Master of Beasts

Chapter 1142

The bright moon hangs high, the black shadows whirl, and the atmosphere in front of the room becomes extraordinarily weird. Yao Suo, Yao Yu and the others all have gloomy eyes, especially Yao Xing, whose eyes looking at Henry Zhang are as sharp as a falcon. It is to penetrate Henry Zhang thoroughly, and as for the neutral veins, his eyes flicker and he doesn't say a word.

What is the truth, they have long guessed that Henry Zhang's echo note is just to tear apart the ugly face of Yao Xing's lineage.

However, in the current Black Grotto Cliff, there is an undercurrent surging, and there are no strong people in these veins of theirs, and if they are rashly involved, they will never end well in the end.

"It's just a few voices, who knows if they were fabricated out of thin air to frame Suo'er and Yu'er." Yao Tuo flicked his sleeves and said coldly.

How could he let Yao Suo and Yao Yu admit this kind of scandal, otherwise, even if Yao Qinglin died in the future, the two whose reputations had been severely damaged would still not be able to convince the public.

This runs counter to their interests.

"Are you questioning the authenticity of the echo note?" Henry Zhang asked with a faint smile.

"That's right." Yao Tuo nodded indifferently, and the faces of Yao Suo and Yao Yu next to him also gradually became tough. As long as they insist that the runes are fake, what can Henry Zhang do?

"I think a few of you know the authenticity of this rune, but since you have raised doubts, we can go to the Zhenshi Pavilion to find out the authenticity." Henry Zhang said indifferently.

"Array Master Pavilion?" Yao Suo and Yao Yu's mouths twitched. It was the largest formation mage organization in Ghost Nether Realm, and there were several spirit kings in it. Those people would not be threatened or bribed by Heikuya.

"Making trouble for no reason." Yao Tuo's eyes were gloomy. They might allow this to happen: "Everyone, this person used an unwarranted rune to ruin the reputation of Suo'er and Yu'er. I propose to abolish his spiritual gate. What do you guys think about getting out of the Black Grotto Cliff?"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

People from Yao Tuo and Yao Xing's lineage spoke out coldly, especially Yao Xing, whose face had already become stern, and this was enough to find a chance to avenge his son.

"Are you going to abolish him?" Yao You looked at everyone jokingly.

"That's right." Yao Suo and Yao Yu snorted coldly: "This person has evil intentions and framed our brothers and sisters. He must take the opportunity to weaken the power of Heikuya. It is shameless! He doesn't know that Heikuya is currently in When the wind and rain are precarious, is it at stake?"

The eyes of the people behind Yao You were slightly cold.

These two people are so grand-sounding, knowing that the current Black Cave Cliff cannot stand the toss, but instead do everything possible to prevent Henry Zhang from saving people.

It's them who are so shameless!

"Then you guys do it." Yao You pursed his lips and smiled, and turned his body sideways. That clean and neat movement made Yao Tuo and Yao Xing frown, but Yao You didn't stop it?

"Since you agree with this, then I will not be polite." Yao Xing took a step, with a sinister light in his eyes: "Boy, you dare to make trouble on my Black Cave Cliff. You are so brave. Now, for your own Recklessness pays for it!"


The Black Bone Skeleton of the ninth-rank Emperor Qiong rushed out, and Yao Suo and Yao Yu showed slight smiles on their faces. At this moment, Yao You's voice sounded again.

"Forgot to tell you, he is Henry Zhang."

The black bone skull's claws stopped suddenly when it was only three inches away from Henry Zhang's pupils, and the muscles on Yao Xing's face twitched uncontrollably: "Where... which Henry Zhang?"

"How many others can be called great alchemists?" Yao You laughed lightly, Yao Xing's face was green and white, and the eyes of Yao Suo, Yao Yu and others were also extremely ugly.

This black-robed boy is Henry Zhang?

"Continue." Henry Zhang smiled lightly, while Yao Xing's body was frozen there, neither advancing nor retreating, which was quite embarrassing.

Frankly speaking, he was not afraid of Henry Zhang's strength. After all, in their impression, Henry Zhang's deeds were limited to beheading Baiyou. As for Danlou, it is very far away from here, and the news has not yet come.

If they knew that even Wen Tianhuang died in the hands of Henry Zhang, how could they dare to be so rampant.

"What happened today is all a misunderstanding." After a long silence, Yao Tuo said with an unnatural expression, the consequences of offending a sixth-rank alchemist were not something he could bear.

Even if he really wanted to offend him, he couldn't give that sixth-grade alchemist a chance to survive.

"Is this rune real or fake?" Henry Zhang looked at Yao Suo and Yao Yu with a smile, the expressions on the faces of these two people were constantly changing, and they didn't dare to make a sound.

"I'm asking you something." The flames rose in the palm of his hand, and Henry Zhang still kept a smile on his face: "Is this rune true or false?"

"This matter..."

"Did I let you speak?"

After being choked by Henry Zhang, Yao Tuo's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, but he was powerless to refute. Yao Suo and Yao Yu looked at Henry Zhang who was gradually walking in, gritted their teeth and said, "Really."

"You framed me, is it true or not?" Henry Zhang continued to ask.


"Then why don't you go?"

Under Henry Zhang’s calm voice, Yao Tuo and the people of Yao Xing’s lineage exited the courtyard with a bang. After Yao Tuo cupped his hands gloomyly, he turned and left. Yao Suo and Yao Yu who followed behind him looked embarrassed and unwilling. , They didn't even have the courage to yell at a sixth-grade alchemist.

"No wonder he can extinguish Qingsong's pill fire in an instant..." Yao Yu gritted her teeth in her heart. She had heard Henry Zhang's name during the day, but she didn't take it to heart. Jie Linghuang was able to pay the price to impress a sixth-rank alchemist.

"Suo'er, you contacted the Gumen people before, didn't you?" Yao Tuo asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Yao Suo nodded fiercely.

"Kill him." Standing outside the courtyard wall, a strong killing intent flashed in Yao Tuo's eyes, so what about the sixth-rank alchemist, as long as he killed him, who would know it was them.

Yao Qinglin, must not wake up!

"Father, I will." Yao Suo nodded with a sneer, Yao Yu on the side also let out a sigh of relief, his face was covered with haze, dare to insult her in public, to see if Henry Zhang can survive tonight .

"They won't let it go." Yao You looked at Henry Zhang and said softly.

"It's a pity, if those elders also come, they can all be killed, so there is no such trouble." Henry Zhang smiled indifferently, if it wasn't for Yao You's voice transmission just now, the few people who hid the most hadn't appeared yet , Yao Tuo and Yao Xing's veins will not survive tonight.

"It's troublesome." Yao You said embarrassingly, if you want to find out all the people in the dark, you still need Henry Zhang's cooperation, otherwise even if Yao Qinglin wakes up, she can't rest assured.

"Just don't forget the reward."

With a faint wave of his hand, Henry Zhang closed the door with a bang, and Yao You and others in the courtyard also tactfully left without disturbing.

After closing the door, Henry Zhang slowly raised his head.


A mysterious energy suddenly spread rapidly along the inside of the door, and finally enveloped the entire room, a surging eerie aura surged loudly.

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