtedly means that it didn't even launch an offensive, but it repelled Yin Youying!

"What kind of spirit beast is that!"

Looking at the Hurricane Bee Spirit in front of Henry Zhang, countless people exclaimed, they have never seen such a strange spirit beast before.

Naturally, they didn't know that this was not a spirit beast at all.

It's the mysterious beast Hurricane Bee Spirit!

"The eighth step." Teng Lan's voice was full of shock.

eighth order.

Much stronger than any of the four young masters of Ziyang City.

Moreover, Henry Zhang's age is not as good as their juniors!

"What?" Feng Xing turned his head with difficulty. Since the Hurricane Bee Spirit had never erupted, it was difficult for him to know the strength of the latter, but Teng Lan's spirit beast has the ability to detect strength, so it will definitely not go wrong.

"Dare to ask, who are you?" Teng Lan stared straight at Henry Zhang, and took a step forward: "You are an eighth-level Linghuang, why did you come to the Dongling Banquet? Is it for my Teng family? Industry, plotting something wrong?"

After Teng Lan's words fell, several eighth-rank Linghuangs flashed out from the dark room of Dongling Pavilion, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Henry Zhang.

Conspiracy? What a big hat!

Henry Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly.

If his answer does not satisfy Teng Lan, if the latter reveals some other intentions, it may cause several eighth-level spirit emperors to be besieged together.

"I'm not interested in your Teng family's property." Henry Zhang said indifferently.

"Do you think I will believe it?" The corner of his mouth slightly curled up, and Teng Lan said confidently: "An eighth-rank Linghuang sneaked into the Dongling Pavilion quietly, and he is still an outsider. Could it be, just to accompany Ye Xi?" , come in and sit down?"

"I would say yes."

"I don't believe it." Teng Lan raised her chin proudly: "Tell me all about your purpose. There are several elders here, and you can't escape."


As a storm rolled by, Yin Youying returned to her side, Feng Xing's face was gloomy, she didn't dare to fight Henry Zhang, just took advantage of Teng Lan's opportunity to face Henry Zhang, and stayed away.

That's right.

Teng Lan made things difficult for Henry Zhang, just to help him out.

Once the two fight, he will be the one who loses. In the end, his face will definitely be ugly.

"Feng Xing, don't you only place your hopes on women?" Henry Zhang's faint voice came out, Feng Xing's face froze, and countless eyes shifted to him, making him feel like a light on his back.

"I'm talking to you." Teng Lan's eyes turned cold.

"So." Henry Zhang glanced at her calmly.

"You want to be honest, answer truthfully." Teng Lanxing said in a questioning manner, as if she was the queen of this world and Henry Zhang was a slave.

"Answer truthfully? Do you regard me as a prisoner?" A cold light flashed in his eyes, Henry Zhang stepped on the sole of his foot, and a powerful mental coercion suddenly rolled towards Teng Lan under the wrap of drinking: "You count What is it, get out!"

The sound of drinking was like thunder.

Teng Lan retreated a few steps, a trace of blood oozed from the corner of Teng Lan's mouth, and his face was extremely ugly, which made several elders who had to guard the Dongling Pavilion stare at the same time.

Such a powerful mental coercion.

Henry Zhang, it's not easy!

Seeing this scene, Feng Xing not only didn't get angry, but shrank back, as if he had completely forgotten his pursuit of Teng Lan.

"Feng Xing, are you still a man?"

A sarcastic voice sounded from the corner, it was Shen Man who looked like crazy, she looked at Feng Xing, laughed and said: "Master Feng family, a few days ago, he said that Teng Lan is his woman, anyone You can't even move her at all, but Teng Lan got injured for you today, but you didn't even dare to fart, it's amazing!"

"Shut up!" Feng Xing became angry from embarrassment.

As Shen Man said, he dare not!

After seeing Henry Zhang’s strength, he realized how ridiculous it was for him to let Henry Zhang kneel down and slap himself two hundred times. If he could defeat Henry Zhang, Henry Zhang would not only slap himself, but also bring Ye Ye Come together.

But now, he is afraid!

"Just now you were strong enough to hurt Ye Xi with your breath, and now I hurt your woman, what can you do to me." Henry Zhang glanced at Feng Xing lightly.

"Don't go too far." Feng Xing's eyes were bloodshot, and Teng Lan behind him also gave him a disappointed look. After today, he might become the laughing stock of Ziyang City.

"You hurt Ye Xi, and when I knelt down and slapped myself two hundred times, did I ever think that I was going too far." Henry Zhang walked towards Fengxing coldly.

"Don't come here!" Seeing Henry Zhang getting closer and closer, veins bloomed on Feng Xing's face, and he roared violently: "Yin Youying, kill him, kill him!"

Suddenly flashing in front of Fengxing, Yin Youying's palm spread out, a strange flower, like a flower in the netherworld, bloomed in an instant, and the pollen inside, like countless silver flakes, sprayed out quietly.

"Bang bang bang!"

The pollen exploded rapidly, and all the tables and chairs within a radius of ten feet were blown to pieces. Among the flying sawdust, Henry Zhang walked out slowly, and the clean black robe was not stained with any impurities.

"You forced me to do this!" Fear and anger rose in his eyes, and Feng Xing roared: "Advanced emperor-level spiritual skills, sky feathers!"

Hearing Feng Xing's order, Yin Youying's two small hands flicked rapidly in the air like a dragon and a snake, and a pair of lifelike white wings took shape in front of it.


With a wave of Yin Youying's palm, the wings burst into bright light, and they pushed past all the way. The walls, tables, chairs, and pillars in the cabinet were all torn to pieces like flimsy pieces of paper.

"Death!" Feng Xing's face was grim.

Henry Zhang made him lose his face so much, and he already hated him deeply.

Didn't he just hurt Ye Xi, but didn't kill him.

Women of this level of strength can grab a lot of them.

Why did Henry Zhang push him so hard?


The bright rays of light burst, and Henry Zhang walked out of it slowly. The Hurricane Bee Spirit suspended in front of him, and the spiral wind thorn flicked lightly, like swatting a fly, and slapped Yin Youying into the floor.

Stopping in front of the pale-faced Fengxing, Henry Zhang spoke slowly.

"Kneel down and slap yourself two hundred times, or break an arm, which one do you choose?"

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