Master of Beasts

Chapter 1158: Six-Winged Fish Dragon King

The night is as cool as water.

Lying on the thick branches of an ancient tree, Henry Zhang looked up at the sky, there was still some twisted space, and there was a ripple in his heart.

If he could have such a powerful force, how about the Langya Que and the Scorpion King Gate, even the Wild Lion Palace with its profound foundation could be wiped out in an instant.

No wonder many powerhouses say that the Spirit King is just a starting point in this vast continent.

Today, he is only a ninth-level spirit emperor.

In any case, break through as soon as possible!

Closing his eyes, Henry Zhang slowly fell asleep amidst the surging thoughts.

The cool moon is like strands of silvery fine sand passing through layers of leaves, drawing countless light spots on the ground, and the unique chirping of insects in the forest resounds endlessly.

It's three o'clock.

The night sky seemed to be completely shrouded in darkness. Suddenly, a palm descended from above without a sound, clasping Henry Zhang's neck.

However, he hasn't had time to touch it yet.

"call out!"

His figure appeared in the mountains thousands of miles away in an instant, and his complexion suddenly changed. He turned back with horror, and Shi Ying, who was dressed in white, was standing calmly behind him.

"You..." The hair on the man's body stood on end, as if he had seen some terrifying figure.

"The people from the Emperor Star Pavilion sneaked into the Northern Territory late at night, probably to enjoy the stars and the moon, it's so elegant." Shi Ying said lightly.

"I'm here for one person." After hesitating for a moment, the man said bravely.

"I don't care who asked you to come, but now, disappear from the Northern Territory, immediately, immediately." Shi Ying didn't even look at him, and the voice that came out was unquestionable.

"Do you have to do this?" The man gritted his teeth.

"It's not me who did it, but you." Shi Ying said calmly: "The four major domains have the rules of the four major domains. I think someone should tell you that the powerhouses of the Imperial State are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of other regions. If you act recklessly like you, can the mainland still live in peace?"

"Then why are you here?" The man looked at Shi Ying.

"What am I doing? Do I need to report to you?" Shi Ying narrowed her eyes, and a mighty coercion was released. The man stepped back a few steps, leaned down quickly, and said in a horrified voice, "Master Xia, please spare me. The villain has no intention of offending you!" , I'm leaving now."


After the words fell, the man did not hesitate at all, and immediately flashed out, and the cold voice wafting from his ears made his scalp tingle: "Tell your master, if you dare to send someone to the Northern Territory, I will personally visit you. Let's see what those old guys will do with him."

Looking at the direction in which the man was fleeing, Shi Ying snorted disdainfully.

Annoying flies.

The night passed by in a flash.

A green leaf swirled and fell from the sky, spreading on Henry Zhang's face.

Stretching happily, Henry Zhang patted his tingling cheeks, feeling comfortable all over. After a few days of fleeing life, people were exhausted, and it was really not easy to sleep peacefully.

"Shi Ying?"

Smelling the smell of meat in the air, Henry Zhang's nose twitched a few times, and looked down in amazement, a hill-like spirit beast was being roasted on the fire.

That spirit beast was actually Kun Leixi.

"Fifth-rank high-level throne!" Looking at the five white patterns on Kunlei's rhinoceros horn, Henry Zhang's eyes couldn't help but widen.

For spirit beasts like Kun Leixi, the ones with the lowest strength are all at the Throne level.

The horns of the lower throne ranks are red, the middle ranks are white, and the highest ranks are white. Even if you don't release your breath, you can tell its rank from the pattern.

"You killed it?" Henry Zhang floated and fell to the ground.

"Just now there was a second-tier Throne-level Ice Abyss Snake, trying to sneak around from behind and attack, but when I was killing it, I accidentally killed this Kunlei Rhinoceros by mistake." Shi Ying said indifferently.


Henry Zhang's heart twitched. For him, the spirit beast of the fifth-rank high throne level belonged to the existence that would flee for his life when he saw it, but when it came to Shi Ying,

It was so unbearable.

"Hurry up and eat, I won't follow you after eating." Shi Ying tore off a piece, and slowly refused.

"You want to leave?" His eyes fell on Shi Ying, and Henry Zhang suddenly felt a little reluctant. Although many behaviors of the woman in white were difficult to understand in his opinion, there was no malicious intent, otherwise, he would never have survived today.

Moreover, the reason why she was able to escape the encirclement and suppression of the Quartet forces several times is also due to her credit.

"Why, can't bear it?" Shi Ying pursed her lips and smiled.

"No." After receiving a piece of roasted Kunlei rhinoceros, Henry Zhang sat on the stone and said sullenly: "The so-called monster, found it?"

"I just got a clue." Shi Ying shrugged: "The existence of that guy is extremely hidden. Your strong men in the Northern Territory haven't found it for so many years. Whether I can successfully find it is still unknown."

"Is it dangerous?" Henry Zhang raised his head.

"Yo, it's rare to finally care about my sister."

Shi Ying blinked her beautiful eyes, and smiled sweetly: "For the sake of your progress, let me tell you a secret, isn't there a semi-finished silver-scaled sky horn armor in your sky boundary stone, if you can get the seraphic dragon king The blood essence, maybe it can turn a fish into a dragon and become a perfect treasure armor."

"The blood of the six-winged dragon king? The perfect armor?" Henry Zhang: "Is there any substantial change?"

"The change is not too big, but it can resist the attacks of all throne-level spirit beasts, and if the blood is pure enough, the person wearing the inner armor has a certain chance to inspire the ichthyosaur king's wings, and the flying speed , It's much faster than your double folded wings." Shi Ying raised the corner of her mouth.

"Where is the blood essence of the seraphic dragon king?" Henry Zhang asked excitedly.

"In the treasure house of the Wild Lion Palace, there seems to be such a drop."

Shi Ying spread her hands: "Don't look at me with this kind of eyes. Besides, even if you search the whole Northern Territory, you won't be able to find the second drop. A spirit beast like the Hexapod Dragon King is a spirit of water attribute. One of the overlords among the beasts, the seraphic dragon king in ancient times, can even compete with the Nine Heavens Profound Flame Phoenix."

"It's done!" Henry Zhang felt ruthless in his heart.

No matter what the Lion Palace is, he will definitely find an opportunity in the future to visit their treasure house, not to mention anything else, he is bound to get that drop of the blood of the Hexapod King.

"Little brother, I should go."

Elegantly wiped her mouth, behind Shi Ying, a pair of wide and gorgeous wings of light bloomed, the moment she was about to leave, she paused slightly, turned around and smiled and said: "By the way, let me tell you something. People from Yaque's faction are coming from the north and south, and Xiaoleitian's people seem to have discovered this place as well."

Saying that, Shi Ying left with a smile on her face.


The barbecue in his hand fell to the ground, Henry Zhang cursed a few times, the ground under his feet cracked, and he rushed towards the west quickly: "Damn, a group of lingering things!"

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