Master of Beasts

Chapter 1291

"I brought all the alchemists from the Jiang family to visit you." Leading a group of alchemists approaching, Jiang Yin was all smiles, biting the word "meeting" quite hard.

None of this group of fifth-grade alchemists was easy to talk to.

Henry Zhang is dead.

Still died tragically!

"You want us to come to see you in person?" The leading alchemist has the strength of a fifth-rank alchemist, and his breath is more powerful than Ning Xiu. He looked at Henry Zhang and said coldly.

Gu Feng, the strongest among Jiang Jiadan's masters and guest ministers.

"That's what he said." Jiang Yin, who is not afraid of big troubles, fanned the flames with a sneer on his face.

"Young man, being too arrogant is not a good thing." Gu Feng squinted at Henry Zhang, full of reprimands, giving people a sense of condescension.

"You opened his empty boundary stone privately, and called him arrogant!" Jiang Sheng said angrily.

"Shut up!"

Jiang Yin's eyes turned cold: "Pay attention to your identity, what qualifications do you have to speak like that to alchemist Keqing, do you want to go to the punishment hall to receive punishment?"

"As the second elder of the Jiang family, but because of a group of outsiders, he wants to send his clansmen to the execution hall, the Jiang family, that's all." Henry Zhang said lightly.

"Unlock the seal of Dan Fang." Gu Feng took out a yellowed paper from his clothes, and ordered Henry Zhang.

"Take my pill formula, dare to be so righteous?" Henry Zhang smiled, and there was a hint of coldness in his smile.

"Your prescription?"

Behind Gu Feng, a fifth-rank alchemist with the weakest strength said coldly: "Since it was obtained by us, it will naturally belong to us. Quickly undo the soul seal."

"Three breaths, bring the alchemy here, otherwise, I will kill you." Henry Zhang looked at the alchemist and said calmly.

The atmosphere in the arena was slightly silent.

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Yin and all the alchemists burst into playful laughter, and Jiang Yunyan, who was standing beside him, was also trembling with laughter: "Killing a fifth-rank alchemist? This person is really interesting."

"I don't know whether to live or die.

"Ning Xiu said lightly.

Fifth-rank alchemists are so precious, they should be kept as treasures in any family. Killing an alchemist will implicate a whole family.

Just let Henry Zhang kill, Henry Zhang dare to kill?

"Three breath time, it's up." The fifth-rank alchemist who spoke just now smiled playfully, obviously telling Henry Zhang that he can come and kill me.


There was a flash of fire.

Henry Zhang's figure appeared behind the alchemist, the smile on Jiang Yin's face froze instantly, and several other alchemists also looked at that person in disbelief.


A line of blood overflowed from his throat, the alchemist turned his head blankly, looked at the figure in black robe holding a snow knife, his body softened, and he fell down unwillingly.

Henry Zhang, really killed him?

"It's over." Jiang Sheng's face turned pale.

A rank five alchemist, how could he be so easy to kill.

Henry Zhang was too impulsive!

"Do you know what a crime I have committed!" Jiang Yin recovered from the shock, his face turned purple.

If a fifth-rank alchemist dies, even he will be implicated a lot!

"You opened my empty boundary stone privately and caused a lot of trouble for me. Wait, after you kill them all, you will be killed immediately." Henry Zhang said calmly.

"Ridiculous." Jiang Yin's face was livid.

Henry Zhang still doesn't know what he will face next.

"Next, it's you." Xue Dao raised, Henry Zhang pointed at a fifth-rank alchemist, and said softly.

"This person has no dignity, is so rude, and even kills the alchemist, he should be punished!" Jiang Yunyan said fiercely.

"Zou Chen, I want an arm from him." The fifth-rank alchemist pointed at by Xue Dao came out with a cold voice, if he didn't want Henry Zhang to unlock the soul imprint, what he wanted was Henry Zhang's life .


