Master of Beasts

Chapter 1170 Seven Demon Hunters

..beast master

"It seems that the recent Tongxuan Domain is not as easy to advance as before."

Standing on the street, looking at the towering city wall, and in front of the city gate, the strong man of the Lion Palace who strictly checked the passers-by, the Snow King spoke slowly.

Ever since the news of Bailixuan's marriage to Mu Qing was spread, the vigilance of the entire Tongxuan Domain immediately rose to the highest level. People have long been familiar with this scene.

Wild Lion Palace, Monster Night Island, Yuanshi Temple, Ghost Valley.

These four giants of the ghost domain can make the ghost domain tremble three times by stomping their feet casually, not to mention that it is the princess Mu Qing of the Wild Lion Palace who is married to Bailixuan.

At this juncture, no one would challenge the dignity of the Wild Lion Palace.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

In order to minimize such exceptions, the Wild Lion Palace has taken great pains, and this kind of investigation in front of the city gate is one of the measures taken.


A bright beam of light shone down from the sky, and a man who was trying to get away with it was instantly revealed, and the mask on his face disappeared into nothingness in the beam of light.

"It's Jiang Miao!"

"Want to run?"

A surge of spiritual power crushed down from Tongxuan Domain, and Jiang Miao, who hadn't run far, was crushed into a cloud of blood mist on the spot, which filled the air endlessly.

"What level of spirit king is this?" Henry Zhang looked at Snow King, feeling bad in his heart.

Didn't it mean that powerhouses above the fourth-order spirit king are not allowed to take action easily?

The power just now was at least level five!

"The so-called powerhouses above the fourth-level spirit king are not allowed to intervene in the mainland battle. It is for other people, such as the fifth-level spirit king. They cannot do anything to the fourth-level spirit king or below for no reason. It is to prevent the talented children of some powerful forces from dying prematurely in the hands of the enemy."

Snow King explained: "As for the murderer just now, it was a sixth-rank spirit king, while the Jiang Miao who was killed by him was a third-rank spirit king. Jiang Miao was in the ghost domain, so he was quite well-known. Before, he had beheaded an eighth-level spirit emperor of the Wild Lion Palace, so he has always been on the must-kill list of the Wild Lion Palace. In this case, even if it violates the rules, he will not say anything."

Henry Zhang's complexion was slightly condensed.

Doesn't that mean that as long as the reasons are sufficient, those so-called rules can be invalidated?

"Hehe, do you really believe that in this continent, there are rules to protect the weak? Those are just tricks used by the strong to fool ghosts. Even if there are, they are to protect the weak on their own side."

Snow King sneered: "If you hadn't had the Xingyun Peak behind you, the Wild Lion Palace would have made excuses and wiped you out without anyone noticing, how could you have survived until now."

"Trouble." Henry Zhang's eyes froze slightly.

It seems that his thinking is still too naive.

What Snow King said was right, those rules were just a means for the strong to protect their own people, as for other people, they would not really benefit.

"If you just pass by like this, a group of strong men below the fifth-level spirit king can kill you to scum in an instant, with such a number, even I can't do anything." Snow King said with a curled lip.

"Then what should I do." Henry Zhang looked at Snow King.

"Hey, I've been on the mainland for so many years, if I can't handle even this little thing, I won't be called Snow King anymore."

Snow King smiled triumphantly: "No matter how bold the Wild Lion Palace is, there are some people they dare not investigate. In this way, you go to a place called the Seven Demon Hunting Spirit Group, find a little girl named Mo Ziyue, and ask her to take you in." , I guarantee that those who interrogate her will let her go as if they met Yan Luo."

"Seven Demon Hunters, Mo Ziyue? What about you?" Henry Zhang asked.

"As for me, naturally I'll go in so dignifiedly. I don't have any grievances with the Wild Lion Palace. They can still kill me."

Snow King waved his hand: "I'll go to Tongxuan Domain to find a few old friends to catch up with old friends, do as I say, and make sure you're safe and well."

"Seven Demon Hunters, Mo Ziyue?" With a flash of light in his eyes, Henry Zhang soared into the sky.

Having said that, the name Hunters,

I haven't heard it for a long time.

Seven Demon Hunters, in front of the door.


Seeing Henry Zhang approaching gradually, a spirit hunter pushed out his palm, and said bluntly: "If you want to entrust something, you should come back another day. The Seven Demon Hunters have important things to do recently. It is convenient to accept the commission."

"I'm here to find Mo Ziyue." Henry Zhang smiled.

"Mo Ziyue?" The spirit hunter suddenly realized: "You want to join our seven demon spirit hunting group and accept the task of guarding. Miss Mo Ziyue really needs manpower recently, come with me."

Looking at the back of the spirit hunter, Henry Zhang froze for a moment, then followed up speechlessly.

It's all about what.

But as long as he saw Mo Ziyue, all his problems would be solved.

The Seven Demon Hunting Spirit Squad is one of the more famous ghost hunting groups in Huangquan. Although there are no strong spirit kings, there are countless powerful spirit kings.

In this ghost domain where spirit kings rarely appear, the Seven Demon Hunting Spirit Squad really has the qualifications to gain a firm foothold.

In the courtyard.

A group of Linghuang powerhouses whispered to each other. After the spirit hunter told Henry Zhang that he had led him here, he went back again. After a while, a girl and a young man came out of the hall.

The girl standing in front of her was dressed in a black dress, she was slim and graceful, her smooth long hair was pouring down like a waterfall, her big watery eyes were moving, and she was extremely moving.

This girl is none other than Mo Ziyue.

And following behind him was the leader of the Seven Demon Hunting Spirit Squad, Dong Chen, with a warm smile on his face, and full possessiveness in his eyes that fell on Mo Ziyue.

"Everyone is here?" Dong Chen looked away from everyone, and smiled gently: "Ziyue, you have been in the Seven Demon Hunting Spirit Squad for a long time, but are you still used to it?"

"It's okay." Mo Ziyue smiled back politely.

"Don't worry, there are people from my Seven Demon Hunting Spirit Squad to protect you, to ensure that you can reach the Tongxuan Domain safely." Dong Chen nodded and said loudly: "Everyone, Miss Ziyue has a special status and needs personal guards. Now there is a quota, who is interested? However, it is only limited to the ninth-rank Linghuang."

"I'm a ninth-rank Linghuang, but under the command of the leader, I can't hold on for half a breath, so let's forget it."

"This position can only be performed by the head of the regiment."

There was a satisfied smile on Dong Chen's hypocritical face, and this group of guys were quite sensible: "Ziyue, it seems..."

"let me try."

The sudden sound caused a sharp light to flash in Dong Chen's eyes, and at the same time, everyone's eyes also turned away in unison.

The young man in black robe standing on the edge has a calm expression.

"This little brother, Miss Ziyue has a special status. There may be a lot of danger in this escort, you have to think about it carefully." Dong Chen looked at Henry Zhang with a smile, and there was a threat in his voice.

"I've figured it out."

Henry Zhang walked out slowly, Dong Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his sharp eyes seemed to tear Henry Zhang into pieces. Still looking for free novels of "Controlling the Beast"? Baidu direct search: "Reading Yue" 250,000 popular novels for free, Reading Yue, Reading Yue is wonderful! (= Reading Yue)

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