Master of Beasts

Chapter 1293 No one can save?

Jiang Sheng never thought that her father, Jiang Huai, also participated in the proposal to send her to Xunfeng. She naively thought that Jiang Huai had fought against the family, but it was useless.

But at this moment, her heart was icy cold.

Her father, let her die.

What did she do wrong?

"Master Gu, I surprised you." Jiang Huai smiled flatteringly at Gu Feng.


With a flick of the sleeve robe, Gu Feng snorted displeasedly: "That's how you are, to ensure my safety? This time, I will not go on behalf of the Jiang family in the alchemy ceremony. Please ask someone else."

After speaking, Gu Feng made a gesture to turn around and leave.

"Master Gu!"

An elder with high prestige in the Jiang family said with a wry smile: "This matter is indeed the Jiang family's dereliction of duty. If you want any compensation, just ask."

Dan Dian is extremely important to the Jiang family.

Otherwise, the elders would not trade Jiang Sheng for Jiang Sheng's help.

"It's not negotiable." Gu Feng said coldly.

"Materials for ten soul-shaping pills?" How could the elder not know what Gu Feng wanted, so he asked quickly.

"Twenty pairs." Gu Feng said in a tone that could not refuse.


The elders of the Jiang family twitched violently. The price of a pair of soul-shaping pills is 20,000 Lingyu. The asking price is so harsh.

"Reluctant?" Gu Feng raised his eyebrows.


The elder who spoke just now, endured the pain in his body and agreed, which made Gu Feng smile a little. It was because he was determined by Jiang's family and couldn't find other alchemists.

The ingredients of twenty soul-shaping pills are enough to make his mouth water.

"However, this is not enough." Gu Feng shook his head.

"What?" Jiang's parents were shocked.

Gu Feng is not satisfied with the materials of twenty sets of Soul Shaping Pills?

"My good friend Zhen Kun was killed by him. He was killed in the Jiang family's territory. Tell me how to solve this." Gu Feng added: "Zhen Kun is my only friend."

old fox!

The elders of the Jiang family cursed secretly.

Who doesn't know the relationship between Gu Feng and Zhen Kun.

If it wasn't in Gu Feng's hands, there was exactly the elixir that Zhen Kun needed, and as a second-rank spirit king, Zhen Kun wouldn't even look at Gu Feng, let alone a friend.

It was clear that he wanted to take the opportunity to kill the Jiang family.

"Of course, it's not all the Jiang family's fault, and I won't ask you for any more compensation." Gu Feng said with a magnanimous expression, "As long as you let this kid unlock the soul imprint on this prescription, this matter will be solved." Let it go."

Jiang Yin's expression suddenly became extremely greedy.

As long as the soul imprint of Siqi Tianyuan Pill is released, he will also have a chance to take a look.

Different from other alchemy formulas, the refining method of Siqi Tianyuan Dan has great inspiration for fifth-rank alchemists. Maybe he can take this opportunity to become sixth-rank alchemists.

Gu Feng embraced for the same purpose.

"Little friend, where did you come from? Maybe, I have some connections with one of your elders." An elder of the Jiang family smiled and spoke sideways.

To be able to kill the second-order spirit king at such an age, Henry Zhang's talent is too amazing.

If you offend someone you shouldn't, it will be more troublesome than offending Gu Feng.

"Northern Territory." Henry Zhang said flatly.

Northern Territory?

The hearts of the elders moved. The place where the young man came is half a continent away from Jiujue City. Even if they really do something, the existence behind Henry Zhang may not be able to do anything to them.

"Give me back my pill recipe, I still have something to do." Henry Zhang said lightly.

The Town Demon Ring was lit up, representing the Town Demon Monument, which is located in Jiujue City.

But for some unknown reason, it dimmed again.

Probably, it was blocked by some special force.

"Little brother."

Jiang Huai smiled slightly: "No one can see such things as Danfang, and you are from the Northern Territory, even if the refining method of Siqi Tianyuan Pill is flooded here, it's nothing, why don't you unlock the soul imprint, let Let's watch together, if the Jiang family has an alchemist and breaks through, we will be grateful to you."

"Father!" Jiang Sheng was anxious.

Jiang Huai is as shameless as Jiang Yin!

"shut up!"

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and Jiang Huai looked at Jiang Sheng unkindly: "You have done something wrong, and you need us to help you settle it. If it weren't for you, how could the Jiang family's guest alchemists die, bastards!"

Jiang Sheng's face became paler.

"Third uncle is right." Jiang Yunyan nodded with a smile, Jiang Sheng is the broom star.

"If you have half of Jiang Yunyan's alchemy talent, why would the family send you out? Useless people should play their last role for the family!" Jiang Huai said with a sullen face.

"Are you Jiang Sheng's father?" Henry Zhang asked.

"Exactly." Jiang Huai raised his head.

"You do not deserve."

The gloomy look on Jiang Huai's face became more intense in an instant. If it wasn't because Henry Zhang was too strong, and killing the second-order spirit king was like picking something out of a bag, he would definitely take the initiative to teach him a lesson.

"Whether I deserve it or not is not up to you to say." Jiang Huai said coldly.

"The alchemy formula of Siqi Tianyuan Pill is Henry Zhang's thing. The sixth-grade alchemy formula is so precious. There is no reason to show it to others, but you still take it for granted, shameless!" Jiang Sheng gritted his teeth tightly, The last bit of goodwill from the family was gone.


She doesn't care anymore.

Even her own father felt that she shouldn't be alive, so why would she care too much.

"Jiang Sheng, you don't think he looks handsome, so you dedicate yourself to him while the clansmen are not paying attention, you are so cheap!" Jiang Yin shouted coldly.

"You..." Jiang Sheng trembled delicately.

As her elder, Jiang Yin's words are so vicious?

"With Danfang in front of you, instead of helping the elders to ask for it, instead of helping the elders to ask for it, on the contrary, they protect outsiders and eat inside and out! The Jiang family has raised you for nothing all these years!" Jiang Yin's voice was extremely cold.

"What Elder Jiang said is true." Gu Feng nodded with a smile.

"Good sister, why don't you let him share the pill recipe?"

Jiang Yunyan sneered: "With the Four Qi Tianyuan Pill in hand, you can also please Master Xunfeng with it, why not do it?"

"As an outsider, I also think that he should unlock Danfang's soul imprint and share it with everyone." Ning Xiu narrowed his eyes.

"Where did you get out, here, do you have a share to speak." Henry Zhang looked at Ning Xiu slowly.

"He is the pinnacle of a fifth-rank alchemist!" Jiang Yunyan raised her head proudly.

"If it wasn't for Jiang Yunyan's sake, I would have issued an alchemy order to find someone to beat you to death!" Ning Xiu looked at Henry Zhang viciously.

"Kill me?"

Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled: "The peak of the fifth-rank alchemist is really inflated. Do you think that with your little alchemy cultivation, is there any spirit king who is willing to pay attention to you?"

"You look down on fifth-rank alchemists?" What are you! "

Like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, Jiang Yunyan gave Henry Zhang a hard look, then looked at Jiang Sheng, and laughed happily: "Bitch, just wait, you will marry Xun soon Feng, no one can save you, haha!"

Jiang Yunyan's laughter echoed, and the elders of the Jiang family looked at Jiang Sheng's sad appearance and remained unmoved. A moment later, a random voice suddenly sounded in the courtyard.

"No one can save?"

"I will save."

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