Master of Beasts

Chapter 1120 Kill Zhou Miao


A dull explosion sounded from the top of Cang Qiong Mountain, and the Zijin Emperor Lion's figure exploded into a cloud of blood mist in an instant, and Zhou Miao's mouth also spurted wildly with blood.

His Zijin emperor lion, dead?

Until now, he felt a little unreal, as if he was living in a dream.

His eyes were cold, and a trace of blood quietly emerged from the corner of Tianlei Lord's mouth. The Zijin Emperor Lion is indeed a spirit beast that has undergone a mutation, and its strength is extremely terrifying.

If you give it a few more claws, it may not be able to hold it.

Being able to persist until now is all about enduring it.

"How could your spirit beast kill the Zijin Emperor Lion in one blow!" Zhou Miao stared at Henry Zhang, his eyes were full of anger.

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice.

The Sky Sword Master didn't get it, but took the Zijin Emperor Lion in instead.

"You want to know?" Henry Zhang smiled lightly: "Let's go down and think about it slowly!"


With a wave of the palm of Tianlei Master, the six-arc lightning blade slashed out obliquely. During the high-speed rotation, dazzling thunder lights circled around it, exuding an extremely sharp aura.

"Old man!" Zhou Miao yelled in horror.

"Junior, you have to forgive others and forgive others!"

A huge holy light palm protruded from the void, and the two fingers together pushed the thunder blade back away, and immediately shot it at Henry Zhang with a strong murderous intent.

Have to forgive others and forgive others?

Henry Zhang sneered.

The one who can launch such an offensive is naturally the strong Spirit King, but his face is also really ugly. First, let him stop, and then kill him.

What a good one to be forgiving and forgiving!

"Ku Lao, kill him, and take the Thunder Wheel." Zhou Miao looked at Henry Zhang with gritted teeth, and shouted.

"If I don't kill you today, I will abolish your spiritual gate!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes,

The wings of fire bloomed behind Henry Zhang, and amidst the surge of white light, the speed suddenly soared, and he rushed towards Zhou Miao like lightning, and the two fingers that were together were shining with fiery fire.

Spiritual art, Yang Yanzhi!


The angry old voice came out, and the palm of the holy light turned, and grabbed Henry Zhang fiercely at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Lingwang and Linghuang are two completely different levels.

There are some spirit kings who can kill emperor-level spirit beasts even without spirit beasts.

This is enough to show how terrifying the Spirit King is.

The palm of Shengguang grabbed it fiercely, Henry Zhang's eyes sank, he slapped the empty boundary stone with his palm, and a spirit demon puppet wielding two knives slashed out the sharp long knives like lightning.

"Ninth-rank Huangqiong-level spirit demon puppet?" Seemingly a little surprised, the old man smiled coldly: "How can you imagine how powerful the spirit king is? Break it for me!"


The palm of Lingli passed by, and the spirit monster shattered in response, and the metal-like fragments scattered downward.


Hearing the old man's sneer, Henry Zhang's face darkened slightly, and his sharp gaze was projected on Zhou Miao, who was above him with great hatred.

The enmity between him and the Wild Lion Palace has long been irreconcilable.

If you can kill a person, you will never let it go.

However, in front of the old Spirit King, even if he wanted to abolish Zhou Miao, it would be very difficult, unless he was in danger of being killed and rushed up again.

"Cowardly waste." Zhou Miao spat out a few words coldly.

Henry Zhang, it is impossible to move him today.


With a flap of white flames, Henry Zhang retreated, rubbing the palm of the holy light passing in front of him, shaking the space out of cracks, and even the nearby spiritual power was directly blasted.

"Didn't you kill me?" Zhou Miao spoke again, deliberately angering Henry Zhang.

"Is it interesting to show the sharpness of the tongue." Henry Zhang stabilized his figure and looked at Zhou Miao indifferently.

"Guess." Zhou Miao smiled.

