Master of Beasts

Chapter 1248 Cowardly

"The sixth high throne level." Yan Sheng and the others couldn't help being a little speechless.

If it was other spirit beasts, they might still have the power to fight. However, the Vine King is far stronger than ordinary spirit beasts, and if they scratch their spirit beasts a little, they may be seriously injured.

Obviously, Lu Yunxuan asked them to come here just by the way.

You Haoxuan, Ji Jianli, and Henry Zhang are her real goals.

"Three fourth-rank spirit kings, plus me, can kill them." Following behind Lu Yunxuan, Ye Feiyu commented, looking like an expert who gave advice.

Henry Zhang and others were excluded by him.

"My spirit beast is of the fire attribute, and the damage to the wood attribute spirit beast has been multiplied several times, so no tactics are needed, and it should be able to forcefully kill it."

Lu Yunxuan's long hair fluttered, and the blazing flames burst out in front of her: "Go!"


Amidst the clear cry, the eclipse fire phoenix flew out, the fire feathers were fluttering, and the crimson fire sun floated behind it, adding a bit of beauty to it.


The eclipse of the fire phoenix flapped its wings, and the fire wave swept across the sky. The branches and leaves of the trees quickly withered, and the water evaporated.

The fire wave was raging and burning, and the vine king lying on the entrance of the mountain wall, with thousands of long vine tentacles wrapped around the main body in the middle, screamed, full of anger.

"Let's go."

Ji Jianli smiled, and the Qingming Sword Envoy rushed out, piercing the main body of the Vine King with a sword, and after that, You Haoxuan's Sleeping Emperor immediately cast the Great Dream World.

"Bang bang bang!"

The dull explosions sounded one after another.

"Yunxuan, I will protect you."

Ye Feiyu smiled flatteringly, and then, as if he wanted to behave in front of Lu Yunxuan, he reprimanded the others loudly: "You are standing so close, are you trying to hinder us, back off!"

Looking at Ye Feiyu faintly, Mo Yao and the others remained expressionless.

So what about the Hundred Flowers Sect, the strongest in the Southern Region, they can't scare them yet.

Ye Feiyu's behavior, in front of them, is no different from a clown.

Being ignored by several people, Ye Feiyu's face was ashen.

He grows up so big, anyone who dares not give him face is dead. However, Mo Yao and others are obviously not easy to mess with. He is a young sect of the Baihua Sect who has hit the third-rank spirit king with countless resources. Without the protection of the elders, he didn't have the guts to provoke a few people.

"Didn't you hear that!"

After scanning his gaze for a while, he finally landed on Henry Zhang, who was the weakest. Ye Feiyu seemed to save his face, and gave orders loudly: "That ninth-level Linghuang, I will give you three breaths to flash ten miles away!"

"Ye Feiyu, if you continue to make trouble, leave." Lu Yunxuan was a little angry.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I don't care about that oil bottle anymore, who will protect you after I leave." Ye Feiyu laughed quickly.


While speaking, the Manzhang Vine King launched a counterattack, sharp spikes flew out from its vines, and the Eclipse Fire Phoenix's wings closed together to form a defense.

"Qingming Sword Envoy, Qingming Sword Lotus!"

With a flick of the cyan long sword, a cyan sword lotus blossomed from the long sword of Qingming Sword Envoy, and the sword light scattered and flew, colliding with the spikes.

at the same time.


The purple waves swept across, the cracked spikes shattered, and the Vine King's body, which had just bounced off the mountain wall, slammed back heavily.

"Three fourth-rank spirit kings join forces, and their combat power is indeed extraordinary."

Hong Shuangyue pondered and said: "Whether it's defense or attack, it's control. It's all perfect. If this is not the king of vines, but ordinary vines, it would have been successfully killed long ago."

"Eclipse Fire Phoenix, Fire Phoenix Shadow!" Lu Yunxuan smiled calmly.


Standing upright, with wide wings spread out, a fire phoenix of the same size suddenly swept out from within the body of the eclipse fire phoenix, and blasted towards the vine king.

