Master of Beasts

Chapter 1215 War Time Gang

The skin of the swallowing wolf covered the whole body, Shi Gang's face was ferocious and somewhat terrifying, and the palms and claws covered with black hair shone with a cold light.


When the wolf's claws collided with the black sickle, Shi Gang stepped back ten steps, while the King of Nights, who hit the ground with the black sickle, stepped back more than twenty steps. crack.

"Mysterious Beast King of the Night?"

With a fierce look in his eyes, Shi Gang rushed out with a grinning smile: "I don't know what kind of improvement I will get after swallowing it, little beast, I'm suddenly looking forward to it."

"Qing Ming Sword Envoy, Qing Jian Prison!"

Ji Jianli's stern shout sounded, and the Qingming Sword Envoy flashed to the sky above Shi Gang, twelve sharp sword qi surrounded his body, and then fell straight down with a sharp sound of breaking the wind.


The sword energy submerged into the table, like a ring-shaped prison, trapping Shi Gang in it. Shi Gang's wolf claws swept out viciously, and the sword energy hummed, shaking his body back.

"Sleeping Emperor!" You Haoxuan's expression turned cold.


The Sleeping Emperor stepped down fiercely, and Shi Gang, with his claws crossed, suddenly knelt down, and fine cracks burst from the table under his knees.

Coldness rose in his eyes, and the Sleeping Emperor kicked his legs continuously, and the soles of his feet, like raindrops, stepped on the table under Shi Gang's knees, continuously shattering, and half of Shi Gang's body sank into the Wanlong Terrace.


Violent scarlet light suddenly surged up in his eyes, Shi Gang forced the Sleeping Emperor back with a claw, shattered the sword energy, and his figure flashed on the stage, as fast as thunder.

"It's the ability of the Corpse Devouring Wolf." Ji Jianli frowned slightly.

Healer, turned into a spirit beast?

Many monsters under the black pavilion are roughly the same as Shi Gang, but Shi Gang's strength is obviously stronger, and the fusion is more perfect.

This is too weird!

"Several Patriarchs, you should leave this place first." Henry Zhang turned his head and said in a dignified tone.

Shi Jie is only a first-order spirit king,

The strongest Married Patriarch is only at the third rank, and none of their spirit beasts have condensed the origin of the throne, and even Shi Gang's move may not be able to catch it.


Nodding with lingering fear, several Patriarchs hurriedly organized their clansmen to escape from this place.

To be precise, it was to escape from Wanlong Mountain.

They are afraid to stay any longer, and there will be no scum left.

"Henry Yang, be extremely careful!" Shi Tong shouted, he is not even qualified to watch a battle of this level, and a little aftermath can kill him.

"King of the Night, Thousand Chains!"

With a low shout from Henry Zhang, the King of Nights rushed into the sky, thousands of dark chains gathered along its arms, and finally spewed out from the palm of his hand, falling on the edge of the stone platform.

The range of Shi Gang's movement was immediately limited to the middle range.

His speed has also been greatly reduced.


The cold light on the tip of the sword condensed, and the Qingming swordsman rushed down, the fierce sword edge cut half of Shi Gang's face, and the dark red blood, mixed with mud, dripped down the stone platform.

After being hit hard by this, the hostility in Shi Gang's eyes suddenly swelled.

"Bastard, none of you can escape!"

The figure flashed around quickly, Shi Gang held several chains, and pulled down fiercely, the figure of King Wanye sank hundreds of feet immediately.


Rapidly rushing up along the chain, Shi Gang appeared behind King Wanye, his body spun in the air, and his right leg, which contained astonishing strength, slammed down heavily.


Like a meteorite hitting the ground.

Wanye King's body sank deeply into the stone platform, and the black mist around his body was slightly thinner, and the palm that was holding the black sickle tightly trembled slightly.

The eyes were filled with ferocious light, Shi Gang swooped down, his open mouth expanded rapidly, like a mouth swallowing the sky, trying to swallow the King of Nights.


