Master of Beasts

Chapter 1302 Sky-high price

"Little brother, I offer 400,000 spirit jades for this peach blossom fire. Are you willing to trade it? Just sell it to me. If you want to refine any pills of grade five or below in the future, feel free to come to me. It's all free!"

The five-rank alchemist who screamed just now said with shortness of breath.

It's not that he intends to lower the price, but in fact, there are only so many Lingyu in his Kongjieshi, so he wants to use free alchemy in exchange for the peach blossom fire in Henry Zhang's hands.

"400,000? You're sending ghosts away, I'll offer 500,000, and I'll also help you refine the pill for free."

Another fifth grade alchemist.

"Six hundred thousand!"

"Six hundred and fifty thousand!"

The alchemists who heard the news all blushed and shouted their prices.

This kind of peculiar alchemy fire is rare in a hundred years, and it is a fatal temptation for alchemists who like alchemy.

Once you have this kind of elixir, the elixir you refine in the future will soon pay back its cost.

A 10% success rate is no joke for alchemy!

Soon, the price of Peach Blossom Fire climbed to 700,000 Lingyu.

The vendor standing in front of Henry Zhang had his eyes wide open, looking like a ghost.

Seven hundred thousand spiritual jade?

He has never earned so much in his life!

Is this the peach blossom that bloomed out of the white jade fruit he sold to Henry Zhang indiscriminately?

Once again, he experienced what it meant to lift a rock and smash his own foot.

"Seventy-two thousand!"

"Seven hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Seven hundred and eighty thousand!"

The price was still rising, bloodshot eyes were spreading in the eyes of the vendor, and a deep regret welled up in his heart, driving him to go crazy.

"Eight hundred thousand!"

As soon as the number came out, the audience fell silent.

Eight hundred thousand spiritual jades is not a small amount for fifth-rank alchemists, and it usually takes several years to accumulate them. They just want to continue to increase the price, but they don't have that spiritual jade.

"Sorry, I have no plans to trade."

Finally having a chance to speak out, Henry Zhang smiled wryly.

These alchemists were too crazy, he couldn't speak at all.

Do not sell?

The alchemists were quite unwilling.

This kind of pill fire, if you miss it, you will miss it, and you can't even buy it.

"let's go."

Henry Zhang said to the stupefied Jiang Sheng with a smile.


After recovering from the shock, Jiang Sheng hurriedly followed.

"That's peach blossom fire."

The street vendor who traded with Henry Zhang just now had a look of malice in his eyes, and said loudly: "This kind of pill fire is rare in a hundred years, and the alchemy ceremony will be held soon. With this kind of pill fire, a fifth-rank alchemist may be able to compete with a sixth-rank alchemist. Once a pin-level alchemist fights, the strength of a sixth-rank alchemist will skyrocket to a higher level."

"If someone refines it in advance, no matter how much spirit jade there is, it will not be possible to buy it."

"Even if you kill him, you can't get the Peach Blossom Fire out!"

As soon as this word spread, many people were shocked. The vendor made it clear that he wanted the alchemist to deal with Henry Zhang and snatch the Peach Blossom Fire, so ruthless.

as expected.

There was a chill in the eyes of some alchemists, and the sound transmission talisman in their hands was quietly burning, either to inform their thugs, or to find a powerful existence that owed them favors.

The atmosphere froze to the extreme for a moment.

There was a slight smile on the vendor's face.

This is what he wanted.

He can't get it, and Henry Zhang doesn't want it either.

"I advise you, it's best not to think about it."

Turning his head, Henry Zhang said lightly: "Among the people present, does anyone know Gu Feng?"

Many alchemists stared.

Gu Feng, they naturally knew him, he was one of the top five alchemists, he was very famous, but he didn't know who killed him some time ago.

"That guy was slaughtered by me just because he wanted Dan Fang's idea."

All the alchemists' eyes trembled.

Gu Feng, was this young man killed?

How is he still alive?

Does no one take revenge?

"Don't listen to him.


The vendor sneered: "Killing Gufeng, that's the only one? Who can brag? I also said that if I clap my hands, I can kill Lingxu. The peach blossom fire is right in front of you. What are you waiting for?"

All the alchemists couldn't help being moved, the temptation of peach blossom fire to them was really too great.

"Jiujue City, can you kill people in the street?" Henry Zhang asked softly.


A fifth-rank alchemist who spoke before hesitated, and said, "Alchemists enjoy absolute privileges in Jiujue City. If you are a sixth-rank alchemist and the other party threatens your life, you can kill someone." , and don’t worry about anyone pursuing it.”

"But if you are not, even if you are a top five alchemist, you will be severely punished by the punishment hall. In severe cases, you will be disqualified from participating in alchemy forever."

The division of classes is really strict, a sixth-rank alchemist can actually kill people in the street.

Henry Zhang sighed in his heart.

"Then I am like this, is my life threatened?" Henry Zhang said softly.

"Probably." The alchemist nodded solemnly.

Instigating so many people and attacking Henry Zhang, if you really want to pursue it, the street vendor has a way to die, but Henry Zhang can kill him?

"If you are a sixth-rank alchemist, I will let you kill it." The vendor chuckled, who is not a sixth-rank alchemist with gray hair and a young age, how could Henry Zhang be a sixth-rank alchemist.

"Really?" Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes.

"It's absolutely true." The vendor nodded heavily, staring at Henry Zhang provocatively with tricky eyes.


Under the gaze of everyone, Henry Zhang shook his right hand, and a breath of the early stage of a sixth-rank alchemist slowly spread with the rise of the alchemy fire, and the expression on the vendor's face instantly petrified.

"Sixth grade alchemist!"

"very young!"

"When did such a genius appear in Jiujue City!"

There was an uproar.

"Sixth-rank Alchemist..." His lips trembled, and the vendor backed away in fear. He couldn't even imagine that Henry Zhang was really a sixth-rank alchemist.

"Didn't you tell me to kill it? Why are you running?" Henry Zhang flicked his fingers, and the pill fire flew out.


The face of the vendor was distorted in horror. In just a short moment, his body was completely burned, not even a single ashes remained.


The vendors around couldn't help swallowing, their scalps numb.

Fortunately, it was not them who killed Henry Zhang.

If not, their end will not be much better.

"Your Excellency, this junior was presumptuous just now."

"Forgive me for not opening my eyes."

"If you have a chance in the future, come to my Yang Mansion as a guest, and you must treat me with good wine and good food."

The alchemist who had just used the sound transmission talisman to find a helper bent down fearfully, with a respectful expression on his face. When the difference in strength reached a certain level, they didn't even dare to argue.

When everyone raised their heads sweating profusely, the figures of Henry Zhang and Jiang Sheng had already disappeared, leaving only the silent crowd.

After a while.


A sound of letting out a sigh of relief resounded on the street, one after another.

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