Walking out from behind the fifth-rank alchemist, a middle-aged man named Zou Chen flicked his sleeves, and the pale golden spiritual gate opened in front of him, and a silver-white figure sprang out.

Double knife sting.


Staring at Henry Zhang coldly, the sharp double knives were raised, cut through the air, and slashed towards Henry Zhang's right arm like lightning.

"Break." Zou Chen said confidently.

As a ninth-rank spirit emperor, he had been protecting that fifth-rank alchemist for a long time, and he had never missed a time.

As long as the Spirit King doesn't come out, no one can compete with him.


A crisp sound sounded, and the double knives slashed by the double knives broke out of thin air when they were only half an inch away from Henry Zhang's right arm. Zou Chen's eyes opened wide, and a snow-white spear passed through his neck , nailed into the throat of the fifth-rank alchemist behind him, and strung them into a string.

The second fifth-rank alchemist, die!

"Zhuzi is arrogant!" The remaining three alchemists were furious.

Another one died.

This is the first time they have seen young people who don't take fifth grade alchemists seriously!

"You want to die!" Jiang Yin's face was cold.

"Break his limbs." Gu Feng narrowed his eyes and said coldly.


Staring at Henry Zhang, the two alchemists beside Gu Feng threw the sky boundary stone angrily, and two spirit monster puppets with the same shape flashed out of it.

Fire skull.

Throne-level spirit doll!

"Two first-rank throne-level ghost puppets, these bastards who don't know the heights of heaven and earth, will soon know how stupid it is to go against a fifth-rank alchemist." Ning Xiu showed a smile.

"That's right." Jiang Yunyan nodded heavily, glancing at Jiang Sheng from the corner of her eye.

The person was brought by Jiang Sheng.

With the death of two fifth-rank alchemists, Jiang Sheng will definitely be treated well by the punishment hall.


Two Fire Skeleton Ghost Puppets rushed straight forward, Henry Zhang's eyes were as normal as usual, Xue Youmei grasped it with a slender hand, and a sharp snow gun appeared again, and swept out suddenly.


When the two fire skeleton ghost puppets rushed to its side, they were broken in half.

Dazzling sparks splashed all around.

"how come!"

The two fifth-rank alchemists who released the ghost puppets looked horrified. These two first-order throne-level ghost puppets were purchased with a lot of money. To deal with ordinary imperial-level spirit beasts, they only need one move.

Now, is it so vulnerable?


Turning the spear in her hand, Xue Youmei's long hair fluttered, and she rushed out quickly. The two fifth-rank alchemists were so frightened that they were so cold that they didn't dare to move.


Dare to kill a fifth-rank alchemist so recklessly, Henry Zhang must be a lunatic!

At this moment, their hearts suddenly regretted to the extreme.

Their lives are so precious, but today, they ran into a stunned young man who was not afraid of death, and this stunned young man didn't care about their alchemy status at all.

Even if Henry Zhang was killed in the end, so what?

They are still dead!


The tip of Xueyou's spear drew a rounded arc, and the heads of two fifth-rank alchemists rolled to the ground with a grunt. Xue Youmei's spear turned and pierced Gu Feng's throat.

"How dare you!" The expression on Jiang Yin's face was filled with shock and anger.

Gu Feng is the one who wants to represent the Jiang family, call out Dan Dian, and compete for the alchemy seat.

Other alchemists can die, but Gu Feng absolutely cannot!


The blue crystals condensed along the long spear, Xue Youmei's figure retreated more than a hundred feet, and a powerful wave came from the courtyard and swept over the courtyard.


A ferocious breath emanated from his body.

It was a middle-aged man.

He looked at Henry Zhang with a frosty face, a blue spirit beast with white wings outstretched, blocking the front of Gu Feng, it was it, it just shook Xue Youmei away.

"Friend Zhen Kun, you are here." Gu Feng smiled, staring at Henry Zhang with his cold eyes.

Zhen Kun.

Tier 2 Spirit King!

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