Master of Beasts

Chapter 1238 Disdain to make a move?

The palm of the rock was grabbed arbitrarily, Henry Zhang's eyes were slightly cold, and he slapped a palm with his backhand, the hand of Liuli and the palm of the rock shook hard, and the surging wind and waves rolled wildly.


The two took a few steps back at the same time.

"Secret technique?"

Xiang Hao said coldly: "Boy, your strength is not very good, and you play a lot of crooked ways. However, no matter how strong the Linghuang is, he can't compare with the Lingwang. Kneel down and present Bai Qionglu. If I am satisfied, maybe I can Spare your life, let you suffer less flesh and blood."

Shaking off the gravel on the sleeve robe, Henry Zhang looked at the maid: "No one will interfere in the battle in Tianyuan Building, and they will not be punished, right?"

The maid smiled and nodded.


Henry Zhang's heart moved, if Tianyuan Tower prohibited private fighting, then when he killed Zhuo Yu, someone should show up to stop him, but there was no.

"Since you want to rob, then rob it openly, sneak attack secretly, is there a sense of accomplishment." Henry Zhang looked at Xiang Hao lightly: "Do it, life or death."

"Haha, a ninth-level spirit emperor told me that life and death are irrelevant? Is my brain flooded?" Xiang Hao laughed and waved his palms, and a spherical giant rock appeared in front of him, surrounded by a circle of broken rocks.

Giant rock ball, a second-tier mid-throne-level spirit beast, rock attribute.

"Boy, die!"

Amid Xiang Hao's fierce shouts, the giant rock ball was blasted out, and the violent wind raged, but the items in the Tianyuan Building were not affected at all.

Including the tables and chairs, they didn't even move.

"Brother Hao, teach this frog in the well a lesson. If you can step on his head on the floor, I will invite you to the Tianyuan wine on the second floor!" A person who came with Xiang Hao laughed.

This person, named Yun Chen, is also a second-order spirit king.

"That's what you said." Xiang Hao's expression became serious.

The Tianyuan wine on the second floor is not cheap.


With a flash of bright light, the giant rock ball rushing forward suddenly stopped, and a small crack spread from its middle to both sides.


The giant rock ball that split in two hit the floor, trembling crazily.


Under the palm of the hand, the thunder wheel turned, Lei Dishi's eyes were extremely indifferent.

Wu Hao's face was dull.

Thunder attribute?

A spirit beast with thunder attributes defeated the giant rock ball?

Faintly looking at the giant rock balls that were about to overlap, Master Lei Di's feet were filled with lightning, and he stepped down continuously. The body of the giant rock balls exploded into rubble and scattered in all directions.


Wu Hao vomited blood and turned pale in shock.

Kicked to the iron plate!


Lei Dishi turned his right palm slightly, and the Sky Thunder Wheel passed through Wu Hao's neck like a flash of lightning, and returned to its palm without a trace of blood.

With a bang, Wu Hao hit the floor, and the flowing blood seemed to dissipate out of thin air, without a single drop falling.

The entire second floor of Tianyuan Building was dead silent.

"You, come out!"

Pointing to Yun Chen among the group of people, Henry Zhang said flatly: "You were the one who instigated Wu Hao just now, let him step on my head on the floor."

The corner of Yun Chen's mouth twitched violently.

If he knew that Henry Zhang was so powerful, he would definitely not dare to speak.

His strength is only slightly stronger than Wu Hao.

"Come out!" Henry Zhang repeated again.

"Your Excellency, I bought your Tianyuan wine. One more friend is better than one more enemy. If you make too many enemies, you will die early." Yun Chen said stiffly.

"How can there be so much nonsense."

After Henry Zhang's words fell, Lei Dishi rushed out, and the horrified cloud dust quickly opened the spirit gate, and a cloud-like spirit beast surrounded him.

Yunzhongjiao, the second-level middle throne level, wind attribute.


The body was kicked by Lei Dishi, Yun Zhongjiao's body was shattered inch by inch, and Yun Chen's head was trampled on the floor by Lei Dishi, his body turned upside down.

The floor on the second floor trembled a few times.

"You should be thankful that you didn't instigate Wu Hao to kill me, otherwise today, it would be as simple as losing face and killing a spirit beast.



Lei Dishi raised the soles of his feet, and Yun Chen left humiliated, extremely embarrassed, and the menacing men who came with him also completely withered like eggplants beaten by frost.

With a faint look back, Henry Zhang was about to turn around.


A spinning wine glass shot towards him abruptly, Henry Zhang's eyes were slightly cold, he reached out to take the wine glass, his arm trembled a few times, and took off the strength of the wine glass.

"Your Excellency, what is the meaning of this." Looking at the young man in white who was drinking and eating indifferently in the corner of the second floor, Henry Zhang asked with a frown.

He can be sure that he has not offended this person.

"I see you are not happy."

The young man in white said indifferently: "It is indeed good for the people from the Northern Territory to defeat the second-level spirit king with the strength of the ninth-level spirit emperor, but the spirit beasts of Wu Hao and Yun Chen are only second-level middle-level spirit beasts. It is not worth it to beat them." Complacent, there are many geniuses in Suzaku City, there are not a few people who can completely abuse you, they just disdain."

"You mean, you can also abuse me completely, just disdain?" Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It seems that you are not stupid." Eating food on his own, the young man in white didn't look up at Henry Zhang, just like he said, a ninth-level spirit king is not worthy of his attention.

"Then let me see how you can abuse me."

"As I said, you are too weak, disdainful, and not interested." The young man in white ate his food calmly, showing the demeanor of a full-fledged master.

"Lend me this glass of wine."

Taking the wine glass from Hong Shuangyue, Henry Zhang walked to the side of the young man in white, and said lightly: "Junior Henry Zhang, please advise."

"No fight." The young man in white sneered, "Even if you give me a toast, I will..."


With a flick of Henry Zhang's wrist, the fire-attributed Tianyuan wine was sprinkled from the top of the white-clothed young man's head. The viscous wine made his hair wet and stuck together, and his white robe was stained with spots of red.

"Junior Henry Zhang, please advise."

Putting down the wine glass, Henry Zhang said lightly.

"Beautiful job!" Hong Shuangyue watched this scene with a smile.

"I still have half a glass here, can I borrow it from you?" Yan Sheng smiled and shook the glass.

The defiant attitude of the young man in white also aroused their anger.

"you wanna die!"

Standing up suddenly, the young man in white stared at Henry Zhang: "I, Xi Yi, am so old, I have never been poured with wine, I swear, you must die!"


The violent wind and waves dispersed, and a fluffy group-shaped spirit beast appeared in front of Xi Yi, with six pure white wings scattered behind it.

Six-pointed white spirit, second-level high-level throne, wind attribute.

"Six-pointed white spirit, six-pointed wind roll!"

Xi Yi roared, and on the six wings of the six-pointed white spirit, there were winds spinning, and six spiral storms blasted towards Henry Zhang from among them.


Flashing to the front of Henry Zhang, Lei Dishi kicked out his right leg at a high wind speed, and the right foot attached to the thunder blade kicked all the incoming spiral storms to pieces.

"How could it be!" Xi Yi's pupils shrank suddenly.

Although the thunder attribute has a restraining effect on the wind attribute, but the six-pointed wind spirit is the second level, theoretically speaking, it should be evenly matched!


Lei Dishi kicked it out, and the six-pointed white spirit hit the wall. The dazzling thunder light moved from its body, causing it to explode with a bang.

White fluff spilled.

"you lose."

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