Master of Beasts

Chapter 1100 The Arrogant Huo Qi

"You said, the Teng family wants three thousand blood-transforming pills?" Huo Qi picked up the wine glass, took a sip indifferently, and glanced sideways at Teng Lan with some kind of desire.

Although Ye Yun and Teng Lan are ranked among the four beauties of Ziyang, Teng Lan is the seventh-rank Linghuang after all.

Not only is it beautiful, but it is also powerful.

As a man who has just broken through to the Spirit Emperor, if he can conquer this kind of woman, the taste will definitely be very sour.

"That's right." Being stared at by Huo Qi like this, Teng Lan's complexion was a little unnatural, but due to Huo Qi's identity, it's not easy to get angry for a while.

Although Huo Qi is only a fourth-rank alchemist, he controls the flow of most of the alchemy in the alchemy pavilion.

Offending him, the Teng family will not have a good life in the future.

"Where is your Feng family?" Huo Qi looked at Feng Xing indifferently.

"Five thousand plastic blood pills." Feng Xing said slowly.

The reason why he continued to stay here was not only to see Henry Zhang's miserable end, but also because the Feng family urgently needed a batch of pills recently.

If you go to the market to buy such a large amount, it is difficult for any store to satisfy it.

When the Pill Pavilion is refined, I don't know when it will be.

Buying pills from Huo Qi has become a habit of many big families, Ye Yun was also given to Huo Qi by the Ye family because of this.

"It's easy to say." Huo Qi nodded lightly, immediately raised his glass, and drank by himself. Ye Yun beside him kept smiling apologetically, trying his best to please him.

Being hugged by Ye Yun, Huo Qi inadvertently took a look at Ye Xi and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Why didn't he find out before that there is such a beautiful woman in the Ye family.

"Vulgar." Glancing at Ye Yun who was in his arms, Huo Qi frowned indistinctly. Compared with Ye Xi, Ye Yun's body was a bit more rouge.

It is far inferior to Ye Xi's ethereal beauty.

"Around Jiuya Lake, I heard that there are elemental envoys. There is no less than 30,000 spirit jades in the market for such a spirit beast. Why don't you share that area with the Feng family."

"Mr. Feng, you are being polite. I still like the Nine Nether Stone veins. You should keep that area."

"Why, is this ignoring our Ye family?"

Different from other people who were drinking and eating vegetables, Teng Lan, Feng Xing and Ye Yun had cold and solemn expressions, as if they were discussing something, and there seemed to be a vague anger.

"They are deciding the ownership of the Liu family's property." Ye Xi whispered to Henry Zhang.

"The wind is always there, could it have driven the Liu family to extinction?" Henry Zhang raised his brows slightly, but there were not many surprises.

For Feng Changzai, Fang Ziling and the others, who are not ruthless, exterminating a family is perfectly normal for them, or they don't even blink an eye.

"Or, let's go out first." Ye Xi's voice was anxious, she was worried that after Feng Chang came, Henry Zhang would never be able to leave again.

"No rush." ​​Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled.

He hasn't seen the person he wants to see the most.

Glancing at the empty tables and chairs next to him, Henry Zhang was a little curious, who is this position reserved for, and the wind is always there? Fang Ziling? Or, who is it from Dan Pavilion?

Being able to open a table alone is by no means an ordinary person.

"Huo Qi, drink less." Ye Yun dissuaded Huo Qi, who was gulping down alcohol. Once the latter drank too much, he would

You will fall into a state of loss of control, and you can say anything.

"Why, are you afraid that I will make a fool of myself?"

He slammed the wine glass on the table with a slap, the drunken Huo Qi sneered coldly: "It doesn't matter if I make a fool of myself, I'm from Dan Pavilion, these family children who only know how to fight and kill are a bunch of reckless people, Can they still have opinions on me? Let me see who dares!"

Huo Qi's voice fell, not to mention ordinary family children, even Feng Xing and Teng Lan's faces were quite ugly.

Huo Qi scolded them together.

"Huo Qi, you're drunk." Ye Yun pulled Huo Qi's sleeve robe and reminded her.

"Am I wrong?" Huo Qi grinned as he patted the table heavily: "Although they are stronger than me, they are just a piece of shit in front of alchemists. If they need anything, they have to be like pugs." , wagging his tail and begging in front of me, whether to answer or not depends on my mood!"

Huo Qi's cursing voice, mixed with some alcohol, clearly echoed in the pavilion, Feng Xing, Teng Lan and others all had their eyes darkened, only Henry Zhang, who stayed out of the matter, was still sipping his wine glass calmly.

"Look, this kind of person is a waste, what's the use of being strong?" Huo Qi pointed at Henry Zhang, and said with a smile: "If I want him to die, I don't know how many ways to die. He is in front of me. I hold the shoes!"

"It's so rude!" Ye Xi's pretty face was full of anger.

Huo Qi, relying on the strength of alcohol to talk nonsense, it's too much!

It seems that Ye Xi was dissatisfied because he was too close to Henry Zhang. Huo Qi pointed at Henry Zhang and cursed continuously, all kinds of swear words were endless.

Holding the wine glass quietly, Henry Zhang shook it slowly, and immediately drank it down, as if the person being scolded was not him.


"It will only bully the weak and fear the hard."

Seeing that Henry Zhang did not move, this thought came to many people's hearts.

It turns out that Henry Zhang is not fearless.

Facing alchemist's anger, those who were scolded did not dare to open their mouths!

"I thought you were capable." Feng Xing had a smug smile on his face, as if he had completely forgotten that Huo Qi scolded him before.

Poor people must have something to be sad about.

"Master Huo Dan!"

Suddenly, a plainly dressed man ran anxiously along the corridor, sweating profusely: "There is an order in the pavilion that the moonflowers and ancient bluegrass are used up, so you should hurry up and buy them."

The cheerful scolding was interrupted, Huo Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

This man is the one who purchased medicinal materials from Dange, so he can't be regarded as a alchemist.

Responsibilities are also common.

Although both are members of the Dan Pavilion, their identities are vastly different.

"He's a drug seller!" The wine glass in his hand slammed on the back of the man's head, and he fell directly on the ground. Huo Qi swayed a few times, raised the sole of his foot, and kicked down fiercely: "Dare you disturb me?" Me, are you impatient to live!"

For this, everyone is watching with cold eyes.

Those who buy medicinal materials can only be regarded as the bottom of the Dan Pavilion, no different from ordinary people, no one would offend Huo Qi who is in the limelight because of him.


The outstretched soles of the feet were abruptly placed under Huo Qi's feet, and Henry Zhang's face showed a chill: "Is this how you treat the people in Dan Pavilion?"

"You dare to stop me?" Wei Wei was stunned for a moment, Huo Qi grinned wildly: "What does it have to do with you when I teach my subordinates, do you feel that your bones are too hard and want to be loosened?"

"You will die." Henry Zhang said coldly, with a murderous intention towards Huo Qi.

"I'm going to die? I'm going to die?" Huo Qi laughed loudly, even Ye Yun beside him laughed so hard that he couldn't stand upright, Henry Zhang, are you kidding me?

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