Master of Beasts

Chapter 1126 Exterminate 3 sects and destroy Danlou

Thick black clouds rolled and rolled in the sky, like a pitch-black cloud cover, oppressively dim, like the end of the world, hundreds of corpses of spirit beasts, nailed to the end of the chain, swaying endlessly.

That extremely visually impactful scene made everyone present hold their breath.

"Finally back." The stone in his heart fell, and Su Ze smiled bitterly to himself. After the matter was over, he must invite the strong spirit king as soon as possible to sit in Dan Pavilion.

Ruo Dan Pavilion also has a spirit king, how can Dan Pavilion be so presumptuous?

"Then... what the hell is that..." A ninth-rank Spirit Emperor in Qianren Hall was pale, and his voice was slightly trembling.

Instantly killing dozens of high-level emperor-level spirit beasts, only the throne-level spirit beasts can do it.

"Wan Ye Wang." Shi Rui's throat rolled violently, his mouth was parched.

King of Nights?

Everyone's heart trembled wildly.

Only then did they remember that it was rumored that there were mysterious beasts in Henry Zhang's hands, and there were more than one. The one they got from Xingyun Peak was the King of Ten Thousand Nights!


Amidst the twitching chains all over the sky, a young man with an indifferent face, with his hands behind his back, slowly stepped down along a hanging black chain. The crisp sound was like a giant drum, beating on the hearts of everyone. , Some weak-minded people had cold sweat on their faces, their bodies were trembling, and they were terrified.

The end of the chain extended to the top of everyone's heads, and Henry Zhang's figure also stopped there.

"Brother Xiao!"

Su Ze's eyes were excited, and the young alchemists scattered around the alchemy pavilion also bowed their hands in unison, and all the faces were filled with excitement.

"Is he the owner of the Pill Pavilion?"

"Shall we leave?"

"Wait a little longer, maybe, he won't survive today."

The figures around the Dan Pavilion had their eyes shining. In this extremely shocking scene, they wanted to leave, but they were worried that if things turned around, they would miss the opportunity to carve up the Dan Pavilion, and they would regret it for the rest of their lives.

"Little bastard!" Looking at Henry Zhang above,

Wan Hong secretly hated.

Spiritual beasts like Flame Claws are extremely precious. He spent decades in the Great Sun Sect before he managed to get one, and then exhausted all the resources to be promoted to the present.

As a result, Henry Zhang was nailed to death lightly with a single chain, how could he not hate it.

"Your Excellency, we were the ones who were rude today. It was just a misunderstanding. Let's say goodbye." Shi Rui cupped his hands coldly, and immediately wanted to greet the people in Qianrentang and leave Ziyang City.

Seeing this, Da Rizong and Fengxiao Mansion hurriedly followed.

Legend has it that Henry Zhang has a total of nine spirit beasts with different attributes, and he can summon many of them to fight at the same time. Only one King of Nights came out, and they were completely crushed.

"Wait." Henry Zhang's faint voice came out: "Did I let you go?"

"Do you have anything else to do?" Wan Hong turned around gloomyly, being stepped on by a young boy who was so much younger made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Brother Xiao, they smashed the walls of Ziyang City, and they also killed many innocent people!" Su Ze said coldly after changing into a neat robe.

"Su Ze?" Wan Hong and others were taken aback.

Su Ze is not dead?

"Really." Calmly scanning Wan Hong and the others, Henry Zhang raised his right hand and waved lightly: "King Wan Ye, kill them all."

Hearing this, Wan Hong and the others' complexions changed wildly, and they couldn't believe it.

Henry Zhang, want to kill them?

"Don't be too aggressive, you have already killed our spirit beast, what else do you want?" Zong Yu said angrily, they didn't kill the people in Dan Pavilion, they just killed a bunch of waste, Henry Zhang actually wanted them life? Is there any reason!

"Your Excellency, if you do things too badly, you will die early." Wan Hong threatened.


Henry Zhang was unmoved, and spit out a word indifferently, the densely packed chains shot down from the black cloud again, the sharp tip, shining with a dazzling edge.

"You're crazy!" Wan Hong and the others fled to the distance in horror, but before they could escape a hundred feet, the pitch-black chains shot down fiercely, piercing through them, and then pulling them to the ground. In mid-air, together with those cold spirit beasts, slowly drifting.

Until they died, they didn't believe that they would die so uselessly.

Looking at this scene, everyone in the Dan Pavilion trembled with excitement. This is the behind-the-scenes controller of the Dan Pavilion. With a wave of his hand, he killed hundreds of Linghuangs!

Let me ask, who else could do it so easily except the King of Souls?


The Linghuang who were waiting for a share of the pie fled away one by one, Henry Zhang glanced at them indifferently, and his cold voice spread in all directions: "Kill!"

Hearing this sound, the spirit emperors were terrified, and their souls flew out of their wits.

Henry Zhang, want to kill them?

"Go, I don't believe that he alone can kill all of us!"

"Let's just see, did you provoke you?"

"Make too many enemies, be careful not to end well!"

When many people were fleeing for their lives, they still did not forget the threat. The next moment, a bright thunder, like lightning, swept past from a distance.

That rapid speed is like a ghost.


Stopping in front of Henry Zhang, Lei Dishi wiped the thunder blade expressionlessly, and the six slightly curved arc blades reflected an extremely sharp light, which was shocking.

Moments later.

Those Spirit Emperors who were fleeing and cursing stopped in place at the same time, their bodies froze, and blood sprayed out from their throats like a fountain.

"So fast." Hua Wen's face was shocked.

Cangyu Lingwei is best at speed. However, compared with the spirit beast in front of Henry Zhang, the speed is too poor. He has a hunch that if two spirit beasts fight, it only takes a short moment. The Lingwei will be cut in half by the sharp lightning blade.

"It's too risky."

Standing outside Ziyang City, the people who kept a wait-and-see attitude shuddered. If they had malicious intentions before, I am afraid that they will turn into corpses at this time.

"The wind is always there, what about Xueyuan and the others." Henry Zhang glanced down, frowning slightly.

"Brother Xiao, Xueyuan was captured by Qi Wei of Danlou. His ghost vault leopard is too fast, and it is often difficult for them to catch him. However, they have surrounded the man in Venus City and are waiting for an opportunity. Prepare to kill." Su Ze said harshly.

"No need."

The chains under his feet were drawn to the distance, Henry Zhang's figure, following the black clouds in the sky, drifted to the distance, thousands of chains swayed in the air behind him, rattling, each one At the end of the chain, there is a spirit beast or the corpse of a strong spirit emperor.

Together with Henry Zhang, they quickly floated to Venus City.

That terrifying scene was firmly engraved in the hearts of everyone present. Even after many years, the chains trembling under the black cloud and the scene of countless corpses dancing are still fresh in their memories.

Stepping on a chain, Henry Zhang's black robe was hunting, and his indifferent and cold voice resounded like thunder.

"People of the Dan Pavilion, follow me to kill Qi Wei, destroy the three sects, and destroy the Dan Tower."

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