Master of Beasts

Chapter 1152 The Weird Woman in White

After parting with Yang Ye, Henry Zhang flapped his white flame wings and returned to the Ghost Nether Realm again, and Yang Ye returned to his own territory with his Qingye Gate after confiscating the resources of the Bone Gate.

A place like Ghost Nether Realm is not suitable for his development.

Although they all want to become stronger, everyone takes a different path.

"After giving Ji Yan 300,000 yuan, the existing spirit jade has already been squandered. It seems that it is time to find a place to trade the spoils obtained from Danlou." Looking down at the building below, Xiao Yang Piao got down, and after buying a black robe, he wandered leisurely on the street.

The clothes he used to wear are really small for him now.

Thunder City.

This ancient city is the center of the Ghost Realm, and its area is no less than three medium-sized empires. Some of the more famous forces will choose to set up their branches here.

For example, Little Thunder Sky.

Another example is the Palace of the Wild Lion.

As for the Langya Que and the Poison Scorpion Sect, needless to say, their entire sect is located here. It is said that more than 90% of the spirit kings in the Ghost Nether Realm gather in this ancient city.

There is no other reason.

The resources and convenience here are not comparable to other areas.

"The last time I came here, I was only an eighth-level spirit emperor. At that time, even if I met the weakest spirit king, I had to turn around and run away." Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled.

In the past three years, his superficial strength has not broken through, but his real combat power has increased exponentially.

"Shopkeeper, how much can you charge for these things." Walking into a shop, Henry Zhang waved his palm, and a dazzling array of goods lined up from the counter one by one.

The shopkeeper, who was expressionless just now, opened his eyes wide in an instant.

"Sixth-grade elixir, the elixir formula of Shuiyue Pill? The one-horn of the blood-armored giant dragon? The mid-throne-level spirit crystal, the Hundred Blood Nest?"

The shopkeeper looked at it, and suddenly trembled, and raised his head with a strange expression: "Little brother, where did you get these things? As far as I know, the only prescription of Shuiyue Dan seems to be Zuo Yansi." Yes, I heard that his Dan building was wiped clean a few years ago."

"It is indeed from Danlou." Henry Zhang smiled.

"Little brother, please forgive me. I don't dare to take these things." The shopkeeper quickly waved his hand: "Zuo Yansi is dead, but his friend is still alive. If he brings a few spirit kings over, don't take them away." My little shop is flat."

"Don't dare?" Henry Zhang looked surprised.

"Don't say it's me, even those bigger shops dare not accept these hot potatoes. If Zuo Yansi's friend comes and forces me to hand over the things, should I give it or not?" the shopkeeper With a drooping face: "If you don't believe me, just take these things and ask them one by one."

"In that case, excuse me." Henry Zhang turned and left.

"Shopkeeper, that person can't be Henry Zhang." Xiaoer asked suspiciously from behind.

"Do your job honestly, why bother so much." Turning around and drinking, the shopkeeper looked at the direction Henry Zhang was leaving, and exhaled lightly.

If nothing else, this young man should be Henry Zhang.

There are not a few people in Leihuangcheng who are interested in him.

"These things are too expensive, and the strength of the small ones is meager, so it's hard to afford. Brother, let's look elsewhere."

"Zuo Yansi's things? Don't dare to accept, dare not accept."

After being repeatedly rejected, Henry Zhang walked on the street, throwing the empty boundary stone amusingly, even if he died, the lingering power is still there, the influence of the sixth-rank alchemist can be seen.

"That's all."

Henry Zhang quickened his pace and walked towards the familiar position.

ghost city.

This is a natural place to sell stolen goods, not to mention the legacy of sixth-rank alchemists, it is the product of some spirit kings who murdered and robbed them, which is common here.

Here, it can be described as a dark paradise.

"The sixth-grade elixir, Heiku Longyin Pill? Judging by its quality, there should be a 30% chance that a spirit beast with the blood of a real dragon can control the power of the dragon's chanting. Will you sell one hundred thousand spirit jade?"

"Elixir Nine Dragons Clover? A rare thing,

I've been looking for it for a long time, my dear friend, meeting is a fate, and I will buy another two thousand Lingyu. "


Wearing an evil ghost mask, Henry Zhang sat cross-legged behind the booth, selling items one after another, and the spirit jade traded in just half an hour exceeded 400,000.

After all, these are the treasures of alchemist forces.

Gradually, as the number of items decreased, the number of people who came to inquire about the price continued to thin out, and even for about half an hour, no one spoke.


Lying on Henry Zhang's shoulder, Chi Yan swayed his small tail, staring straight at the passing crowd. Suddenly, a hint of vigilance flashed across its eyes, full of vigilance.

A woman in white, when passing in front of Henry Zhang's booth, stopped suddenly, and then without warning, leaned down gently, staring at Henry Zhang without blinking, the aura emanating from her body seemed to be empty. Fragrant, revealing a warm taste.

"Excuse me, do you have anything to do." Henry Zhang raised his head doubtfully.

However, for his inquiry, the woman in white didn't mean to answer at all, she still looked at him, which made Henry Zhang hairy.

Lowering his head, Henry Zhang looked at his robe, touched his mask again, and after confirming that there was nothing there, he said depressedly: "Miss, do we know each other?"

"I know, of course I know." The woman's red lips were slightly raised, and the voice that came out was as soft as running water, soft and heart-shattering: "To a certain extent, I have saved you."

saved me?

Henry Zhang froze, not knowing why.

"Are you...a peak owner of Thirteen Peaks?"

The woman shook her head with a smile.

"Could it be, an old friend who broke through to the Spirit King?"

The woman is still smiling.

"Then who are you." If you can take off the mask, you will definitely find that Henry Zhang's forehead is already covered with black lines. This is the first time he has seen such a strange person.

"I'm here to help you." The woman said softly.

"Sister, if you have anything to say, just say it..."


Surging spiritual power erupted from the woman's body, and Henry Zhang immediately felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, cold sweat burst out from his body with a bang, and under that majestic coercion, he was like a small boat in a huge wave Generally, it will be torn to pieces at any time.

"Give you three breaths of time, and change your name." The woman looked at Henry Zhang with a smile.

"This girl..." Henry Zhang was speechless to the extreme: "You are a powerful spirit king, why bother to tease me, it's not just a matter of killing or cutting."

"How do you know that I am the powerful Spirit King?" The woman smiled, she stared at Henry Zhang, and just about to say something, a harsh voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Yo, Lang Li, everyone said that there are many good things in the ghost market, but as soon as I entered, I saw a superb product."

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