Master of Beasts

Chapter 1271 Eight Fangzhai

After swallowing the flame essence for a while, the eclipse fire phoenix happily swept across the sky, and the gorgeous tail of the phoenix dragged long traces in the sky, which was extremely gorgeous.

"Hey, someone is trying to make up my mind, didn't you show it?" With one hand on her chin, Lu Yunxuan glanced at Henry Zhang resentfully, this person is really stupid.

"If he dares to act outrageously, he will let the prince of the Lingxiao Empire change hands."

Henry Zhang said slowly: "If the royal family also participates, kill that king together."

"That's about the same." Lu Yunxuan smiled slightly.

"Below, there seems to be someone."

Looking down at the lush forest below, Henry Zhang shook his head and laughed: "It seems that some unlucky guys have been entangled by spirit beasts. Do you want to go down and have a look? It seems that they are still rare spirit beasts, which are very valuable."

"Idle is idle, go down."

The sound of cries came out, and the fire wings of the eclipse fire phoenix flapped, and the raging fire wave swept and swooped down.


The silver giant fist hit the ground heavily, and the ripples visible to the naked eye rippled layer by layer, and the trees within a radius of a thousand feet fell with a clatter along the direction of the strong wind.

"A Tier 3 Imperial Vault-level Yangang Bear."

Pushed by the wind and waves for more than a hundred feet, the face of the woman in blue was full of panic.

Tier 3 imperial dome level.

For her who had just broken through to the Linghuang, this was a bit outrageously strong.


Slowly raising his right fist, Yan Gangxiong smashed the ground, and suddenly roared out, like a silver phantom, punching her head.

The woman closed her eyes in despair.

A spirit beast like Yangang Bear will not give up until it achieves its goal.

There was no way she would survive.


Suddenly, the gust of wind that hit her face disappeared, and the woman opened her eyes tremblingly, and her mouth opened little by little.

The gigantic Yangang bear hangs upside down in mid-air.

Underneath it, a young man in a black robe lifted it up with one hand, his relaxed appearance was like playing with a toy.

"With one hand, raised the rock bear of the third rank?" The woman was a little dizzy.

She couldn't accept it for a while.

The one who can do this is the fifth-order spirit emperor, or the sixth-order?

As for a more powerful existence, she didn't even dare to think about it.

Her father, the owner of Hejiabao, was only a sixth-rank Spirit Emperor.


Being held up in mid-air by Henry Zhang, Yan Gangxiong was a little dissatisfied at first, struggling crazily, waving his huge palms wildly, after being slapped, he calmed down instantly, and did not dare to move.

"The rare Yangang bear can be encountered here."

Throwing the spirit world stone and taking the rock bear into it, Henry Zhang said with a smile: "A mature rock bear can condense a layer of rock hard armor outside the body, which is extremely hard and transforms from an attacking spirit beast into a defensive one. Some dual-source spiritual masters with rock attributes especially like to use this kind of spiritual beast as an assistant."

"Half the benefits." Lu Yunxuan smiled and said.

"Success." Henry Zhang agreed dumbfounded.

"so beautiful."

Looking at Lu Yunxuan, He Shu was a little distracted for a moment. She was always treated as a princess in Hejiabao, and over time, she felt complacent.

But when she saw Lu Yunxuan, she felt ashamed of herself.

"That...thank you."

Taking a few steps forward, He Shu said with some fear: "My name is He Shu. I just broke through to the Spirit Emperor recently, so I wanted to come here to try my luck. Unexpectedly, I almost fell into the bear's mouth."

"It's easy to do." Lu Yunxuan smiled.

"it's getting dark."

Looking up at the gradually dimming sky, He Shu tentatively said, "Can I invite you to visit Hejiabao? It's just to repay your life-saving grace."

"Go?" Lu Yunxuan looked at Henry Zhang.

"It's okay." Henry Zhang nodded.

In addition to coming to the Lingxiao Empire, the place of life is unfamiliar, and it is difficult to find a place to stay at night. It is not bad to find a place to spend three days in peace.

"Great!" He Shu was a little excited.

These are two powerhouses!

In case Henry Zhang and Lu Yunxuan,

Stronger than his own father, after bringing him back to Hejiabao, he will definitely be able to intimidate those who covet the position of Patriarch.

If successful, the position of Patriarch must be hers!

On the way out of the forest, Lu Yunxuan didn't summon the Eclipse Fire Phoenix, the color of the flames was too conspicuous, and if they brought out any extraordinary spirit beasts, it would take a lot of trouble.

Don't look at the king of the Lingxiao Empire, who is only the sixth rank, but some spirit beasts that no one has signed a spirit contract may be stronger than him!

"Hejiabao is just to the southeast. My father will be very happy to know that you are going."

He Shu smiled all over her face, but soon, her pupils twitched uncontrollably, and a deep look of horror was revealed on her face.


The sound of violent wind came from a distance, Henry Zhang and Lu Yunxuan turned their heads in doubt, and a wave of smoke and dust was surging here.

That was hundreds of figures.

They stood proudly, under the feet of each of them, there was a huge black bat, and on the back of the bat, there was a huge grimace, which seemed to be grinning.

Grimace bat, a dark attribute spirit beast!

"Ba...Bafang Village." He Shu's voice trembled.

"what is that?"

As soon as Henry Zhang finished speaking, grimacing bats surrounded them in a ring shape, and the one standing in the middle was an ugly young man.

Seeing He Shu's terrified appearance, he laughed loudly, and the grimacing bat under his feet also let out a hoarse cry.

"Little girl, you are pretty, are you interested in going to my Bafang village?"

Sweeping He Shu's delicate body presumptuously, the young man grinned and said, "I think you should know me. If you serve me well, it's not impossible to take you as a concubine."

"Ha ha!"

The members of Bafangzhai who surrounded Henry Zhang and others laughed wildly. They are familiar with doing this kind of thing, and there is no town with a radius of thousands of miles that has not been harmed by them.

" father is He Song, for his sake, can I..."

"He Song? I'm so scared!"

Laughing up to the sky, the young man lowered his head, and said fiercely: "It's just an old dog who took his life to break through to the sixth-order spirit emperor. He doesn't even dare to fart in front of me. Go back and ask He, I'll give him face, how dare he take it!"

He Shu's delicate body trembled.

Feng Hui, the second-level spirit king, is only one level higher than her, but Feng Hui's father, the village owner of Bafang Village, is the only first-level spirit king within a thousand miles.

To King Ling, the Hejiabao in front of him is like an ant that can be easily trampled to death.


With a wave of his palm, the young man rushed out from here with the laughing members of Bafangzhai: "In three days, I will meet your important person in Hejiabao, and I will ask your father to give you to me with his own hands. If you dare Run away, I will let everyone in Bafangzhai serve you one by one, haha!"

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