Master of Beasts

Chapter 1275 I don't want you to live

When Henry Zhang's words came out, Feng Hui immediately knelt down on the ground without any hesitation, kowtowing his head frantically, and the sound of begging for mercy resounded in Hejiabao.

"I have eyes to ignore Mount Tai!"

"Damn me, damn me!"

"Please spare my life, senior!"

Looking at Feng Hui, who was lying on the ground, kowtowing desperately, the people in Hejiabao all looked dull. He Song and He Shu were even more frozen in place, their minds stopped spinning.

Spirit King?

Henry Zhang is the Spirit King

They feel that fate and themselves have made a huge joke.

They don't know.

Henry Zhang is not a spirit king, but he is more powerful than a low-level spirit king!

"Do you think I'll let you go?"

Lowering his figure, Henry Zhang looked down at Feng Hui indifferently, pointed out with his fingers, and a white flame passed through Feng Hui's forehead and shot into the wall behind.

Lifting his head in astonishment, Feng Hui fell down softly.

"If you kill him, Feng Chi will not let you go, he will kill you." He Song trembled.

"Do you think he killed me or I killed him." Henry Zhang laughed suddenly.

Hearing this, He Song and He Shu's mouths became dry.

The experience of being oppressed by Bafangzhai for a long time made them think that Feng Chi was strong and irresistible. This kind of thinking was deeply rooted in their hearts.

After listening to Henry Zhang's words, they were awakened just now.

Feng Chi may not be Henry Zhang's opponent!

"Please save us, save He Jiabao."

He Song hurriedly said: "You killed so many people in Bafangzhai, and you also killed Feng Hui, Bafangzhai will definitely anger us, you can't do nothing!"

"That's right, you can't." He Shu also shouted.


Henry Zhang's eyes were slightly cold, and a powerful aura rippling around from his body, He Song and He Shu hurriedly retreated, with horrified expressions on their faces.

"It's kind of me not to kill you, but you still want me to save you?"

Henry Zhang said coldly: "He Shu, I saved your life, and Yunxuan also promised to help you kill the people in Bafangzhai, but how did you repay it?"

"Not only did you let the Hejiabao people imprison us here, but you also sent two white lettermen in succession to let Feng Hui attack Yunxuan. If we are the weak one, what will happen!"

"Aren't you all right?" He Shu argued.

"It's hopeless." Lu Yunxuan's heart gradually turned cold.

She was held in Lu Qingtan's palm since she was a child, and she didn't know that people's hearts are sinister. She was accompanied by strong people in the few times she experienced. She thought that Ye Feiyu was the most vicious person.

But He Shu is far superior!

"Let's go." Lu Yunxuan said softly.


With a hard look in his eyes, He Shu pointed at Lu Yunxuan, and said angrily: "You are prettier than me, if you hadn't been protected by him, you would have died a long time ago! I am young, and I am the first-order Linghuang. You What! A useless person like you deserves to die! I asked Feng Hui to take you away, just to help you!"


There was fire in his palm, and Xiao Yang was just about to slap He Shu to death with his palm, when a terrifying storm suddenly descended from the sky, and a huge ghost-faced bat hovered over Hejiabao.

"Haha, you can't leave!"

Like a shrew, He Shu said with a sinister smile, "The He Family Fort will be destroyed, and you must be buried with me too!"

The gigantic grimacing bat hangs over Hejiabao. The grimacing face on its belly seems to move, it is hideous and frightening.

"Who killed my son." On the back of Grimace Bat, a gloomy old man looked down angrily.

Feng Chi.

Within a thousand miles of Mutian Forest, the only Spirit King powerhouse, he only had a son, Feng Hui, in his later years, and his love for Feng Hui can be imagined.

"I killed it, what?" Henry Zhang slowly raised his head.

Looking at Henry Zhang, Feng Chi's eyes flickered coldly, and he felt a threat from Henry Zhang: "Ninth-rank Linghuang, at your age, you have achieved so much, and the future is limitless, unfortunately, you don't You should kill me!"


Flying down from below Feng Chi,

The grimacing bat stared at Henry Zhang, the grimace on the abdomen was also a strange smile, and an atmosphere of panic filled Hejiabao.

"Die, all of you!" He Shu said like crazy.

The blows that followed made her nearly go crazy.

The mouth opened, and the gigantic mouth of the ghost face bat was about to swallow Henry Zhang.


A loud and clear cry resounded through the heaven and earth, and the Grimace Bat immediately retreated in horror as if it had seen a ghost, and hit the ground with a bang, trembling.

The phoenix is ​​the head of all birds.

Even though it doesn't belong to a bird, the blood of a bird flowing in its body still scares the grimace bat so much that it dare not move. Moreover, the breath of the eclipse fire phoenix also makes it frightened!


Feng Chi froze for a moment, his mind was empty for a moment.

The flame-burning eclipse fire phoenix stood behind Lu Yunxuan. The two outstretched fire wings were gorgeous and eye-catching, making Lu Yunxuan in front of her even more stunning.

"Come down."

Lu Yunxuan's plain voice came out, and Feng Chi fell to the ground uncontrollably, just like Feng Hui, kneeling on the ground with a bang, his body trembling wildly.

He Song and He Shu looked shocked.

Especially He Shu, the expression is more exciting, in her eyes, the woman who clings to Henry Zhang is even stronger than Henry Zhang!

Is she, the first-order spirit emperor, worth showing off?

"Which empire are you?" Feng Chi was terrified.

"Not from Ling Xiao."

"I see."

Kneeling on the ground, Feng Chi smiled bitterly: "I heard that a fourth-level spirit king came from the mainland, and he defeated the fifth-level spirit king Zhu Yan with one blow. It must be Your Excellency."

Lu Yunxuan nodded noncommittal.

Fourth-order spirit king?

These simple four words, like a bolt from the blue, struck the hearts of everyone in Hejiabao fiercely, and He Shu's face was extremely ugly.

She brought a fourth-order spirit king to Hejiabao?

If she hadn't done what she did before, Lu Yunxuan's Fire Phoenix could have wiped out Bafang Village just by flapping its wings.

What did she do?

"I don't want you to live."

Lu Yunxuan said softly: "Anyone in Bafang Village."

The behavior style of Bafangzhai is very similar to those people in Tianshuangtang. It is this kind of people that she hates the most.

"I understand." Feng Chi hunched over, with bitterness on his face: "Can you give me some time to bury Hui'er and settle my mind, after that, I will flatten Bafang Village by myself, and then kill myself, for so many years Come, atone for the wrong you did."

After thinking for a moment, Henry Zhang nodded slowly.



Holding Feng Hui's body, Feng Chi swept out of Hejiabao like a streamer, returned to Bafang Village, and found a place to bury Feng Hui.

A moment later, a loud noise spread throughout the space with a radius of a hundred miles, followed by a huge black cloud of smoke.

Bafang Village no longer exists.


Flashing back quickly, Feng Chi saluted Henry Zhang and Lu Yunxuan: "Thank you for your trust in me, Bafang Village, I have been destroyed, but there is still one thing to ask."


"Hejiabao is the chief culprit who killed my son. If it wasn't for my son, Bafangzhai would not have suffered such a disaster. I hope that you can give me some time to destroy Hejiabao."

He Song, He Shu and the others changed their colors in shock.

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