Master of Beasts

Chapter 1340 Kill Zhuo Jin

"Next, it's my turn to fight back."

Looking at Kong Lingluo, Henry Zhang's calm eyes became a little sharper: "Kong Lingluo, kill Yan Kun with two strikes!"

two hits?

The eyes of the crowd present were shocked.

Once such words are released, they must be done, otherwise, they will slap themselves in the face and make people laugh.

What a confidence!


Soaring to a height of thousands of feet, Kong Lingluo stood above the majestic building, clapped his palms, and countless inconspicuous seeds surrounded it, and immediately bloomed from the inside to the outside like ripples sweeping away, one after another. Blue flowers with a fragrant scent.

That scene was extremely beautiful.

"It's so beautiful." Looking up at the sky filled with the sea of ​​flowers, Jiang Sheng's beautiful eyes had little stars twinkling.

"A high-level throne-level spiritual skill, Jade Flower!"

Accompanied by Henry Zhang's indifferent shout, thousands of Biluo flowers around Konglingluo quickly moved towards the front of its raised right hand, gathering layer upon layer, and condensed into a gorgeous flower.

The crystal clear blue flowers rotate slowly, like transparent emeralds, exquisite and flawless.

Jade Flower.

Condensation of Biluohua!

"how come!"

Feeling the breath of the emerald flowers, Zhuo Jin's complexion changed wildly: "Yan Kun, Ice Edge, Ice Flame Charge!"


With a wave of Kong Lingluo, the emerald flowers roared down, and the crystal light spots lingered in the air, like a beautiful river of light.


The emerald flowers stormed towards them, Yan Kun and Bing Leng hurriedly mobilized their spiritual power, the fiery flames, and the piercing ice crystals lingered together in a spiral shape, welcoming them with astonishing momentum.

Spiritual skill, Ice Flame Rush!

"Is this the joint spiritual skill?" Henry Zhang's eyes flickered slightly.

It is somewhat similar to his Ice Flame Xuanlun.

However, it is only the appearance.

The agglomeration of the Bingyan Xuanlun is the fusion of the essence of spiritual power, and its lethality is astonishing, much more terrifying than Chiyan and Yubingdie self-exploding at the same time.

Ice Flame Charge is less than one-tenth of it.


The emerald flowers and the ice flames collided heavily, and the gorgeous ripples of spiritual power spread rapidly, causing the strong men in Jiujue City to retreat in a hurry.


Ripples of spiritual power swept across, and a towering building disappeared without even making a sound, and a spirit emperor who fled from it was frightened out of his wits.

Just a little bit, his little life is lost!

"This destructive power." Jiang Xu's mouth was dry.

Even he felt some threat!

"Yan Kun, kill!"

There was only a sound of murderous intent sounding, and the flame-burning Yan Kun pierced through the sky, and the flame-rising right fist ruthlessly smashed down on Kong Lingluo's head.


Stretching out her little hand, Kong Lingluo lightly grasped Yankun's right fist, the fiery flames crackled her little hand, and at the same time, a burst of vitality flowed from her body, healing its wounds palm.

Ye Zhihui.

Konglingluo's only healing skill!


Clenching Yan Kun's right fist, Ye Jian curled up between Kong Lingluo's two fingers, sweeping out flatly like clouds and flowing water, and Yan Kun, whose face was full of astonishment, tilted and broke in two.

This time, it didn't have enough spiritual power to reshape its body again.


After beheading Yan Kun, the Ye Jian between Kong Lingluo's two fingers burned and incinerated into nothingness. It slowly raised its left hand, and the burnt palm healed slowly.

Two strokes, kill!


Zhuo Jin spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath was mostly exhausted.

Yan Kun's death caused him a lot of trauma.

Without Yankun, not to mention the sixth-level spirit king, even the fifth-level spirit king, he has no strength to challenge.


Shouting at Bing Leng, Zhuo Jin turned around and fled towards the distance. Everyone present was dumbfounded. The palace master of Ziyan Mansion, the fourth-order dual-attribute spirit king, escaped?



The old woman of the Hehuan Sect shook her head secretly: "Zhuo Jin's aptitude is not bad. As the master of Yankun and Bingleng, he should have shined brilliantly, but the stable life in Jiujue City has worn away his aptitude. Vigorousness, even a young man who often walks on the edge of a knife does not have the courage to face it directly."

Compared with Zhuo Jin, Henry Zhang, a semi-casual cultivator, is indeed a practitioner who often walks on the edge of the sword, has rich combat experience, and is not unfamiliar.

But Fan Zhuojin was a little more familiar with the control of the battle situation, even if he could win, it would not be so easy.

But not so many ifs.

"Where to go."

The majestic six water wings quickly replaced the four fire wings, Henry Zhang flickered, blocking Zhuo Jin's retreat, his face was indifferent: "If life and death are not separated, the battle will not end."

Everyone's eyelids jumped suddenly.

This young man is so ruthless that he insists on dividing life and death.

"You killed my son Zhuo Yu, and beheaded my Yan Kun, that's enough." Zhuo Jin couldn't help but look a little ugly, he was begging a young man for mercy in order to survive.

This young man also killed his son and beheaded his Yankun.

"Not enough." Henry Zhang said coldly.

Life and death are not divided, how can we let go.

If he was the loser, Zhuo Jin would definitely not show mercy to him, so why should he be a good person and wait for Zhuo Jin to come to revenge in the future.

"This matter was caused by Jiang Yin, the second elder of the Jiang family, why don't we kill him first?" Zhuo Jin discussed, wanting to seize the last chance to save lives.

"I reject."


Suddenly rushing into the air, the aura of the rock horned dragon rose suddenly, rising from the first level to the second level. At the same time as the right fist blasted out, golden dragons took off one after another, crushing the ice edges.

"Breakthrough?" The old woman of the Hehuan Sect looked surprised.

This breakthrough is too unexpected.

She didn't know how frequent the battles of the Rockhorn Rhino were. Before coming to Jiujue City, it had already experienced several battles, and the breakthrough at this time was not sudden.


Looking at the slain Bing Leng, Zhuo Jin's face was pale, he turned around and was about to run away, but the right fist of the Rockhorn Rhinoceros was in his eyes and gradually enlarged.


Zhuo Jin roared in grief and indignation.

Jiang Yin hasn't killed him yet, so how can he die.

It is true that he hates Henry Zhang. After all, it was Henry Zhang who killed Zhuo Yu with his own hands, but what he wanted to kill more was Jiang Yin. Everything started because of Jiang Yin.

The reason why Henry Zhang was killed first was that he did not take Henry Zhang seriously and thought it could be easily resolved.

But in reality, he slapped him hard and made him die with unwillingness and remorse.


The blood mist exploded, and the fragments of Zhuo Jin's robe slowly fell down. The strong man in the alchemy hall in the distance squinted his eyes slightly, and had no intention of intervening.

As long as they don't kill innocent people indiscriminately and slaughter civilians, they won't care about it.

People like Zhuo Jin are dead when they die.

"Zhuo Jin, has he fallen?"

Jiang Sheng was stunned for a while.

The alchemy is superb and the strength is powerful.

The image of Henry Zhang, in her heart, gradually became mysterious.

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