Master of Beasts

Chapter 1299 Dumbfounded Jiang Huai

"Fifth grade alchemist?"

"Are you a fifth-grade alchemist?"

Jiang Yunyan's screams resounded clearly in the courtyard, and the elders of the Jiang family who had rushed here all stared blankly, their faces dazed.

The pink pill fire danced and swayed in Jiang Sheng's slender hand.

Soft and gorgeous.

Five products!

This breath is indeed a pill fire that can only be controlled by a fifth-rank alchemist!

"Impossible, impossible!"

Jiang Yunyan seemed to be crazy, she cried for a while, and laughed for a while: "How can you be a fifth-rank alchemist? It's not real. I must be dreaming!"

The most shocking thing was Jiang Huai.

He looked at the pill fire in Jiang Sheng's hand, and his heart shook violently.

His daughter is a fifth grade alchemist?

Jiujuecheng, the youngest fifth-rank alchemist?

"Fifth grade alchemist, not bad."

Xie Hao nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "I have seen the sincerity of the Jiang family. They actually gave such a young fifth-rank alchemist to Master Xunfeng."

What he said was a gift, not a marriage.

It seems that Jiang Sheng is just a gift to Xunfeng Mansion.

"Your Excellency, I made a mistake!"

The great elder of the Jiang family took a step forward and said seriously: "The Jiang family has never said that Jiang Sheng is going to marry Master Xunfeng, and it is Jiang Yunyan who will marry Master Xunfeng."


How could they give away such talented clansmen just to please Xun Feng.

As long as the resources are sufficient, sooner or later, Jiang Sheng will be able to match Xunfeng, or even surpass him.

For the long run, Jiang Sheng must stay in the Jiang family.

"What did you say?" Xie Hao's eyes,

It suddenly cooled down.

Jiang Yunyan?

Opposite Jiang Sheng, the lunatic who cries and laughs for a while?

Is she comparable to Jiang Sheng?

"The Jiang family, you'd better think about it clearly."

Xie Hao's voice was threatening: "I don't know how many people in Jiujue City wanted to ask Master Xunfeng to take action but failed. The more you pay, the greater the effort Master Xunfeng will make."

If he hadn't seen Jiang Sheng with his own eyes, Xie Hao might not have cared too much.

But a woman with such appearance and talent is rare in her life.

How could he let it go.

"Xie Hao, you'd better think clearly."

Frowning, the elder of the Jiang family said coldly: "You are just a servant in Xunfeng Mansion, and you are not qualified yet. If you talk to me like this, if you dare to use this attitude again, I will beat you to pieces .”

Xie Hao's eyes turned cold.

The great elder of the Jiang family, like Jiang Xu, the head of the Jiang family, is a fifth-rank spirit king. It seems reasonable to use this tone and posture to talk to a servant of Xunfeng Mansion.

However, he who is used to being surrounded by stars, has never been treated like this before.

"I will take back exactly what you said." Xie Hao snorted.

"Anything you want." Jiang Xu said neither salty nor light.

If there is no Zhang Yang, he will definitely not have such an attitude to deal with the relationship between Xunfeng Mansion and the Jiang family, but now, since the Jiang family has Henry Zhang, Jiang Sheng has become Henry Zhang of the fifth-rank alchemist in just a few days , how could he be afraid of Xunfeng.

Don't forget, Jiang Sheng is Henry Zhang's disciple.

Something happened to the Jiang family, can Henry Zhang sit idly by?

Therefore, marrying Jiang Yunyan to Xunfeng is not so much about fulfilling the agreement between the two, but more about flattering Henry Zhang and Jiang Sheng and enhancing their favor towards the Jiang family.

The behavior of the Jiang family before was indeed too much.

If you don't save it in time, it will be too late when you really regret it.

"good very good."

Glancing coldly at the elder of the Jiang family, Xie Hao waved his hand: "Take him away, set off, and return to Xunfeng Mansion."

What he wanted to bring was Jiang Yunyan, of course.

It's just that in his eyes, there is some meaning that he will not let it go.

Jiang Sheng's talent and appearance far surpassed Jiang Yunyan's.


A servant of Xunfeng Mansion gestured to Jiang Yunyan, indifferent and impatient.

"Sister, you have to save me!"

Seeing that pretending to be crazy was useless, Jiang Yunyan looked at Jiang Sheng and said sadly: "Your master's alchemy is definitely not inferior to Xunfeng. Please help me to intercede, I am willing to do anything."


Xie Hao reprimanded: "How dare you say that someone's alchemy is stronger than Master Xunfeng, and let me hear such nonsense again, I want you to look good!"

The Jiang family scoffed.

Give Xunfeng some face and call him Master Xunfeng. In fact, Xunfeng's alchemy can only be regarded as mediocre among sixth-rank alchemists.

If it wasn't for the alchemist seat, which was too important to the Jiang family, and even determined the life and death of the Jiang family to a certain extent, how could they be so condescending to the Xunfeng Mansion.

"Sister, save me!" Jiang Yunyan looked pitiful.

"How did you treat me just now, forgot?"

Jiang Sheng was unmoved: "You can't wait to want me to die, you want me to suffer, and you even deliberately provoke me several times, now you know you regret it?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" Jiang Yunyan cried tearfully.

Xunfeng Mansion is just a devil's lair.

Which one of the women who went in was not tortured and collapsed.

If it was Jiang Sheng who went in, she would of course gloat, but if it was her, she would only feel endless fear.

"Xie Hao, take him away." The elder of the Jiang family said calmly.


Holding Jiang Yunyan's shoulders arbitrarily, Xie Hao and other servants of Xunfeng Mansion didn't show the Jiang family any good looks. In front of all the elders, they soared into the sky. It is arrogant.

"These bastards."

The elder of the Jiang family scolded, and immediately turned to Jiang Sheng, his old face, smiling like a chrysanthemum: "Jiang Sheng, you should study hard with Master Xiao, try to surpass Xun Feng as soon as possible, and teach them a lesson."

"I will." Jiang Sheng nodded lightly.


A deep smile appeared on Jiang Huai's face: "When did you break through to a fifth-rank alchemist? Why didn't you tell my father such good news?"

"Tell you? Do I have anything to do with you?"

Without even looking at Jiang Huai, Jiang Sheng turned and walked into the room: "From now on, don't call yourself my father, you are not worthy, I have never seen a father who pushed his daughter into the devil's lair with his own hands, Also, I will settle accounts with you sooner or later for you killing my mother."


The door was closed, and Jiang Huai couldn't help being stunned.

He is not worthy?

Jiang Sheng, don't you admit it's his daughter?

In an instant, he felt like falling from heaven to hell.

In the courtyard, many elders looked at Jiang Huai, instead of showing sympathy, they showed gloating smiles. They have long been unhappy with Jiang Huai.

For the sake of unwarranted benefits, whoever pushes his daughter into the devil's lair, none of them think highly of them.

"Si Zhang Lao, the tea planted in your yard seems to be pretty good."

"Shall I give you some?"

"I'm waiting for your words."

The elders made excuses to leave one after the other, leaving only Jiang Huai standing in front of the room, his face green and pale, extremely embarrassed.

"Jiang Huai."

In the void, an indifferent voice sounded quietly: "Since Jiang Sheng doesn't want to see you again, from now on, you can go to the back mountain to guard the mausoleum."

Jiang Huai's face suddenly turned pale.

Because of Jiang Sheng, the Jiang family completely rejected him?

He will have to deal with tombstones for the rest of his life?

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