Master of Beasts

Chapter 1113 Do you dare to follow?

"I want all of the one hundred wooden signs." Wei's young man glanced at the crowd, and spoke slowly, with an unquestionable taste in his voice.

"This..." The auctioneer looked at Lin Ling in embarrassment.

Lin Ling is the name of the owner of the Ghost Pavilion.

Having been an auctioneer for decades, this is the first time he has encountered such a situation. What is even more troublesome is that the other party is one of the three big and small forces, a member of the Wild Lion Palace.

The existence of Langya Que is not even comparable to Littlefinger in the Wild Lion Palace.

"It turned out to be Zhou Miao's nephew." Lin Ling stood up and said with a smile, "You are not in compliance with the rules. The auction process has already started. If you want it, you can sit down and bid."

Although the Wild Lion Hall is large, the Ghost Creature Pavilion is not made of mud.

The reason why Lin Ling is afraid of Henry Zhang is because of Henry Zhang's bold identity. If one fails to cause them to break with a great alchemist, then all alchemists who have good friends with Henry Zhang may refuse Offer pills to the ghost pavilion.

The consequences are undoubtedly very serious.

As for the Wild Lion Palace, they didn't have so many worries.

Behind the ghost pavilion, there is not no spirit king.

"Uncle Lin, why did you come out in person?" There was a look of surprise on his face, Zhou Miao spread his palms, and said with a smile: "There are a total of 50,000 spirit jades in this empty boundary stone. It is quite important, and I hope Uncle Lin can be a little more accommodating."

"Rules are rules." Lin Ling shook his head.

"That's right, my nephew took the liberty, I hope Uncle Lin won't blame me." Seeing Lin Ling's refusal, Zhou Miao stopped demanding and took back the space boundary stone with a smile.

He believed that no one dared to bid after the superficial visit.

The three characters of Wild Lion Palace are originally a kind of deterrence.

After Zhou Miao sat down, the members of the Wild Lion Palace stood indifferently behind him. The battle was undoubtedly telling the people in the Ghost Pavilion not to fight against them.

"Damn." Many people looked ugly.

Zhou Miao himself is a ninth-rank spiritual emperor, and he is well-known in the Ghost Nether Realm. What's more, there is the Wild Lion Palace behind him, so no one dares to touch the wooden sign.

"Reserve price, three hundred spirit jades!" The auctioneer tried his best to mobilize the atmosphere, but what was embarrassing was that the entire Ghost Nether Realm was silent all the time. Zhou Miao was quite satisfied with the smile on this situation.

"five hundred!"

A moment later, a man behind Zhou Miao spoke quietly, which made Lin Ling's eyes narrow slightly. He had never expected the situation to develop to such an extent.

But fortunately, Zhou Miao still gave him face, and directly called out the price of 500.

Otherwise, today will not end so well.

"Five hundred spirit jades once!"

"Five hundred spirit jade twice!"

"Five hundred Lingyu three times!"

"make a deal!"

The auctioneer knocked down the auction hammer depressedly, and then picked up the second wooden token. After clearing his throat, he shouted loudly, "The wooden token of Cangqiong Mountain, reserve price, three hundred spirit jades!"

"five hundred!"

The man spoke again.

Soon, each wooden sign was taken by the Wild Lion Palace, and many people in the Ghost Pavilion felt aggrieved and annoyed. They wanted wooden signs, but they did not dare to oppose the Wild Lion Palace.

Otherwise, even if you can climb Cang Qiong Mountain, you will not be able to survive.

"The sixty-seventh piece of Cang Qiong Mountain wooden plaque, reserve price, three hundred Lingyu." The auctioneer knocked on the auction hammer drowsily, his extremely speechless expression was undoubtedly a bit funny.

Next, the sixty-eighth, sixty-nine.

"Master Xiao..." Lin Ling's heart jumped suddenly. He remembered Henry Zhang, and he seemed to be interested in the Sword Master of the Sky. If this is the case, then the fun will be great.

"Master Lin, I have my own measure." Henry Zhang replied calmly, which made Lin Ling's uneasiness grow stronger.

"Ninety-eighth yuan, reserve price, three hundred Lingyu!"