After being attacked one after another, thick anger flashed in the eyes of the vine king, and thousands of vine tentacles stabbed out like spears.

Destroy the fire phoenix away.


Flashing to the top of the Vine King, the Qingming Sword made a sword stab out, the light flickered, and a cyan sword light stabbed down quickly.


Raising his head, the Manzhang Vine King swung the vine angrily, and the cyan sword light that pierced it broke into two pieces with a click, and one of the shattered sword lights spun and shot towards Lu Yunxuan.

Lu Yunxuan just waved her hand to shatter it.

"The dry bamboo clothes, the forest of ten thousand bamboos!"

Finally got the chance to express, Ye Feiyu's eyes shone brightly, a spirit beast with the same color as the earth, clad in a coat like dry bamboo leaves, patted it with both hands.

Layer after layer of dead bamboo broke through the ground, shattering the half of the sword light.

"Yunxuan, leave your future safety to me."

Ye Feiyu smiled triumphantly, and glanced at Henry Zhang with provocative eyes: "This kind of thing can't be done by the Ninth-Rank Spirit Emperor. Of course, he can't do it either, hehe."


The Sleeping Emperor rushed out, and with his right fist surging with purple light, he smashed the body of the Vine King to the ground. A deep pit with a size of hundreds of feet collapsed in an instant, and the dead leaves on the ground rolled and rushed towards the ground. Sky.


Lu Yunxuan smiled: "Eclipse Sun Fire Phoenix, kill it with one blow, fire eclipse rain!"

The broad fire wings of the eclipse fire phoenix stretched out, and countless scorching flames, like a rain of fire, shot down from it. The body of the vine king was pierced with holes, and the vines one after another Strip breaks.


Writhing in pain, the vine king, who was extremely angry, knew that he couldn't escape today, so he spun around, and the broken vines wrapped around a thick tree trunk, and bounced towards Lu Yunxuan with his strength. The speed was so fast. to the extreme.

What's even more frightening is that it chose to trade its life for its own!

"Bang bang bang!"

The broken vine tentacles exploded, and a layer of emerald green light arc spread out from King Teng's body, and the speed soared.

"not good!"

You Haoxuan's eyes narrowed: "Sleeping Emperor, three thousand dream worlds!"

The Sleeping Emperor's Three Thousand Dream Realm has just filled.


The Manzhang Vine King, who was turning sharply, slammed it into the mountain wall, and the huge mountain peak was directly smashed by it, and the Sleeping King who fell to the ground was covered with scars all over his body.

Severely injuring the Sleeping Queen, the Manzhang Vine King spun and rushed violently, sending the Qingming Sword Envoy flying into the air.

"No wonder everyone says that the Vine King is a representative of a suicidal spirit beast. Even a sixth-level spirit king would be hard-pressed to beat this fierceness of exchanging lives."

The light in Henry Zhang's eyes flickered, and in the aimed palm, three little dragons with spiritual power slowly condensed.


The last one to be smashed to the ground was Lu Yunxuan's Eclipse Fire Phoenix, the bloody phoenix feathers fluttering in the sky, quite miserable.

"Sure enough, it's still a little bit worse, Manzhang Vine King, it's really nerve-wracking." Lu Yunxuan had a wry smile on her face, could she only use Huang Yu?

That price is a bit high.

"Yunxuan, I'll protect you!"

Sweat overflowed from his forehead, and Ye Feiyu, who was standing in front of Lu Yunxuan, was trembling, but at this moment, the lower half of the Vine King, who charged straight up, exploded, causing its momentum to skyrocket again.


The king of vines rushed forward quickly, a deep gully was torn from below it, countless giant trees were broken in the middle, and the dead branches and leaves that were rolled into the sky were all black.

That scene was undoubtedly terrifying.

Looking at the vicious eyes of the Manzhangteng King, Ye Feiyu's heart jumped wildly. At the moment when the Manzhangteng King was about to charge, he finally couldn't hold it anymore, screaming and fled to the back of Lu Yunxuan, using it as a shield.

Seeing this, Yan Sheng and the others looked stunned.


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