Master of Beasts

Chapter 1261 Play Henry Zhang to death?

In the kitchen.


The long green vine rolled in the air, and a plate of meat flew over. Sitting on the turbulent part of the shelf, Kong Lingluo was chewing something, with countless bones and spirit fruit remains scattered around her.

After enjoying the meal, Kong Lingluo picked up a glass of fruit wine and drank it comfortably.


For it, the kitchen of the Hundred Flowers Sect is simply a rare treasure.


The door of the room was opened suddenly, and the empty Lingluo, who was guilty of a guilty conscience, quickly covered her mouth to prevent the smell of alcohol from escaping. Those eyes, through the small crack in the wooden frame, looked at the past sideways.

It was not the chef who came to the kitchen.

But a maid.

"This one belongs to Lu Yunxuan."

"This one belongs to Shaozong."

"As for this one, it should belong to Henry Zhang."

After adding something to the meal, Ding Tong left with a smile on his face. After today, the position of chief manager of Baihuazong will be hers.

As for the innocent victim Lu Yunxuan, she didn't bother to care about it.

As long as the goal can be achieved, she will not hesitate to let her harm as many people as possible.


The door closed again.


Pile up the remains of the food in one place, and Kong Lingluo twitched her hands and walked out. When she was about to reach the door, she suddenly turned around and changed the food of Henry Zhang and Ye Feiyu... to another place.

Nodding in satisfaction, Kong Lingluo swaggered open the door.

Residential area, back hill.


A giant ape tied up with a long rope roared angrily. The fur all over its body exuded a strong stench, as if it hadn't been bathed since it came into the world.

Even more disgusting.

A drop of saliva is flowing along the corner of its mouth and falling to the ground. For some clean freaks, it is better to die than to be touched by it.

This spirit beast is none other than the obscene ape.

"good very good!"

Looking at the obscene ape, Ye Feiyu showed a sinister smile: "Ding Tong, you have done a good job in this matter. From now on, as long as I stay in the Hundred Flowers Sect for a day, I will definitely benefit from you."

"Thank you Shaozong, Ding Tong will definitely obey Shaozong in the future." Ding Tong smiled and bowed.


He took out a spiritual fruit from the space boundary stone, Ding Tong flicked it with his fingers, a black worm got into the spiritual fruit, and then threw it at the obscene ape.

"Why no response?" Ye Feiyu asked suspiciously.

"Now, of course not."

Ding Tong smiled and explained: "The other Spring Night Gu is swallowed, and the two will work. You and Lu Yunxuan's is white Spring Night Gu, while Henry Zhang and Yin Yuan's are black. Only the corresponding Only the Spring Night Gu will react."

"good very good!"

The corner of Ye Feiyu's mouth curled up with a gloomy curve: "However, it's just like this, I still don't understand the hatred, Ding Tong, lend me your yin and yang mirror, and then invite the team leader, today, I will definitely play to death Henry Zhang!"

"Yin Yang mirror?" Ding Tong felt a little sympathy for Henry Zhang.

Yin and Yang mirror, one Yin and one Yang.

As long as the Yin mirror is placed in a specific position, the Yang mirror will illuminate a specific picture on the wall or the sky.

Ye Feiyu intends to show more people the scene that is about to happen here.

Henry Zhang, miserable.

"Your task has been completed, put the rest of the sunglasses on the sky above Suzaku City, I want everyone in Suzaku City to witness this beautiful scene!" Ye Feiyu grinned.


After placing the Yin Mirror on the tree trunk, Ding Tong flew up, and finally put down the Sun Mirror on the tallest pavilion in Suzaku City, where the faint light gathered.

"Henry Henry, it's not my fault, don't find it on my head." Ding Tongjiao left with a smile.

Even she was a little bit looking forward to what was about to happen.

"Additional division!"

Ye Feiyu slightly arched his hands towards a white-haired formation mage, and Ye Feiyu's tone became more respectful: "Can you help me set up a lock-sky formation here?"

Locking the sky formation, the sixth-grade formation.

As long as someone steps in,

Unless the formation is lifted, it is absolutely impossible to step out.

He wants Henry Zhang to be inside, calling Tian Tian not to respond, calling the ground to be ineffective!


The formation master raised his eyebrows: "What do you want this formation for? I remember that you didn't seem interested in formations before. Besides, there don't seem to be any spirit beasts here, so it's worth capturing."

Locking the sky formation, capturing rare spirit beasts, a commonly used formation.

As long as the spirit beast is inside, there is no way to escape.


Ye Feiyu rolled his eyes, and said with a chuckle: "Master Jia, what happened today, you know, I was beaten up by that kid named Mo Yao, I am very unwilling, so I want you to help me arrange A heavenly lock formation, let me practice in it with peace of mind to avenge today's revenge."


The battle master said happily: "Feiyu, you have finally opened your mind. If your father knows about this, he will be very happy. As long as you practice hard, let alone one, even ten or hundreds of them, I will help you arrange them." .”

"Then here it is." Ye Feiyu coughed and said solemnly.


There is no doubt that there is him. With the foot of the formation master, thousands of formations of light are intertwined, and a huge spiritual formation is slowly condensed. , There are only a handful of people stronger than him.

For him, setting up a lock array is extremely simple.

"Additional division, please!"

After sending off the array master, Ye Feiyu showed a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, flicked his fingers, and the spirit world stone flew out, and the dirty lewd ape landed in the lock sky array.

"Henry Henry, Lu Yunxuan is mine. As for this lewd ape, I will leave it to you. I will let you spend your whole life in the shadow of this matter, unable to make any progress!"

Ye Feiyu's strategy is very vicious.

After going through this kind of thing, how can anyone maintain the heart of cultivation?

This life is considered useless!


The door of the room opens.

"Your supper."

The beautiful maid left respectfully after putting down the supper, Henry Zhang opened his eyes, and the last ray of water floating above his head quietly dissipated.


After simply whistling, Henry Zhang chewed slowly, and ate a meal for a full quarter of an hour.

For them, the only value of food is to enjoy it. Even if they don't eat all the time, the spiritual power in the air is enough to satisfy their hunger.


The beautiful fire phoenix retracted into her body, Lu Yunxuan was dressed in a red robe, her appearance was a bit more glamorous than in the daytime, even the maid who entered was stunned.

"Thank you." Lu Yunxuan smiled.

"This is what I should do." The girl blushed and backed away.

"Clang! Clang!"

The jade chopsticks tapped the side of the bowl lightly, Lu Yunxuan looked at the tree shadow outside the window, and the scene of Henry Zhang blocking her during the day could not help appearing in her mind.

That expression of fighting to the death does not seem to be fake.

"What are you thinking about!"

Shaking her head fiercely, Lu Yunxuan muttered: "He is from Youli, what does it have to do with me, I am the number one person in the Southern Region, how could I like someone who still has another girl in his heart!"


Lying on Lu Yunxuan's lap, the miniature Fire Phoenix rolled her eyes.


If you don't have that tendency, why do you have to inquire so clearly.

Sixth-rank alchemist, ten-source spiritual master, master of Star Dragon Ball, the only personal heir of the twin spirits of Xingyun Peak.

With the blessing of many auras, there are probably very few women who can hold back their emotions.

The night is as cool as water.

"I think……"

"Eastern Region and Southern Region..."

A group of spirit-deficit powerhouses were having a heated discussion, and the closed door of the room was suddenly opened. Ding Tong lowered his head in fear as he watched several gazes, but he was snickering in his heart.

"Shaozong said, please go to the back mountain and let me know about important events related to the four regions."

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