With a cold snort, King Wanye stepped on the broken stone platform and went straight to meet him. The black sickle turned into sharp beams of light, colliding with Shi Gang's claws continuously.

"Clang clang!"

Flames splashed.

The spreading ripples of spiritual power split the towering buildings around Wanlong Terrace from the middle, and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground could be heard endlessly.

"Dream World!"

The Sleeping Emperor, who stood still for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, and the color of the space within a thousand feet quickly faded to gray and white.

Shi Gang's movements, like a slow-motion lens, were extremely stiff.

"What's going on?" Shi Gang was shocked.


The gray-white world started from the edge and shattered towards the middle crazily. No matter the building or the road surface, they were all cracked inch by inch and became fragments.


Blood gushed from his mouth, Shi Gang fell to the ground weakly, the black hair on his arms kept falling off, and after that, the skin on his arms...

When the world returns to color.

His arms are nothing but bones!

"How could this happen!" Shi Gang's lips trembled, unwilling to believe it.

With his strength, he should have killed Henry Zhang and others!

"Wan Ye Wang, You Ripple!" Henry Zhang's cold voice came out.


Thousands of chains turned into one and wrapped around his right arm again. King Wanye soared into the air, and the sickle blade suddenly swept across. The fan-shaped space in front of him was undulating like a substance.


Shi Gang vomited blood again and backed away.

However, before his figure stabilized, two intersecting sword lights quickly passed through his body, causing his legs to break at the root.


His body fell to the ground, Shi Gang gritted his teeth with a vicious expression.

"The Northern Territory is huge."

Landing in front of Shi Gang, Ji Jianli said indifferently: "Not to mention the entire continent, your strength can indeed dominate Wanlong Mountain, but it is not worth mentioning on the entire continent."

"This is the last chance to tell the whereabouts of my sister, maybe I can spare you." You Haoxuan's eyes were as sharp as a knife's edge.

"Hey, kill me, you will never find You Yushi, she will die in pain under the torture of bloodthirsty insects." Looking up, Shi Gang laughed loudly.

"Shut up!"

Stepping Shi Gang on the ground with one foot, You Haoxuan closed his eyes, obviously intending to search for his soul. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Shi Gang angrily: "Who is behind you!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yang asked.

"There is an invisible barrier in his mind, which hinders my investigation." You Haoxuan's eyes flashed coldly, and the strength under his feet increased several times, and he stepped Shi Gang's face into the rocks.

"Indeed." Henry Zhang tried it, frowning slightly: "Moreover, the soul power of the caster is much stronger than mine, and it also has a strange soul imprint. There shouldn't be such a strong man in the Northern Territory .”

"Hey, kill me, kill me." Shi Gang laughed triumphantly: "Kill me, and your clan sister will also die. I said, just let me go, in case I am in a good mood one day, maybe To reunite her with you."

"Shut up!" You Haoxuan looked gloomy.

"Hey." The smug smile on Shi Gang's face became a little more intense.



A figure came over with white hair, Snow King looked at Shi Gang on the ground, then turned his eyes to Henry Zhang, and said slowly: "The person you want me to look for, I found it, she said her name is You Yushi, yes Bar."

"Where is my sister?" You Haoxuan's eyes lit up.

"Impossible, how could you find her." Shi Gang's face suddenly turned ugly.

"It's just a seventh-rank formation with three layers superimposed, can you stop me?"

Snow King snorted, and then said: "However, you have to be mentally prepared, that girl doll was tortured enough, when I found her, I had only one breath left, fortunately, there was the elixir given by Henry Zhang."

"Forgive me, forgive me!" Shi Gang showed fear on his face, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat.

The hatred of extermination, the hatred of torture, You Haoxuan will definitely kill him!

"Excuse me?"

Looking at Shi Gang coldly, You Haoxuan slapped his Tianling Gai with a palm: "Scum like you, you should go to hell and repent!"

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