He just likes the pleasure of provoking others, but they can't kill him.

"Junior, your speed is really fast. Let me see how many times you can escape!" The withered palm of Shengguang drew a strange arc and suppressed Henry Zhang.

From this angle, Henry Zhang has only two choices.

One is to dodge again, but in this way, Henry Zhang is in danger of being obliterated.

The second is to retreat, unable to move Zhou Miao at all.

No matter which one, it is in line with the old man's wishes.

"Ant, do you want to retreat? You used to look like you wanted to kill me, but now you don't dare. You're so cowardly, just die." Zhou Miao sneered.

Just when Zhou Miao satirized Henry Zhang.


An ice-cold shout sounded quietly from below, and with a whistling sound, the palm of the old man's spiritual power condensed with spiritual power was shredded abruptly by a bright sword wheel.

"You..." Zhou Miao's scalp went numb.

The Sky Sword Master actually made a move.

Moreover, still help Henry Zhang!

Seizing this opportunity, Henry Zhang rose violently, and with his fiery fingers, he stabbed straight at Zhou Miao, who was startled in shock. Before he got close, the flame spewed out from behind his neck.

A bright red blood arrow sprayed out.

Zhou Miao is dead!

"You dare to kill him!" Ku Lao was furious, and frantically took several palm prints, each palm print has the power to crush the mountain.


Catching the sharp sword that flew back, the aura of the sword master in the sky suddenly weakened. The wound that was finally healed by the elixir was bleeding. Immediately, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground with one knee, holding the hilt of the sword. palm trembling.

This is the limit it can bear.

"Zhou Ku, you are so courageous, do you want to ignore the rules of Ghost Nether Realm?"

Amidst this indifferent voice, a wave of spiritual power slammed forward, and the palms of the spiritual power burst one after another. Zhou Ku gritted his teeth and turned to leave: "Boy, please remember, the people in the Wild Lion Palace are not So easy to kill!"

The spiritual power rolled up Zhou Miao's body, and Zhou Ku's figure disappeared from the sky in the blink of an eye.

The seriously injured Sky Thunder Lord returned to the Spirit Gate, Henry Zhang's eyes were dignified, and drops of Yanfeng's blood were suspended in his palm. If the person who came was not kind, then we can only hope that Chiyan's Yanfeng Chaoyang can delay a little time.


Amidst the rapid breaking wind, a figure floated over, it was actually a middle-aged man, he looked at Henry Zhang, and then at the sword master of the sky below, with a rather strange expression: "An eighth-level spirit emperor , and a dying throne-level spirit beast?"

"Junior Henry Zhang, I have seen the senior." Henry Zhang slightly cupped his hands.

"You don't need to be too polite, I'm here because I was entrusted by someone." The middle-aged man waved his hand.

"Entrusted by others?" Henry Zhang was a little puzzled.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the elder Keqing of Yuanshiguan." The middle-aged man smiled.

"Yan Sheng asked you to come?

"Half guessed right." The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled: "It's that little girl Li Ling, otherwise, do you really think that the shit rules of the ghost realm can restrain the king of spirits? To put it bluntly, it's just to deceive ordinary people. Anyone who sees King Ling violating the rules is almost dead."

Hearing this, Henry Zhang nodded with a wry smile.

He never thought that this rule was useful.

"I should go. This place is not the boundary of our Yuanshi Temple. It is not suitable to stay longer. If you have a chance, go to the branch hall of Yuanshi Temple. I really don't know what is so good about you that you can make Li Ling I have always been concerned about it." The middle-aged man threw a palm, and a metal token was thrown towards Henry Zhang.


Leaving behind the token, the middle-aged man suddenly drifted away like a cluster of flames.

Seeing this, Henry Zhang was a little envious.

The ability of King Ling is convenience.

Sweeping his gaze down, Henry Zhang raised his mouth slightly.

It's finally time again, the time to conclude the spiritual covenant.

The tenth spiritual gate is officially confirmed!

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