Master of Beasts

Chapter 1204 Five Lightning Arrays

"Poor thing, things like formations are just heresy, and they won't last long. I've grown up so much, and I've never seen any formation master who can kill a sixth-order spirit emperor." Concubine Xu sneered.

"With your vision, how much can you see? If it weren't for me, you should still be in the Xueyue Empire right now, becoming a plaything for the bandits in Heiyunzhai." Shi Tong glanced at Concubine Xu indifferently.

He was really blind.

Back then, because of this kind of woman, he went to Heiyun Village alone. If it wasn't for his fate, he might have been chopped into meat before he went down the mountain.

Concubine Xu, not only did not appreciate him, but instead used him as a tool.

A few days ago, Shi Xingyu even asked Shi Xingyu to kill him.

Femme heart!

"Is it interesting to bring up the past again?"

Concubine Xu snorted coldly: "You can continue to be stubborn. When you get on the stone platform, Shi Xingyu will reveal your true colors and keep you alive and cool down. It's a pity that you, a dying person, can't see me become It's a day for the housewife."


Ignoring Concubine Xu, Shi Tong landed on the table.

"Tell me, how should I torture and kill you?"

Looking at Shi Tong with a smile, above Shi Xingyu, a rock dragon rose up, and its twitching body made a crisp and crunching sound.

Everyone in the stands took a breath of cool air.

A sixth-order high-ranking emperor-level spirit beast, the Yanhuanglong.

When Shi Xingyu first got it, he couldn't order it like an arm.

Now, it can be easily controlled!

"Kill him!" Concubine Xu laughed.


Feng Qingyun nodded calmly, and Shi Xingyu looked at Shi Tong with sarcasm in his eyes: "Fifth-rank formation mage, aren't you quite arrogant, come, blast and kill my Yanhuanglong."

The Explosive Flame Formation and Thunderfall Formation are powerful, but their power is limited.

These two formations,

At best, it can kill the fourth-rank Huangqiong-level spirit beasts, but it is helpless against the sixth-rank Yanhuanglong.


In Shi Xingyu's casual voice, Yan Huanglong rushed out, and the air in front exploded, forming a series of rock vortexes.

"Branches, you can go up and collect your son's body." Shi Kun pointed at Shi Disrespect, that contemptuous gesture was full of contempt.


Clenching his fists tightly together, Shi Bujing stared at the high platform tightly, not daring to blink his eyes, can Shi Tong's formation prevent Yan Huanglong's blow.

Not only Shi was disrespectful, but all the branch people also held their breath.

Shi Tong is a kind person, no matter which branch of the branch people have a good impression of him, coupled with the same status, they naturally prefer Shi Tong to win.

But is it possible?

Looking at the rushing Yanhuanglong, Shi Tong quickly formed seals with his hands, the dazzling light illuminated his face crystal clear, and every blood vessel was clearly visible.

"Another attribute formation?" Henry Zhang was a little surprised.

The attributes of the formation have nothing to do with the formation mage itself, but only with the materials used to construct the formation. However, the more attributes of the formation to comprehend, the more difficult it is for the formation mage.

Counting the formations with light attributes, Shi Tong has already used three types.

This kind of talent is amazing.

"Didn't you say that his talent is average?" Henry Zhang looked at Snow King.

"For me, the number one formation mage in the Northern Territory, anyone's formation talent seems to be average." Snow King shrugged.


There was an astonishing buzzing sound.

Five ring arrays of light attributes are connected end to end in the sky, forming a circle of light. During the rotation, five beams of light containing terrifying energy suddenly blast down.


With Shi Tong's finger pointing, Shi Xingyu's complexion suddenly changed wildly. From the five energy beams, he felt a destructive energy.

Yanhuanglong, can't resist!

"Come back!" Shi Xingyu shouted.


The rotating beam of light fell, and Yan Huanglong's thick body was smashed into the stone platform, and the hard stone platform was split into pieces in an instant.

next moment.

Under the shocked eyes of countless people, Yan Huanglong's round rock body, starting from the head, exploded towards the rear, and scattered stones filled the sky.

"This is impossible!"

Looking at this scene, the smile on Shi Kun's face disappeared, and he stood up suddenly, his whole body was cold.

Shi Xingyu, lost?

" did this happen..." Her body couldn't stop shaking a few times, Concubine Xu tightly covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming.

Shi Tong, who was kicked away by her without hesitation, defeated Shi Xingyu?

Her previous cognition was completely defeated at this moment!

"Brother, good job!"

Shouting in ecstasy, Shi Li's face flushed red, and the ground under his feet was smashed to pieces. This rude behavior should have attracted the reprimand of the clan elders, but at this moment, no one paid attention.

Shi Tong's victory was too amazing.

Even those elders feel incredible!

"Tong'er!" Sitting down as if exhausted, Shi Bujing's vicissitudes of face were full of relief, he had finally paid off for so many years of bearing humiliation.

From now on, the situation of the Shi Family in Guyang City will undergo earth-shaking changes!


Above the right hand, a miniature light array swirled around, Shi Tong walked slowly towards Shi Xingyu, and said softly: "Great genius of the Shi family, your strength doesn't seem to be that strong."

"You can't defeat me!"

With a ferocious face on his face, Shi Xingyu turned around and clasped his fists fiercely: "Patriarch, this lowly branchman must have used some shady means. According to the family rules, he should be executed."

It was said that in the depths of Shi Jie's eyes, a subtle cold light flowed?

Lowly branch people?

His father used to be a member of the branch, and what he hated most was the main branch of the family, who excluded and despised the branch, but he was the head of the family, and for the sake of the unity of the family, he could not interfere too much.

But Shi Xingyu finally succeeded in arousing his anger when he said Shi Tong in this way.

"This battle, Shi Tong..."

Just as Shi Jie's faint voice came out, the overwhelming bloody aura suddenly enveloped the sky above Shi's house, and a hoarse old laughter echoed in everyone's ears.

"Patriarch Shi, I advise you to think clearly before speaking."

"Senior Blood!" Shi Kun shivered excitedly.

Shi Xingyu's master is here!

"What a strong fluctuation!"

"Stronger than the Patriarch!"

"who is he!"

Everyone stood up with a clatter, even the elder and the dignified Shi Qiao were all in high spirits. From the voice just now, they could hear the threat.


Shi Xingyu shouted excitedly, and Concubine Xu's eyes were also radiant, and the decadence and remorse just now were swept away.

This strong man is Shi Xingyu's master?

"Tu'er, the position of heir to the Shi family can only be taken by you. Whoever dares to say no, I will break his neck."

In the monstrous blood energy, a majestic blood-attribute spirit beast slowly emerged, and the two huge bone claws protruding out were breathtaking.

Standing on the back of the spirit beast, an old man in a blood robe proudly looked down, the aura of the second-order spirit king radiated unreservedly.

Looking at the old man, Henry Zhang froze for a moment, that face became very interesting.

"It's him?"

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