Master of Beasts

Chapter 1114 Is acting enough?

The darkness gradually filled the sky, and countless stars broke through the darkness and protruded out, exuding a little light, and the leaves outside the window rustled under the breeze.

"Nine cold leaves, withered source wood..."

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, the items in front of Henry Zhang were lined up one by one, and then several empty boundary stones were collected in different categories. These were all spoils collected from the Danlou warehouse.

"Seven sets of sixth-grade elixir formulas, twenty-one fifth-grade elixir formulas."

After accepting the other items, Henry Zhang looked at the Danfang spread on the bed, and smiled faintly. In fact, there are still many good things in Zuo Yansi's space boundary stone.

"I haven't refined elixir for a long time, and I'm almost a little rusty. It happens that there are a lot of materials. If I can use this to find an opportunity to be promoted to a seventh-rank alchemist, it will be a big profit." Henry Zhang flicked the empty boundary stone, white The star crystal cauldron emerged, and the fiery pill fire rose from it.

After being promoted to a sixth-rank alchemist, every breakthrough point is even more difficult. I don't know how many extremely talented alchemists have stayed at this level forever, unable to appreciate the scenery of a seventh-rank alchemist.

Even the all-powerful Emperor Yao took nearly ten years to break through the barrier of the sixth-rank alchemist and cross the seventh-rank.

The night is as cool as water.

The crisp sound of insects rang out one after another outside the window, and Chi Yan lay on Henry Zhang's shoulder, blinking her beautiful eyes quietly.

At this moment, it seemed that everything outside was isolated from this room.


The pill fire gradually grew and faded, and Henry Zhang threw aside the round and round pills, all of which were fifth-grade pills.

Although they are only fifth-rank, their refining methods are quite different, and sixth-rank alchemists can still gain some fresh insights from them.


Henry Zhang's eyes became slightly colder, and a strange spiritual power protruded from the window. As for the target of its spying, it was the pills scattered on the bed!


A tidal wave of spiritual power gushed out, grasping that spiritual power, Henry Zhang's voice was full of deep coldness.

The alchemy formula is a private item for the alchemist, how can others be allowed to spy on it.

"Let go!" An angry voice sounded, and the owner of the voice was Yao Yu.

"Using soul power to spy on others, your parents, didn't you teach you the most basic etiquette." Henry Zhang said coldly.

"This is the territory of Heikuya. I can do whatever I want. Do I still need your consent? Let go of my spiritual power quickly, otherwise, I want you to look good." Yao Yu's voice was full of disbelief Live proudly.

"Whatever you want, what do you want?" His eyes were like a sharp sword out of its sheath, and Henry Zhang's spiritual power suddenly shrank, causing Yao Yu, who was ten feet away, to curse angrily: "Damn, if you dare to move my spirit Li, I must make your death ugly, I swear!"


With a cold grip of Henry Zhang's palm, Yao Yu's spiritual power that invaded the room exploded, and a shrill scream sounded from the dark night, which was quite ear-piercing.

Damaged soul power cannot be recovered with pills. It must go through a long period of recuperation. Yao Yu's wounds will take at least half a year to recover.

"Do you dare to destroy my mental power?" Yao Yu's hair was disheveled, his body was shaking, and he looked vicious, like a shrew about to explode.

What's her fault?

It's just looking at a few pill recipes, what's the big deal, but Henry Zhang viciously destroyed her spiritual power.

Damn it!

"What's wrong?" Yao Suo hurried over.

"He dares to destroy my spiritual power!" Yao Yu pointed at Henry Zhang's room, yelling, uttering all kinds of dirty words, as if he had been wronged.

"Very good." Yao Suo's eyes were filled with coldness.

The current Yao You is looking for materials outside, so he can do whatever he wants? Since Henry Zhang wanted to die, his plan was simply implemented in advance.

"Yao Yu, find a way to destroy him." Yao Suo said lightly.

Slightly stunned,

There was a vicious light in Yao Yu's eyes, she nodded with a sneer, and then quickly rushed into Henry Zhang's room, pulling off the clothes on her shoulders.


This sound was a hundred times more horrific than the scream just now. Suddenly, the Black Grotto Cliff was ablaze, and a powerful man rushed to surround Henry Zhang's room.

The one in front is Yao Xing, the father of Yao Kong who was abolished.

"Yao Suo, what happened, it seems to be Yu'er's voice." Yao Xinghan asked in a low voice.

"Third Uncle, I also just arrived, so I don't know the specific situation, but the person living in this room is the alchemist invited by Yao You, so I can't disturb you rashly." Yao Suo shook his head.

"Yao Suo, if something happens to your sister, I can't spare you!" A middle-aged man who followed closely gave Yao Suo an angry look, and immediately kicked open the door. The scene inside was suddenly clear. presented in front of the public.

Yao Yu, who was lying on the bed, was disheveled, crying pear blossoms with rain, as if he had received some kind of insult, while Henry Zhang, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, had a calm face, and from time to time, he even picked up a plant The medicinal materials were thrown into the star crystal cauldron in front.

This strong contrast made some people from the Black Grotto Cliff look bewildered.

What is it all about.

"Yu'er, what happened!" The middle-aged man who kicked open the door shouted angrily, and he was Yao Suo and Yao Yu's father, Yao Tuo.

"Father!" Lying on the bed, Yao Yu was crying and trembling: "He is the alchemist invited by sister Yao You. He said he wanted to teach me alchemy and cure grandpa, but as soon as I came, he forcibly had sex with me. relationship, I don’t agree, he also ruined my spiritual power, trying to humiliate me!”


Fierce auras erupted suddenly, and the eyes of countless people looking at Henry Zhang were full of violent killing intent. Among them, there were people from the lineage of Yao Xing and Yao Tuo, and many neutral people.

Compared with an unfamiliar alchemist, they were naturally more willing to trust Yao Yu.

Henry Zhang, it’s so shameless!

"I promise you whatever I want, as long as you can save Grandpa, even if you accept me as a concubine, I will have no complaints." Yao Yu had an expression of resignation.

As soon as these words came out, many people's expressions changed drastically.

It turned out that Henry Zhang threatened to save Yao Qinglin.

"Yu'er, get out of the way." Yao Tuo walked into the room coldly, black air lingered on his palm, and he looked at Henry Zhang with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Father, I did it voluntarily." Yao Yu shook his head quickly, this move made the people outside the room grind their teeth hard, wishing to cut Henry Zhang into pieces.

"kill him!"

"We, Black Cave Cliff, don't need a prostitute to save us!"

A furious voice resounded outside, and the corner of Yao Suo's mouth curled up into a smile of success. This is what he wanted.

As long as Henry Zhang is killed, a black cave cliff will be his sooner or later.

"You are so despicable, to use Yu'er's feelings for the old man as a bargaining chip." Yao Tuo looked at Henry Zhang murderously.

"Is the acting enough?" Henry Zhang said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Yao Tuo looked gloomy.

Without changing his complexion, he put all the pills on the bed into the space boundary stone, and then pushed away the star crystal cauldron in front of him. Henry Zhang's indifferent eyes fell on Yao Tuo.

"I said, is acting enough?"

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