Master of Beasts

Chapter 1308 Kill Henry Zhang first?


Henry Zhang's indifferent voice came out, Chi Yan jumped up, and the entangled fire tail slammed the two terrified youths against the wall, smashing them into flesh.

This scene was extremely bloody.

After this kind of deterrence, the crowd present no longer dared to make a sound. Most of them were only the Linghuang, so how dare they provoke Henry Zhang.

What's more, Henry Zhang is still Jiang Sheng's master, and his alchemy is definitely stronger than Jiang Sheng.

Even, maybe a sixth-grade alchemist!

However, they didn't dare to say it, but it didn't mean they didn't dare to think about it. What happened just now would soon spread, and Jiang Sheng's reputation was completely ruined.

"Master, let's go." Jiang Sheng lowered his head and whispered.

There is no solution to Jiang Yin's vicious strategy.

Not only did it ruin her reputation, but it also caused her to be criticized forever in the future, making her unable to raise her head in Jiujue City. For the sake of reputation, it was difficult for the Jiang family to value her as much as before, at least on the surface.

Moreover, Ziyan Mansion will not let Henry Zhang go.

Jiang Yin's plan not only ruined her to some extent, but also killed her with a knife.

Very vicious!

"Cough cough."

Just as Henry Zhang nodded, an old cough sounded suddenly: "If the old man didn't miss it, this little girl, who is clearly still a virgin, is not as unbearable as Zhuo Yu said."

Everyone's eyes looked over at the first time.

It was a white-haired old man with a hunched figure, and there was no brilliance in his cloudy eyes, as if he was dying.

"Old Ling of the Hehuan Sect!"

"Why is she here? Was she attracted by Dandian?"

"If it's what Ling Lao said, there must be no mistake. Zhuo Yu is indeed talking nonsense. I haven't believed it since just now."

The scene became noisy for a while.

The malicious thoughts in everyone's hearts no longer exist.

Ling Lao, one of the six elders of the Hehuan Sect, is most proficient in the affairs of men and women. It is impossible to make mistakes about whether a woman is still a virgin.

"Thank you senior for your words of help." Jiang Sheng said gratefully.

She is not afraid of other people's wild thinking, the only thing she is worried about is that Henry Zhang believes Jiang Yin's nonsense.

"Hehe, nothing."

Elder Ling coughed, and said hoarsely: "I just said something, but I just can't understand it. My own elders actually slander the tribe like this, which is unprecedented."

"However, what you should do now is not to thank me, but to hurry back to Jiang's house with your master to seek shelter. It is difficult to fight Zhuo Jin with only that Firefox."

"The guy who protects the calf is coming soon."

"Old Ling, I, Zhuo Jin, don't seem to have offended you."

There was a thunderous voice, a middle-aged man in a dark blue robe stepped on the sky, and cast a cold glance at Zhuo Yu's body: "Who did it, three breaths, kneel down and get ready die!"

Ling Lao looked indifferently.

This Zhuo Jin still gave her face, and her words were quite polite. In addition, she had no plan to continue helping Jiang Sheng, after all, she and Jiang Sheng had never known each other.

As she said, she spoke just now, but she just couldn't get used to it.

Next, she should stay out of it.

Three breaths of time, flashed by.

The crowd of onlookers backed away quietly, and only Henry Zhang, who was calm and composed, and Jiang Sheng, who was a little flustered, remained in the spacious open space.

"Do you dare to do it or not?"

The ferocious eyes suddenly fell on Henry Zhang, and Zhuo Jin roared angrily: "Since you dare to kill my son, why don't you dare to admit it, you have no guts, killing you will dirty my hands!"


The blazing flames surged down, and the flames burned like a crimson fire man, without substance, and the eyes and open mouth were also extremely blurred.

Yankun, a fourth-order high-ranking throne-level spirit beast, fire attribute.

Gently clenching his right hand, flames rose up, and Yan Kun slapped down ferociously at Henry Zhang who was standing calmly.

The scorching wind and waves swept across, Henry Zhang stood indifferently, the hair in front of his forehead was stirred up by the heat waves, his face remained unchanged,

Surprised many people.

Henry Zhang, aren’t you afraid of death?

At the moment when Yan Kun's right palm, which was rising in flames, was about to fall on Henry Zhang's head.

"you dare!"

A body full of tiny limbs stood abruptly between Henry Zhang and Yan Kun, and the majestic black wings unfolded, like a blade, swished across.

"Lava batwig?"

Looking up from the spirit beast with countless body joints, Zhuo Jin stared ferociously at Jiang Xu who came over: "My son died because of a member of the Jiang family, should you give me an explanation?"

"People who molested my Jiang family should be killed."

As soon as Jiang Xu's indifferent voice came out, Zhuo Jin's face suddenly turned cold, and everyone was startled.

Is the Jiang family planning to tear their skins apart with Ziyan Mansion?

"I'm not too late." Jiang Xu smiled at Henry Zhang.


Henry Zhang said so, but his face was extremely cold.

Jiang Xu didn't come out for a long time, it was obviously a test, he wanted to know his limit, if it wasn't for Yan Kun who was only a little bit close, he would be killed, Jiang Xu would not show up.

He doesn't like the feeling of being played smart in front of people.

As a price, when he goes back to slaughter Jiang Yin, he doesn't have to show mercy to the head of the Jiang family.

Seeming to see Henry Zhang's disgust, Jiang Xu hesitated slightly, he didn't expect that Henry Zhang's experience was so rich that he could see through his thoughts in an instant.

"Jiang Xu, you want to stay with me forever?"

Zhuo Jin in the sky was still shouting loudly.

"Patriarch Jiang, step back, I can kill this person." Henry Zhang said lightly.

"Okay." Jiang Xu retracted the lava bat in embarrassment, and retreated to the far side.

"This is Jiang Xu."

The old woman of the Hehuan Sect shook her head in her heart. It would be too boring to play this kind of trick with a junior. If something went wrong just now, Henry Zhang's head would have already collapsed.

However, to her surprise, Henry Zhang actually asked Jiang Xu to back away.

Can he deal with Zhuo Jin?

"If I remember correctly, your name should be Zhuo Jin."

Henry Zhang raised his head calmly: "Your son was indeed killed by me, but he insulted Jiang Sheng first, and, your stupid son was instigated by Jiang Yin, the second elder of the Jiang family, and really killed him. The person who killed your son was Jiang Yin, if he wants to take revenge, should there be a priority?"

Zhuo Jin's face was uncertain.

He understands Zhuo Yu's temperament very well, he loves leisure and hates work, but he is often greedy and delusional. It must be Jiang Yin who bewitched him, which led to him being killed by Henry Zhang.

"What you said is true."

A cold light flickered in his eyes, and the corners of Zhuo Jin's mouth formed a sharp arc.

"But I just want to kill you first!"

"Yan Kun, Yan Zhu flashes!"

As soon as Zhuo Jin's solemn voice fell, Yan Kun aimed his hands and swung downward suddenly, a spinning column of flames roared out with murderous aura.

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