"Ninety-ninth yuan, reserve price, three hundred Lingyu!"

The voice on the stage continued to come out.

"It seems that the seriously injured Cang Qiong Sword Master must belong to Brother Zhou." A young man behind Zhou Miao suddenly laughed.

"It can only be mine." The corner of Zhou Miao's mouth twitched lightly.

He is very clear about the value of a Sky Sword Master.

Although the spirit beasts in his spiritual gate are extremely powerful, they are still slightly inferior to the Sky Sword Master.

not to mention.

The Sword Master of the Sky is at the throne level. Although his strength has dropped a bit due to serious injuries, as long as he is treated properly, he will soon be able to return to the peak.

At that time, there will be one more pseudo-spirit king powerhouse in the Wild Lion Palace.

"Then I will congratulate Brother Zhou in advance." The young man spoke again.

"Yeah." Zhou Miao nodded with a smile.

"The last piece of Cang Qiong Mountain wooden plaque, reserve price, three hundred Lingyu!" The auctioneer heaved a sigh of relief, this auction was the most boring he had ever participated in, and it was finally coming to an end.

"Five hundred spirit jades." The young man's determined smile spread throughout the Ghost Pavilion, and all the metallic spirit emperors present secretly gritted their teeth and greeted all the relatives of the Wild Lion Hall.

"Five hundred spirit jades once!"

"Five hundred spirit jade twice!"

"Five hundred spiritual jade..."

"one thousand."

An indifferent voice sounded from a dark corner, a chill suddenly appeared on Zhou Miao's face, and the members of the Wild Lion Hall behind him released their killing intent one by one.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Ling shouted.

"Don't you understand the rules?" Zhou Miao glanced at the back lightly, and those members of the Wild Lion Palace immediately restrained their killing intent and said nothing.

Their gloomy eyes locked on Henry Zhang at the same time.

"It's him?" Everyone in the Ghost Pavilion cheered up. Now, there was a good show to watch, especially the Metal Spirit Emperor. Their mood suddenly became a little turbulent. They were suppressed by the Wild Lion Palace. dissatisfied.

Therefore, they are more inclined to Henry Zhang than to the Wild Lion Palace.

"Excuse me, who are you." Zhou Miao looked at Henry Zhang, his eyes not showing the slightest wave.

There are only a handful of young people in the Ghost Nether Realm who dare to go against the Wild Lion Palace.

But that definitely does not include the boy in the corner.

"He is Henry Zhang!" A young man from the Wild Lion Palace exclaimed in shock.

Henry Zhang?

Zhou Miao's eyes became sharper little by little, the Henry Zhang who killed Zhou Yao and others, so that there was no one in the Wild Lion Hall, and arrived at the bottom of the mausoleum?

"So it's you." Zhou Miao's voice was filled with killing intent.

Zhou Yao is his half brother.

Although the relationship between the two has always been at odds, but in the end they are related by blood. Zhou Yao's killing is related to the face of the Lion Palace. He can no longer sit firmly on the Diaoyutai like before.

"If no one bids the price, let's drop the hammer." Henry Zhang didn't look at Zhou Yao, his eyes never shifted half a point, as if those people in the Lion Palace were all empty.

"One thousand and one!" Zhou Yao stared at Henry Zhang coldly.

"two thousand."

"Two thousand one!"

"Ten thousand."

As soon as Henry Zhang said this, there was an uproar in the Ghost Pavilion, 10,000 Lingyu, that is not a small amount, and all the possessions of many Linghuangs are nothing more than that.

"Just in case!" Zhou Yao insisted.

"Twenty thousand."

"Thirty thousand."

Zhou Yao's voice fell behind, Henry Zhang shouted twice, his eyes still did not look at Zhou Yao, only a calm voice came out quietly: "I still have 110,000 Lingyu, if you want to follow, just follow One hundred thousand spirit jade, if you don't have the guts, just keep quiet and don't come out to embarrass yourself."

Stared at by one after another of playful eyes, Zhou Yao's eyes sank slightly, and there were traces of sweat oozing from his palms.

Directly with 100,000?

Does he dare?

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