Master of Beasts

Chapter 1168 Violent Beating

Get in the way, kill and kill?

With a chill on his face, Henry Zhang walked towards Dong Chen step by step. Dong Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered, "Why, don't you want me to save Ziyue?"

"If Chiyan didn't resist just now, your Yasha would probably kill Ziyue together. Is this what you said to save Ziyue?" Henry Zhang's eyes were indifferent, and the temperature on his right fist kept rising.

"Gibberish, I don't know what it means." Dong Chen smiled and shook his head.


The figure suddenly rushed forward, Henry Zhang's clenched right fist slammed firmly on Dong Chen's face, and with the sound of bone cracking, Dong Chen's body flew upside down tens of meters, and landed heavily on the ground. Wildebeest's broad back.

"You dare to hit me!"

Being smashed beyond recognition, Dong Chen trembled and half sat up, glaring at Henry Zhang angrily, if his intuition was not strong enough and he had used the defensive spirit technique in advance, this rough punch would have blown his head to pieces.

"not dead?"

Staring at Dong Chen indifferently, Henry Zhang took a few steps forward, grabbed his collar and lifted it up, his right palm slapped out continuously, and the crisp slap sound made many people's eyes twitch.

Dizzy from being slapped, Dong Chen's face was swollen, and half of his teeth fell out in his mouth, which was extremely miserable.

With a cold light in his eyes, Henry Zhang threw out the dizzy Dong Chen, and in his slightly held right hand, a sharp snow knife emerged with a cold light.

"Kill him, kill him!" Dong Chen pointed at Henry Zhang, and yelled at the people of the Seven Demon Hunting Spirit Group, as if he didn't see it at all, two ferocious bone-eating vultures were flying towards Mo Ziyue .

"Chi Yan, Blazing Sky Wheel." Henry Zhang drank softly.


The white flame wheel collided with the bone-eating vulture in front, and the six flame arcs under Chi Yan's palm extended, and were printed on the sharp claws of another bone-eating vulture like lightning.


The flames shattered.

The two spirit beasts were separated at the touch, and the next moment, they collided fiercely again, and the crisp sound of gold and iron joining together became one piece in the sky.

Looking at Henry Zhang and Dong Chen, all the members of the Seven Demon Hunters were silent.

They are not people who do not distinguish between good and bad, and they have never been subordinate to someone. They are all free people who like to do their own way, otherwise, with their strength, they are fully qualified to join certain forces.

They were very disappointed with Dong Chen's behavior that completely ignored the overall situation.

Therefore, they decided not to help each other.

"How dare you disobey my order!" Dong Chen roared like crazy, "Yasha, kill him!"


The horizontal snow knife resisted the black fork stabbed by Yasha, Henry Zhang stood still, unmoved, his wrist slanted, and the snow knife spun, Yasha stumbled back.

Dong Chen's pupils shrank.

With a pure spirit beast, resisting a blow from a ninth-level high-ranking emperor-level spirit beast, and gaining the upper hand?

How can it be!

Xue Dao slantedly pointed at the horse's back of the horned horse, and Henry Zhang approached Dong Chen step by step, and a thick panic appeared on the latter's face.

From Henry Zhang's icy eyes, it is not difficult for him to see.

Henry Zhang, want to kill him!

"Ziyue!" Dong Chen looked at Mo Ziyue as if asking for help: "I have protected you several times, you can't ignore me!"

"Xiao Yang."

Approaching from behind, Mo Ziyue gave Dong Chen a disappointed look, and said softly: "During the days of the Seven Demon Hunting Spirit Squad, he helped me several times, please save his life, and treat it as if I owe you a favor." .”

Staring at Dong Chen coldly, Henry Zhang slowly spit out a word.


Hearing these words, Dong Chen didn't feel lucky, he only felt the endless humiliation in his heart, he actually had to rely on the person he admired and seek perfection from his imaginary rival in order to save his life.


Dong Chen was about to stand up.


Henry Zhang's soles suddenly slammed on his chest, stepped him down, and swung the snow knife, bringing up a bloody arm.


Holding his broken arm, Dong Chen cried out in pain.

"Don't mess with me again, otherwise, I will kill you." Looking away from Dong Chen,

Henry Zhang turned around, blood dripped from the snow knife in his hand.

He only promised not to kill Dong Chen, but he didn't say not to do it again.

What's more, Dong Chen almost killed Chi Yan.

"You follow my command."

Glancing at the many spirit hunters, Henry Zhang said calmly: "Giant Wood General, use a wooden dragon to wrap around the one on the left, Frost Moth, use a giant ice wall to separate the two Bone Erosion Vultures."


After being stunned for a moment, many spirit hunters responded immediately, and immediately gave instructions to their spirit beasts. When the words came out, even they themselves were a little baffled, why they were so convinced by Henry Zhang.


A hard wall of ice stretches across the sky, dividing the bone-eating vultures who like to attack in combination on both sides. The one on the left is tightly strangled by tree branches, while the one on the right is surrounded by the seven-leaf clover demon, which grows from leaves. A rope binds the body.

"Red Flame, Flame Spiral!"

The white spiral ball of flame slowly rose into the air, then roared out immediately, burst on the body of one of the Bone Erosion Vultures, and burned.


With a sweep of Chi Yan Nine Tails, the body of the Bone Erosion Vulture was split into several pieces in an instant.

The first bone-eating vulture died!

Soon, with the cooperation of several people, the second Bone Erosion Vulture also turned into ashes after struggling for a while, and the faces of many spirit hunters showed the ecstasy of the rest of their lives.



The flames surged, and the hill-like wildebeest suddenly swayed a few times and almost fell. A wood-attribute spirit beast hurriedly used its own flower essence to release a healing spirit skill.

Blindly using pills is too extravagant, especially for spirit hunters who are often adventurous, so every spirit hunter team must have at least one healing wood attribute expert.

They usually act as physicians.


Chi Yan fell on his shoulders, Henry Zhang smiled, and just about to say something, his chest suddenly constricted, and a fishy and sweet breath surged into his throat, turning into a mouthful of blood and spitting out.

"Are you injured?" Mo Ziyue hurriedly took out a handkerchief from the space boundary stone, handed it to Henry Zhang, and wiped it carefully for him.

"No problem." Sensing his body, Henry Zhang was not surprised but delighted.

It's not an injury.

It was the power of the soul, which suddenly skyrocketed, and the impact it brought to the body, his soul power, unknowingly, rose to another level.

The threshold for seventh-rank alchemist is getting closer!

"It was actually injured."

Sitting alone on the side of the horned horse gloomyly, Dong Chen's mouth revealed a gloomy look. It turned out that Henry Zhang's strength was all pretended.

He was almost cheated!

"You bastard, you're really good at pretending." Dong Chen's murderous intent rose in his heart: "Very well, don't let me seize the opportunity, otherwise, I will surely crush you!"

Henry Zhang didn't know about Dong Chen's idea of ​​courting death.

In the distance, the towering city wall opened up a corner of the world.

Tongxuan Domain, here we come!

I just came back from the outside, and it’s time for vacation again. I’m so busy and dizzy. I just finished coding a chapter and haven’t eaten yet. I’ll code the next chapter after eating.

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