Master of Beasts

Chapter 1212 Killing

Wanlong Terrace.

Due to the beginning of the war of the four clans, the area around this formerly deserted stone platform has become quite lively, with the dark crowd discussing fiercely, and the noisy voices can be heard endlessly.

Among them, most are people from the four clans.

There are also many strong people in Wanlong Mountain.

"If the foreign aid wins, you can get a piece of medicine field, and if the people of your own clan win, you can get two pieces."

Glancing at the patriarchs of the other three clans, Shi Gang drank tea comfortably, and said with a light smile, "How strong a group of shattered dogs can produce, if nothing unexpected happens, the thirty medicine fields will all go to you!" The hand of the time family."

He didn't notice.

A young man in white cast a cold gaze on him from a distance.

That was a biting killing intent.

The three of Henry Zhang returned silently.

"You're back."

Seeing Henry Zhang sitting down, Shi Yao's nervous mood eased a little, and he smiled wryly: "The juniors of the Shi family are stronger than I thought, and their foreign aid is also amazing. Except for you, the other four In the battle, the Shi family has no chance of winning, perhaps, the days of the Shi family in Wanlong Mountain are coming to an end."

Everyone knows that the Shi family boils frogs in warm water for the three major families.

Although there was no direct plunder, it was even more tormenting for the three major families.

Let, they are reluctant.

It is very difficult to fight.

In the end, the Shi family could drive them out of Wanlong Mountain without any effort.

"Patriarch Shi, don't worry, leave all five battles to me, I promise, all five battles will be won." Henry Zhang said calmly, behind him, stood four young men in white clothes.

Each of them has a sharp breath.

They are all from Jianmen.

"They..." Shi Qiao's complexion changed slightly, which could not be seen by others, but as a strong spirit king, he could vaguely perceive how powerful these four young men were.

Even, slightly better than him!

"They are my friends." Henry Zhang responded flatly, and the sharp aura of the four people behind him instantly subsided, as if they were just ordinary people.

"Okay, okay!" Shi Qiao almost stood up excitedly.

With Henry Zhang and a few people around, the Shi family is safe!

As for Henry Zhang and others, whether they have other purposes, he is not worried at all.

After all, the gap between the two is too great, so big that even if Henry Zhang and others really have ulterior motives, he has no other choice but to let it go.

"Patriarch Shi, are you ready?"

Looking at Shi Yi from a distance, Shi Gang said with a smile: "The Shi family has fifteen people in total, competing with your three major families. The first one, let's start with your Shi family."


A young man from the Shi family swept up the high platform, and immediately pointed towards the direction of the Shi family, hooked his fingers contemptuously: "My name is Shi Chuan, the seventh-rank Linghuang, does anyone want to die, come up, I will leave him a whole body .”

While speaking, a huge centipede rose up from behind him, staring ferociously at Henry Zhang and others, with hundreds of sharp limbs like knives, constantly moving.

Centipede centipede, seventh-order high-level imperial vault, rock attribute.

"Seventh-rank Spirit Emperor?"

"So strong."

The few foreign aids of the Shi family were pale, and they were all of the younger generation. Their strength was much weaker than that of Shi Chuan, and the resources enjoyed by the geniuses of the Shi family were not comparable to them.

"Is there anyone, get me here!" Shi Chuan became more and more arrogant when he saw no one answered.


A dazzling brilliance bloomed in the sky.

The centipede behind Shi Chuan broke into two pieces without any warning, the dark green blood poured down like heavy rain, and Shi Chuan's body also split from the middle.

The sword sounded again.

The bright lightsaber was grasped by one hand, and its brilliance slowly dissipated.

The spirit beast that appeared on the stage stood in the air, its eyes were wrapped by two crossed cloth strips, endless sword energy hovered above its head, like a huge eye.


There was an instant commotion in the field.

Shi Chuan, was cut by a sword?

"how so!"

"It's such a powerful aura, it's definitely not lower than the ninth imperial dome level!"

"What imperial level,

That is clearly the Throne class! "

Amidst the many screams, Shi Gang suddenly stood up, his eyes struggling tightly: "Holy Night Sword Attendant? How could such a rare spirit beast appear in Wanlong Mountain? Who are you!"

Turning around indifferently, the eyes of the Holy Night Sword Attendant were not hindered by the cloth strips. Its figure flickered, turned into a spinning sword light, and flew into a spiritual gate.

"Shi Gang, my Shi family won this battle." Shi Jie reminded in a cold voice.

"Who are you and where did you come from!"

Treating the stone as nothing, Shi Gang stared at the young man in white behind Henry Zhang, with a stern tone: "There is absolutely no such thing as you in Wanlong Mountain."

Ignoring Shi Gang, the young man from Jianmen, with his hands behind his back, looked at the distant scenery indifferently.

"Shi Gang, my Shi family won this battle." Shi Gang snorted.

"Okay, very good. In order to deal with the Shi family, you actually hired such a powerful foreign aid. I want to see how strong the Shi family is. How many of the same strong people can you afford?"

Throwing out a jade tablet, Shi Gang's face was as frosty.

I wanted to take advantage of the first battle to build my prestige, but I didn't expect this result.

"The second battle, let me come!"

There was a cold light in his eyes, and a foreign aid from the Shi Family, a ninth-rank Spirit Emperor, instantly landed in the middle of the battle arena. With chilling eyes, he looked at the Yi Family: "My time is limited, let's make a quick decision."

"Ninth Rank Spirit Emperor." The Patriarch of the Yi family had a bitter expression on his face.

Somehow, the Shi family was lucky enough to find such a powerful foreign aid. If they changed their family, they probably couldn't protect themselves!

"Let me do it. "

A member of Menglin wearing purple stepped out slowly, and the only foreign aid of the Yi family, the ninth-level spirit emperor, grabbed his shoulder in displeasure: "Didn't you see that the opponent is the ninth-level spirit emperor? How can you have the qualifications to go up, come back to me, I don't agree."

However, his palm was empty.

Before he recovered his senses, a vast wave erupted from the stage, and the purple tentacles flapped crazily, smashing the terrified foreign aid into a pulp in an instant.

"A quick fix?"

The corner of the mouth hooked slightly, and the members of Menglin quietly landed on the ground, and the tentacle-like spirit beast beside him shrank into a harmless ball and entered his spirit gate.

In the arena, there was no sound.

Another move.

It's the Spirit King again!

"What the hell is going on." Shi Qiao swallowed hard, his heart trembling a little. When did Wanlong Mountain have so many strong spirit kings, and each of them's strength could threaten him!

"What did you just say?" Back in the Yi family's camp, members of Menglin glanced at the foreign aid indifferently, the corner of the latter's mouth twitched, and he lowered his head in fear.

He disagrees?

What right does he have to disagree?

"Bi Ru, no, little brother." The Patriarch of the Yi family stood up in shock: "Are you the Spirit King?"

He couldn't even imagine that there was a spirit king who sneaked into the Yi family!

"Why is it the Spirit King again?" A bad feeling welled up in Shi Gang's heart.

In the third battle, the Shi family died.

In the fourth battle, the Shi family's foreign aid was split in half before they fell.

Fifth battle.

Sixth battle.



The surging spiritual power swept all directions from the body, and Shi Gang, who couldn't bear it anymore, suddenly stood up, and the seat below was shattered by the shock.

"You guys, who are you!"

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