Master of Beasts

Chapter 1446 Do you think I'm an idiot?

"Yao Lu, stop!" Yao You gritted her teeth tightly, feeling a little guilty in her heart. She thought she had prepared perfectly, but in the end, she still couldn't escape Yao Tuo's schemes.

Among the people in her lineage, several people were instigated to rebel.

Now, not only is she going to die, but Henry Zhang is also involved.

"Give me death!"

Looking at Henry Zhang with a smirk, Yao Lu stretched out his palm and pressed it down hard. That gesture was astonishingly trying to press Henry Zhang's head into the cauldron, which was extremely cruel.

"Let you insult me." Yao Yu twitched the corner of his mouth with a smile, so what about a sixth-rank alchemist, in the end, he will turn into a dry bone.

However, the moment Yao Lu's palm was about to touch the back of Henry Zhang's head.


Brilliant rays of light, like countless silk threads, intertwined rapidly, forming a light array visible to the naked eye, raging crazily, and Yao Lu's right arm instantly disappeared into nothingness.

"no, do not want!"

The suction force in the formation continuously sucked his body, Yao Lu turned pale in shock, and a strong look of fear filled his face.

how so!

"Array?" Yao Suo and others' pupils shrank suddenly. There are only a handful of people who can be deployed in the sixth-rank killing formation in the entire ghost domain. Who are they?

"Yao Suo, save me!" Yao Lu begged for help from Yao Suo, but when he saw the fearful and indifferent face of the latter, his heart trembled suddenly, and his face revealed a sad look.

Yao Suo had no intention of saving him at all.

Except for Yao You, few people in Heiguya regard him as a human being!

However, what's the use of regretting at this time?


With a soft sound, Yao Lu's body was split into nothingness, and Henry Zhang, who was in the middle of alchemy, was still carrying out the steps of congealing alchemy, unmoved.

"Excuse me, who is your Excellency?" Yao Tuo said in a deep voice.

"Who am I? Don't you have a couple of children?" Emerging from the air, Ji Yan looked at the shocked Yao Suo and Yao Yu, and said coldly, "You are very good, you almost killed me."

If Henry Zhang is a ruthless person, he will definitely die.

"So it was you?" Yao Suo took a few steps forward and said with an apologetic smile: "Master Ji, did we have some misunderstanding, Henry Zhang is a hypocrite, don't be fooled by him."

In Yao Suo's mind, it is impossible for Henry Zhang to defeat the sixth-rank formation mage, he must have used some shady means to confuse Ji Yan, and he must expose it.

"A hypocrite?" Ji Yan was almost laughed angrily: "You treat a person who killed my senior brother and beheaded Tianhuang as a hypocrite, are you mocking me in a disguised form for being stupid?"

Killed Senior Brother Ji Yan?

Beheading asks Tianhuang?

The people in the room had a bang in their minds. They didn't have much feeling for Ji Yan's senior brother Ye Yi, but Wen Tianhuang was a powerful man who ruled the Northern Territory, the former King of Desolation!

"Master Ji, you are joking." Yao Tuo said with an ugly face, he finally knew what kind of existence he had provoked, and those elders who stood by Yao Tuo's side also looked ashen.

They are on the wrong team.


Wiping off the blood at the corners of her mouth, Yao Youmei’s eyes are complex, no wonder Henry Zhang has a calm and calm look from beginning to end, it turns out that Ji Yan is the second hand, although she has a lot of experience, but she is licking blood all the way with Henry Zhang Compared with the people who came, they were still a little tender.

"Your Excellency, can you not intervene in today's affairs." Yao Tuo's face turned ruthless: "After I take charge of the Black Grotto Cliff, I will offer a million Lingyu with both hands."

Million Spiritual Jade!

Many elders' hearts were beating wildly. After handing over one million spiritual jades, the entire Black Grotto Cliff would be at a standstill for at least three years.

But compared with my little life, I can't care so much.

"One million Lingyu?" Ji Yan laughed, seeming to be moved.

"That's right, Million Spirit Jade." Seeing Ji Yan's reaction, Yao Tuo was overjoyed: "And I can still decide to make Yao You your concubine. If you don't like it, you can also be a maid."

"Yao Tuo, you scum!" Yao You was furious, what did Yao Tuo think of her.

"Although this woman is cold, she does have a special flavor." Ji Yan still smiled: "However, I don't have much interest in her, but I do have some interest in her."

Ji Yan pointed at Yao Yu.

"Me?" Yao Yu was stunned for a moment, ecstatic in her heart, if she could marry a sixth-rank formation mage, then she would gain a lot of benefits.

Moreover, Ji Yan is young and handsome, compared with those old guys, he is like a heaven and an underground.

"If Ji Zhenshi is interested in the little girl, Yao is naturally willing to match up." Yao Tuo looked excited, this is a sixth-grade formation mage!

"You guys misunderstood, I want her to be my slave." Ji Yan laughed.


Yao Tuo stood there blankly, Yao Yu's face was pale, just now she was still laughing at Yao You in her heart, but her fate was worse than Yao You's.

"What do you think?" Ji Yan looked at Yao Tuo.

"Okay!" Yao Tuo nodded cruelly. Yao Yu trembled and almost passed out. In order to survive, Yao Tuo betrayed her without hesitation.

"I also agree." Yao Suo nodded, and Yao Yu's mind went blank.

It turned out that she was in her own vein and had no status at all.


The white star crystal cauldron trembled slightly, Henry Zhang opened his eyes, and Ji Yan, who was standing in front of him, laughed loudly: "It's so fun, people of this lineage are so ugly, It is really unprecedented, sorry, I am teasing you, just this kind of stuff, not even qualified to be my slave."


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Yao Yu stepped back a few steps with dull eyes, first being insulted by Henry Zhang, and now Ji Yan spoke like this again, her self-confidence has been completely destroyed.

"Give this elixir to your old man." Henry Zhang tossed it casually, with a little tiredness between his brows.

Following the roar of the poison pill, traces of ice mist rose from Yao Qinglin's body, and his lifeless face gradually turned rosy.

"It works!" Yao You's fingertips trembled excitedly.

Yao Qinglin, wake up soon!

Contrary to Yao You who was delighted in his heart, everyone in Yao Tuo's lineage looked as ugly as if he had eaten a dead mouse, and every minute and every second was extremely tormenting for them.

After Yao Qinglin woke up, he would definitely not let them go.

"Do it!" Yao Tuo yelled violently. Their only chance to survive was to kill Yao Qinglin while he was awake, so as to avoid future troubles forever!


Dao Dao Lingmen bloomed, and black bone skeletons roared towards Henry Zhang and Yao You. If you want to kill Yao Qinglin, you must kill Henry Zhang and Yao You first. As for Ji Yan, you can ignore it for the time being.


At this moment, Yao Qinglin's eyes slowly opened, a powerful coercion swept across the room, and those few black bone skeletons suddenly froze in the air.

"Father, you're awake." Yao Tuo's eyes sharpened, he pretended to be excited and stepped forward, pointed at Henry Zhang and the others and said: "These people, in order to prevent me from saving you, obstructed in every possible way, kill them. "

"That's right!"

"Yao You cheated on outsiders and harmed the Black Grotto Cliff!"

Yao Suo, Yao Yu and others stepped forward one after another, cursing angrily.

Glancing at Yao Tuo and the others, Yao Qinglin stood up slowly with the support of Yao You. The cold voice actually made the nearby air condense into fine black ice crystals.

"Yao Tuo, do you think I'm an idiot?"

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